Twilight Sparkle
carboard box????
Whee! <3
Someone link me to the chat room again, please? I have the password. I just forgot to bookmark the room. *headdesk*
Hi, people. ^_^ I'm doing okay. I took today off from working, despite deadlines, and just focused on self care.
(Also, when I'm not sleeping, it's not ACNL keeping me up. It's usually my weird sleep schedule, anxiety or just plain insomnia. ^_~ Putting this here for DaCoSim. ^_~)
We're not selling villagers here, just giving them away.How much for ankha one of my dreams I can start an offer at 10 million bells
How much for ankha one of my dreams I can start an offer at 10 million bells
Will buy ankha looking to finish my dream town