Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

He's just a lil rainbow sheep with some unfortunate make up :c I originally didn't like him but the smug personality makes me feel bad that so many people dislike him. I'm borderline protective of him ;~;

I think I might've liked him if he didn't have the makeup... I don't really like clowns either, so that doesn't help. Not scared of them, but I just don't like them.

I'll admit I've seen some cute fanart of him though. :)
I'll keep her for now. If she pings me again, I'll ask again.

And which that, I think I'm done for the night -- at least as of this moment -- because my head is starting to kill me again. I should be able to cycle tomorrow more around 2p Central, so keep an eye out. If you need help figuring out what time that is where you live, this is a handy tool.

Thanks guys. Twi doesn't appear to be online, so I'm going to change the thread to offline. She can change the title when she gets back; we worked out a system. <3

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SERIOUS QUESTION: Why do you guys like Pietro? He's the creepy clown demon of nightmare sheep!
I don't have an issue with clowns personally, but my best friend is a true coulrophobe. So if I invited him in, I'd have to warn her and she's avoid visiting the cycling town till he left. But I grok that the smug personality does that. Henry wouldn't be nearly as adorable to me without it, but with it? Yeah. I like him rather a lot.

Then again, I'm also a fan of cranky and snooty characters and lots of people don't seem to like either and even fewer like the snoots at all. I even have several favourite Ucchi characters. Cherry is really growing on me, though, so she'll either have to move soon or else she might get absorbed into New Serenity when I finish cycling.... >.>
Also: if I've added you to pick up a villager, send me a PM if you'd like to remain on my 3DS friends list. I'll have to clear it out at some point if I keep cycling and I don't want to lose contact with anyone who's interested in remaining connected to Serenity or TARDIS, 'cause I <3 visiting and visitors. And thanks for the positive Wi-fi ratings as well; it helps build confidence for people who are looking for a dream villager to know that I'm not gonna scam them or something. (Especially since they're free to good homes, the only thing I want to get out of it period of the happy grin when people connect with That One Villager they've been looking for for ages. <3)

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I reckon Henry would suit Lazy :) .. As well as Smug

Blasphemy! I'm not a fan of the lazy type, so Henry wouldn't appeal to me if he were a lazy. :p

(I have zero lazies in my primary village for a reason. Once Biskit requested the hammock, I built it and he was outta there. ^_~)
How can you hate lazies? There are so many epic ones.. Erik, Joey, Simon, Filbert, Stitches, Boomer D:
Huh. My town demographics break down into 2 Ucchi, 1 normal, 1 jock, 1 cranky, 2 snooty, 1 peppy, and 2 smugs. It's 60% female and 80% mammalian.

(I can math when on pain killers, I just also find weird things to math about. ... This is why I'm not cycling right now. I would do something stupid.)
Stitches and Zucker are the only ones I think I'd tolerate and that's mostly because stitches looks like a teddy bear I had growing up and Zucker is a morbid joke about a Japanese snack. ^_^ (Takayaki? That walks around? REVENGE OF THE SEAFOODZ!) But Zucker gets an additional point because, I don't remember if I mentioned it, but I'm a total fan of octopodes in general -- all of them. I even dive for them in game to keep as "pets" in the houses. ^_^
Stitches and Zucker are the only ones I think I'd tolerate and that's mostly because stitches looks like a teddy bear I had growing up and Zucker is a morbid joke about a Japanese snack. ^_^ (Takayaki? That walks around? REVENGE OF THE SEAFOODZ!) But Zucker gets an additional point because, I don't remember if I mentioned it, but I'm a total fan of octopodes in general -- all of them. I even dive for them in game to keep as "pets" in the houses. ^_^

I despise Zucker personally, but I adore Marina and Octavian :)
Octavian is NEVER LEAVING my primary town. He's adorable, head wound and all. He was a forum giveaway. I <3 him like crazy.

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I UPDATED THE FIRST POST: It says basically that actual cycling will resume (for me, at least) at 2p central US time tomorrow because if I tried to cycle while taking hydrocodone, I would probably accidentally reset the town. That's not a chance I feel like tempting tonight. I hope you'll understand. <3 It also says to chatter incessantly about the ones you're looking for so I can build a list. I'm thinking of doing a google doc of them so it can be viewable, though only Twi and I (and a another cycler, theoretically) will be able to edit.

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Hey Twilight! <3 :D Dunno if anyone else is around to chat for even a lil while since I was gonna go to bed soon.
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Hold onto Agent S for me. :O
Don't worry, Papa will get you. Lol

I don't do reservations except in certain exceptional circumstances. But you're welcome to try when she cycles through!
Can you keep an eye out for Marcel for me? I can't believe I TT him out of my cycling town and I just got him yesterday :(
Guess no one wants to chat now, so I'm gonna go to bed. :/ Would have stayed up a lil longer if anyone wanted to chat... *shrugs*
I was gathering bells for a covert drop. ^_^ I'm chattable if anybody's about.