Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

Sniffle... still teary eyed. So I got a pm and 2 wall notifications. PM for Aurora from Gunsoverbeauty and 2 notifications from Hazumi also with Aurora. So guns posted first for Aurora, then pm'ed me. Go see to Hazumi's thread from like post 230. I'm seriously choked up right now.
Sniffle... still teary eyed. So I got a pm and 2 wall notifications. PM for Aurora from Gunsoverbeauty and 2 notifications from Hazumi also with Aurora. So guns posted first for Aurora, then pm'ed me. Go see to Hazumi's thread from like post 230. I'm seriously choked up right now.

Awww! <3<3<3 I love when this forum does that.
No one here wants Limberg right I'm about to void the creepy little dude

Aww. Poor Limburg. He was my first ACNL cranky. I was actually kind of sad when he left. Despite the 5 o'clock shadow and air of alcoholism, he's actually pretty spiffy! <3
Sniffle... still teary eyed. So I got a pm and 2 wall notifications. PM for Aurora from Gunsoverbeauty and 2 notifications from Hazumi also with Aurora. So guns posted first for Aurora, then pm'ed me. Go see to Hazumi's thread from like post 230. I'm seriously choked up right now.

Awww!!! <33 People are SOOO SWEET!!!! I love it!!
Aww. Poor Limburg. He was my first ACNL cranky. I was actually kind of sad when he left. Despite the 5 o'clock shadow and air of alcoholism, he's actually pretty spiffy! <3

I don't like him at all but I figured I'd give him a chance on here since people seem to have all kinds of different villagers they're looking for, but no one replied to the post I put up and I don't want to keep him around much longer for nothing. I figured I'd check in here and stuff though just to make sure.

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TARDIS I love your cycling but jw is Twilight Sparkle going to be cycling at all tonight too do you know only because I'm creeping some of her villagers lol
I have no idea. All the cyclers are independently responsible for announcing their times/days/villagers. <3
I have no idea. All the cyclers are independently responsible for announcing their times/days/villagers. <3

Ok thanks :) I just have no clue what timezone most people are even on and lose complete track of stuff I think I literally have like 50+ tabs open on my computer between this and other stuff
Ok thanks :) I just have no clue what timezone most people are even on and lose complete track of stuff I think I literally have like 50+ tabs open on my computer between this and other stuff

I understand. But if in addition to cycling, I tried to keep up with the other cyclers' information on top of my own 50 tabs open, cycling would become work and cease being fun and I'm not ready to give it up, so everybody hasta do their own stuff. ^_~

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BONES is moving in.
Sniffle... still teary eyed. So I got a pm and 2 wall notifications. PM for Aurora from Gunsoverbeauty and 2 notifications from Hazumi also with Aurora. So guns posted first for Aurora, then pm'ed me. Go see to Hazumi's thread from like post 230. I'm seriously choked up right now.
Hehe really I try to help out ppl :) its what I do :3
You're so awesome!!! Ha. My husband just told me I had an addiction. I told him I wasn't in denial about it either. Ha! Oh well acnl keeps me happy and the kids happy. Helps keep their grades up too as I won't let them play if grades are below a certain point.
You're so awesome!!! Ha. My husband just told me I had an addiction. I told him I wasn't in denial about it either. Ha! Oh well acnl keeps me happy and the kids happy. Helps keep their grades up too as I won't let them play if grades are below a certain point.

Definitely a great motivator. :D
Just re-homed RHONDA.

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Also, Bones might make an acceptable lazy villager. (Can't help it; I'm a dog person and he's cute.)
Awe gawsh. The neverending story is on. Gotta go. It's calling me. G'night ladies!

Sorry. Childhood flashback. >.> *proud child of the 80s/90s*

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OLIVIA has moved in.
Anybody want Bones? He pinged me to say he wants to move. Then said he didn't. But I'm on the same day and haven't exited the game yet, so I can give him the boot if he's somebody's dream dog. ^_^

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I don't think I've seen much hubbub over bones, so unless there are any quickly stated objects, he's going to the oblivion that awaits all unloved pixel persons.

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Counting down. 3....

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AAAAAND you guys just sent a lazy puppy to a pixelated graveyard. Hope you're happy.... >.>

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UNRELATED: am I the only one who wonders why Isabelle seems only to have one big tooth? Just me? ...Okay then.

Say it isn't so ;_; -dramatic moment-
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