[RP] The Other Side of the Screen [OPEN]

A scowl appeared on my face as I stood up, nearly knocking my chair over. "At least I'm not a history nerd like you are! I bet that I'm smarter than you in any other subject!" I snapped as I glared daggers at him. "I even learned how to hack in my very own shortcut!" I laughed, a smirk appearing on my face. "Error code 2351: Sniper version 5.1839 spawn!" I stated, my voice smooth ad calm as my rifle more or less spawned in my hands. I cursed as it only got caught in the chains as it spawned, the handcuff's chain going straight through it, making it useless.
"Correct. I am a huge history nerd. Also Correct. You seem quite smart. Had it not been for those hand cuffs, I'd be dead, and my guards would be powerless against modern technology." He stretches his arms, yawning. "But I'm smart in other ways too. In exactly 3 turns, Berlin will fall under Russian rule. In 2 more, The USA will withdrawal from the war. After 10 turns, feuding amongst China and the USA will result in China trying to end the war with me and my allies, in order to gain us as allies." He adjusts his tie, "In only 10 turns, Sweden, China, and the USA will all be completely annexed by Russia. At the same time, trade embargoes by Russia, who now controls all the resources Poland was existing off of will start to die, eventually becoming my vassal. In 15 turns, Russia will become communist. 5 turns later, their economy will fail, and their soldiers will abandon them. In 20 turns, Poland will annex all of Russia. This will count as a victory for Venice, as Poland will be a Venetian vassal."
"You aren't just a history nerd. You're also a war nerd. Geography nerd." I muttered, failing to dismiss the sniper. "Can you take off these cuffs? They're starting to annoy me the same way you are: keeping me here. I need to kill something. Like right now." I growled as the cuffs started to cut my skin. But instead of my cut flesh appearing as tons of tiny, blue slates, it dripped out as blood, but I took no notice of it.
Caesar rolled his eyes, "Well obviously you're not some mindless NPC. I'll let you go under one condition."
Caesar seems to have changed his approach dramatically, "On second thought, that plan's ****." He gets out keys and unlocks the cuffs, "I'll have a doctor see to your wrists, if you would like."
I stare down at my bloodied wrists. "Hmm... I shouldn't be able to bleed like this... Perhaps it's just in this realm..." I murmured to myself before staring up at him. "Tell me this plan of yours? Were you planning on making me one of your soldiers or something?"
"More or less. I thought that Hitler could use an early ousting from power, but realized A) I have no one I really trust not to get in the way of someone like you to ensure you got the job done, and B) Why would you help me when you could just run off?"
"I don't run off when I have a deal to settle. It's inhumane. Besides, you're the first player I've met so far. You could be useful to me in the long-run." I Grinned as I rubbed my wrists.
"Meh. It took me a few minutes to come up with my predictions. Why risk changing them?" He adjusts his tie again, "Do you want the doctor?"
"Yes I would. Thank you. My name is Teela D'Aeth, by the way." I smile as I watch him adjust his tie, before brushing his fingers away from it to straighten it.
"For obvious reasons, not very many girls talk to me. Why do the ones that do always have to adjust my collar and tie?" He asks, allowing her to do so
As he pointed this out, I quickly stepped back, a faint blush appearing on my cheeks. "Ah... I-I don't know..." I murmured, turning away from him.
"Um... C-could you bring me to the doctor you mentioned...?" I questioned, the redness from my cheeks fading as I glance over my shoulder at him.
(You just kinda write in third person about what you want
To happen. So instead of "I save Zelda, it would be Link saved Zelda)
A small, red, nine tailed fox strutted up to the group. "Mao!" Upon her arrival, everything got warmer.
Sinon formed into the world, carefully checking her stats hadn't been reset on her arrival to ALO. Two cat ears popped up on her silvery-blue hair, and she was wearing a green coat. A large bow rested on her back, and a quiver of arrows were placed on her belt. As she looked around, she realised that this was most certainly not ALO. She saw canals of Venice, Himeji Castle and Big Ben? She saw two people in conversation, joined by a small fox, and decided to talk to them. ''Hey! Do you know where the GMs are? I think there has been a spawn issue.''
"No I don't. But there seems to be more than one blasted error." I muttered, staring at the two new arrivals with cold, blue eyes. "It's possible to bleed. They also never told us how to get out of this world, or if it's even possible." I muttered, sitting on the table. "Now, don't you know it is very rude to just walk up to someone and blurt out a question at them without first properly introducing yourself, dears?"
Sinon pointed above her head, where her username should be. But it wasn't there. Puzzled, she checked her settings, which now had no logout button, nor an option about username. ''Huh....I'm Sinon.''

The small fox kept prowling a while, pondering if Teela would recognize her. ''Myan! I am just a...passing spirit! And oh, you look so cold! Let me warm things up for you!'' Yu tapped the glowing gem on her necklace with her front paw, and 'flames' enveloped Teela. The fires disappeared, but the heat was high. ''Oh no, you must be so hot! Let me fix that!'' and with another tap of her amulet, Teela's clothes were replaced with a crop top and miniskirt. ''Oh my, I forgot to give you a weapon holder! My, what a mistake!'' She tapped her amulet, and a cute pink bear in the shape of a backpack appeared on her back and her rifles were shoved in it. ''Tee hee!!''