[RP] The Other Side of the Screen [OPEN]

No, because the OP might be annoyed
Plus we haven't offically been accepted yet.
Yu sat down on a table after a hard day's work at the cafe, and leafed through some fliers a customer had left. "Become you favoritie character! Anime, Film, Games, anything!" This caught her eye. She had allways wanted to be someone else. She collected her pay for the day, and ran to the lab where it was held. She spotted a girl dressed in black clothes who seemed nice. She smoothed off her skirt, and walked up to her. Head facing the ground, she murmured "H-Hello I-I'm Yu....."
"Teela..." I replied, my brown gaze cold as I looked her up and down. "You do realize it is very rude to not look someone in the eye when speaking to them, girl. It's also very hard to understand your speech when you murmur." I sneered, tilting her head up as I placed my finger under her chin. "Manners, dear. Manners." I added, before spinning on my heel towards the direction of the circular rooms that led to the games. My black heels clicked sharply on the ground, my long, blonde hair flowing behind me as I made my way over towards the circles.
Yu was shocked at her rudeness, but she decidedto get on with it. A few beeps started up the initialisation and soon I was falling through the sky In a new world. I saw the others, but we were just wearing simple white robes.
I grinned as I felt the wind rush through my now white hair. As the ground neared below me, I opened up my "inventory", grinning even more as I saw the many explosives. Spawning a few, I threw them below me, and with each explosion, I launched back up into the air. I continued doing this until I landed softly on the ground.
Caesar looked at Venice. A different Venice. His Venice. He was delighted to find that he wore a military style red beret and a dictator uniform. He also saw that Venice had WW2 tech at the time, where allied with Russia, Poland, and Sweden, and were at war with Germany, China, and the USA. Berlin was about to fall to the Russians, and that would be the end for Germany.

"The world is my parchment, my soldiers, my pen, their blood, my ink," He mutters, laughing maliciously
My smile soon dissolved as I scanned through the inventory. Finding the uniform that I had the programers instal for me, I watched it spawn, replacing the white gown. "Should have asked them to make it mostly black... Oh well..." I muttered, adjusting the strap for my rifle. Glancing around, I stared up at the buildings surrounding the roof I stood atop. "Looks like Venice... Probably just a bug though..." I muttered under my breath before spotting a man in a red beret. "Ah! My first CPU! I'm going to kill it!" I giggled, not realising the man was another player as I aimed my rifle at him.
Caesar noticed the woman with the gun quickly, shouting " Un assassino! Guardie, catturano la sua! Alive!" (An assassin! Guards, capture her! Alive!)
He jumps into a canal and dives under, his beret floating above.
"Huh? Must be some crazy CPU... The stupid creators must be trying to mock me!" I growled to myself, pointing my gun at the water where he dived into. But just as I was about to shoot, I was stopped by some guards. Before they could grab my gun, it vanished, appearing back in my inventory. I struggled against the guards as they led me towards a large building, tossing me into a jail like cell.
Caesar looks down on her. He now wears no beret, and a dark blue version of his dictator uniform. His hair is still a bit wet. "Do you know who I am, what year it is, where you are, or even who you are?" Asked Caesar, his arms behind his back as he paced around the interrogation room
"You're a screwed up CPU, it's 2015, I'm guessing I spawned in Venice, which is quite odd since I never put that in the programming..." I trailed off as I stared at the handcuffs bounding my wrists to the table. "As for the last question, I am fully aware of who I am. I'm not an idiot!" I snapped as I watched him pace around the small room.
"Pretty close. 1940, in game, 2015 outside. My name is il Duce Caesar Abrami, in game. Call me Caesar" He said, using the latinized kaiser sounding pronunciation of Ceasar. "Like you, I am not a CPU. Obviously you aren't a CPU, even if you aren't the brightest." He laughs. "This is Venice, but a little different. Or did you not notice that We have built the Kremlin, Big Ben, and the Himeji Castle? What about the other wonders? The Terra Cotta army and the Great wall are here. Why did you recognize Venice? We aren't the only ones in the world with canals."
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