Sad, Sad, Terrible Gruesome News (More so for NA)

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I don't think its about them being pessimistic. I just think they're actually thinking about the reality of the situation and they've taken into account everything we've seen and heard. I agree with Envy, the fact that they didn't even mention it once during E3 2012 and its not on the list pretty much solidifies that we won't be seeing the game this year in North America. We can still be optimistic, but don't tell people they're being pessimistic because they are thinking more about the reality of the game coming out in 2013.
I don't think its about them being pessimistic. I just think they're actually thinking about the reality of the situation and they've taken into account everything we've seen and heard. I agree with Envy, the fact that they didn't even mention it once during E3 2012 and its not on the list pretty much solidifies that we won't be seeing the game this year in North America. We can still be optimistic, but don't tell people they're being pessimistic because they are thinking more about the reality of the game coming out in 2013.

This. I agree so much; I was so disappointed about it not appearing in E3 2012. I even emailed NOA and even THEY were disappointed themselves.
I am trying to be very optomistic. I don't like people saying that I'm being pessimistic; it's just how 2/4 of the world acts like.
I'll gladly be 'optimistic' for matters that are under my control, even when they seem impossible, I'll still be optimistic. However, when it comes to the release of a video game, being optimistic when everything points towards that optimism being false hope is only asking to be burned. There is no value in being optimistic in this situation. The best thing is to stop worrying about the game. Find something else to look forward to, or preoccupy yourself with something else because this game IS NOT coming out in 2012 for us.
Well, honestly I wil lcontinue to not believe it until announced by Nintendo, but since this is just another debate, let's change the topic over.
I know rugs were previous discussed here wanting to be added to the game, there were grass models and such in ACGC that you could walk on(not place stuff on though) and you couldn't move it, so you had to place it exactly where you wanted, so they could easily upgrade off this for rugs.
I'll gladly be 'optimistic' for matters that are under my control, even when they seem impossible, I'll still be optimistic. However, when it comes to the release of a video game, being optimistic when everything points towards that optimism being false hope is only asking to be burned. There is no value in being optimistic in this situation. The best thing is to stop worrying about the game. Find something else to look forward to, or preoccupy yourself with something else because this game IS NOT coming out in 2012 for us.

Which is why I'm buying Pushmo tomorrow xD
Well, honestly I wil lcontinue to not believe it until announced by Nintendo, but since this is just another debate, let's change the topic over.

This topic is solely about Animal Crossing 3DS potentially having gotten delayed, so changing the topic is taking it off-topic.
Fine. I still believe it will come out in 2012 whether you do or not just evade logic from non Nintendo sources point to 2013 doesn't mean anything
If you still believe its coming out in 2012 then your going to be really disappointed when you actually realize that it isn't.
If you still believe its coming out in 2012 then your going to be really disappointed when you actually realize that it isn't.

Why would I? When 2012 is over it will be 2013 anyways. But I have hope it will be 2012 anyways.
Hoping has let everyone down for the past couple of years. If anyone really does believe it's going to come out this year, you're being stubborn and stupid. It's already almost the end of August and nothing has been announced, not even a for sure release date in Japan.
I thought I saw something recently...though not totally sure about it since I was on vacation...that Japan has a release date of November this year. Again, I might be wrong, and I cannot find the site that I would have seen it on, but I am just saying.
Hoping has let everyone down for the past couple of years. If anyone really does believe it's going to come out this year, you're being stubborn and stupid. It's already almost the end of August and nothing has been announced, not even a for sure release date in Japan.

I thought I saw something recently...though not totally sure about it since I was on vacation...that Japan has a release date of November this year. Again, I might be wrong, and I cannot find the site that I would have seen it on, but I am just saying.

Most of the JP message boards I've been going to are pretty positive on a middle-late November release.

For Japan. Nobody else will be getting it this year, it's past the point of hoping.
If it's not confirmed by Nintendo it is not certain.

It's pretty certain, it's common sense.

With the Wii U coming out in October, no other games are going to be released that month that they would want high sales on. If they release it in late November, that would make sense for Japan because the majority of people over there play handheld games more than they do console games, so obviously they're going to want to release it there first off. The Wii U will get the most sales in the US, where the home consoles are the most popular form of gaming, they aren't going to want to release AC3DS in the US right after the Wii U because nobody will be paying attention to the 3DS at that point.

They're going to wait until the EU version is done, so the game can be released everywhere at the same time, and by the time they release it, the Wii U will have lost most of the "new console" hype.
I thought I saw something recently...though not totally sure about it since I was on vacation...that Japan has a release date of November this year. Again, I might be wrong, and I cannot find the site that I would have seen it on, but I am just saying.

I think I know which website you are talking about. Is it perhaps this one?
As I have said before, I can wait patiently as I feel that if I have to wait longer for something, I can save more towards purchasing the product, I can say that this method works extremely well when it comes to buying a new console.
The issue with this is, at this point Nintendo would need to tell NA the release date right now. They're been announcing 3DS release dates about 3 months in advance, as they just did for Paper Mario. So you can consider, for every day that we do not get a release date, you will not have the game for another three months.

If we assume we'd get the announcement tomorrow, it would be in November, too close to Paper Mario. Even if we assume they'd release it in December, it has to be around the first half (people won't have time to buy the game as Christmas presents otherwise).

Nevermind the fact that this would put it too close to within a month of Paper Mario's release date (which is wayyy too close for big retail titles), we'll know that it's not coming this year in mid-October. If they don't announce it by then, the announcement window drops into 2013... Same time as Europe.

And for those that argue we'll get it at the same time as Japan, let's consider a few things. Those things will not be translation times, or anything of that nature. First off, they're probably getting it in November, when we get Paper Mario. So that chance is slim to none. Second off, they're on a different release schedule then us altogether right now. We have Pokemon and Paper Mario as Fall and Winter releases. They already got Pokemon, and there's no news on Paper Mario. So while they have room to add Animal Crossing in for this winter, we don't. Forget when they're done with the game, that doesn't matter much right now. Business-wise, it doesn't make sense for them to release it this year.

Really, overall, the evidence points to 2013 for NA. Yes you can hope, you can be optimistic, but in the end if you let yourself you'll be disappointed. (Believe me, I've been disappointed many times by possible release windows for this game. Sort of a 'There's nothing huge after -blank- titles is released, maybe they'll announce AC's release date' logic. [And every time they announce a Mario game instead... Well, almost every time.])
Couldn't have said it better, Flygon.
It's at the point where we know for a fact the game won't be released in the western countries until next year.
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