Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

Danke! I'll look for that! :)

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Turns out Mira was actually planning on leaving without telling me. THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME KNOW, MIRA. But I guess that's good, so if Cherry decides to move I'll be ready.
I couldnt take a nap , DARN YOU GOD DAM DISHWASHER!.

Felicity moved out of my MAIN town a few hours ago if anyone would like to visit and try an get her from voiding!
TANK just moved in randomly. here's hoping Drago leaves soon.
I really dislike the alligator villagers... Actually, just "big" villagers overall. Like rhinos and elephants.
I really dislike the alligator villagers... Actually, just "big" villagers overall. Like rhinos and elephants.

I only took Drago in under duress. I've had him in my other village and I don't like him -- which is why he's drago the jerk in my sig ^_~
I really dislike the alligator villagers... Actually, just "big" villagers overall. Like rhinos and elephants.

I only took Drago in under duress. I've had him in my other village and I don't like him -- which is why he's drago the jerk in my sig ^_~
Big animals are cool <3 .. I love Tucker, Tia and Big Top for elephants

Hornsby & Spike (come back in the next game!) and Ren?e for Rhinos

And practically all the eagles :D
Lord, where were you lot when I voided Avery and had to turn down Pierce in the campground? THIS IS WHY I ENCOURAGE CHATTER ABOUT WHO YOU LIKE! If I don't know, I can't look out for them. ^_^
I was just admiring your signature ( I like how you like a lot of villagers who aren't "popular"! )

I was wondering, do you time travel to get your dream villagers?

I did TT.. However, Eugene was the only one I got without adoption, and I wasn't TT'ing with him at the time.. The rest I got through adoption though, so TT'ing didn't really matter
However on my main copy I no longer do TT'ing :)

And thanks for the admiration! :D
Waiting for Cherry to move is so much easier when you've got Halloween candy, passion fruit juice, and a full LP series of GTA 5.