Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

Remind me when Zucker is moving out, ok?

You should watch the thread; that's the best way to know. This is conglomerate of 5 cyclers with independent schedules and rules. As far as I know, Twi doesn't do reservations or PMs, so you'll need to watch like everybody else. ^_^
Dodooddooo~ Also, its not that I want to suck all remains of money out of newbs, its just I have hard times earning money
if twilight is online, does it mean that she is cycling?
if twilight is online, does it mean that she is cycling?
Not necessarily. You should PM her; she can answer whatever questions you have about her particular schedule rules faster that way, I think. We're going to start a new thread in the next few days with more information in the first few posts to explain what our personal rules are, but each cycler is responsible for her own cycling. ^_^
No... When she says she's cycling, she's cycling.

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Twi has stuff to do too :3
I'm gonna be offline indefinitely today. I hope to cycle more this evening. You guys be nice and take care of each other, okay? <3
I was considering it, and I decided to reset because it was the worst spot in town.
I just started up the game and won't check whatever plot is down, I'll check the house tomorrow~
Good morning, everyone. :)

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Just noticed the conversation about buying and selling villagers a couple of pages back. I only buy villagers if I'm really desperate. Like, someone offered me Cherry recently, and I'm debating whether I should buy her or not because I'm really impatient. >.<
Good morning ladies!!! I'm headed back home so I should be back around 3. Pengu I luv the suggestions. I would like my header to be turquoise : ) btw, I am now holding 3 villagers that I picked up for other people now so all of our towns are now full. If anyone gets agent s or roald please let me know so I can work on kicking people out.
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Whoo! Awesome!! :) Sounds good with me! Add that note to the doc, Daco. Also, please clarify the extra columns on the spreadsheet when ya get a chance. Thanks. <3

On a miscelleous note: OMG! I'm picking up Marina right now!! :D
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