Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

ive been waiting to use that one all day...
now only to find uses for more
I'm going to cycle a bit longer. Had to take a quick break to help godson with homework. (He's 7 and I'm 34; I can rock the SOCKS off 7 year old homework. ^_^)

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PECK is in the campground. 5 minutes to vote yes or no.
Those birds just aren't popular. I dunno. My godson loves them but his town is full. (His town, by the way? Birdvale. Guess what he loves?)

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That's enough nopes to move on before time's up.

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Which of you is from Rosewood? You're the reason I inherited Tank, apparently. ^_~

Man, the bullhorn is useful -- unless you're looking for the character with a french name and you can't pronounce it because it's a language you only read. :/
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WAIT; I just saw something in my previous post.
I'm Jay from Nimbasa.
One of my favorite birds is named Jay.
Okay, guys: whos' my Flurry stalker? I'm deciding whether to let her go, but I have to know she's got a home before I say okay. She can't go to the void.

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(If her only option is the void, I'll keep her.)
I try not to use the bullhorn as much as i can simply because my mom came into my room once asking if I could stop saying these "stupid names". I don't know, I find it a bit embarrassing to be saying "ROSIE! ROSIE! ROSIE!" all the time.
I usually only call a name once. And only if a circuit of the town didn't locate them. Or if I have a deadline. ^_~

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Looks like I'll be keeping flurry. I'll give 5 more minutes for someone to appear 'cause I still feel bad over Aurora falling into the void seconds before she was claimed.
I really think that Flurry is adorable, but I don't think I like her enough to keep her. :(
I did TT.. However, Eugene was the only one I got without adoption, and I wasn't TT'ing with him at the time.. The rest I got through adoption though, so TT'ing didn't really matter
However on my main copy I no longer do TT'ing :)

And thanks for the admiration! :D

Oh okay! Well it makes me not feel as bad to TT to get who I would like in town haha. I only TT to get villagers who I like anyway, not for any other reason as well!

And no problem! I like a lot of the "popular" villagers, but there are a ton of villagers I love who aren't as popular which makes them easier to get ;)
I'll keep her for now. If she pings me again, I'll ask again.

And which that, I think I'm done for the night -- at least as of this moment -- because my head is starting to kill me again. I should be able to cycle tomorrow more around 2p Central, so keep an eye out. If you need help figuring out what time that is where you live, this is a handy tool.

Thanks guys. Twi doesn't appear to be online, so I'm going to change the thread to offline. She can change the title when she gets back; we worked out a system. <3

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SERIOUS QUESTION: Why do you guys like Pietro? He's the creepy clown demon of nightmare sheep!
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SERIOUS QUESTION: Why do you guys like Pietro? He's the creepy clown demon of nightmare sheep!

He's just a lil rainbow sheep with some unfortunate make up :c I originally didn't like him but the smug personality makes me feel bad that so many people dislike him. I'm borderline protective of him ;~;