Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

I'm actually so tempted to get Shep...I have an open slot too :s Ahhhh what to do! He's so fuzzy!
FLURRY is moving.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Several people have requested I give FLURRY 30 minutes instead of 15. So there ya go. First come, first served.
Gates open now!!!!

Thank you! <3 I've always been tossing up between like Shep and O'Hare in terms of smug villagers (imo they are the cutest ones), so now maybe I don't need O'Hare anymore xD Shep is so fluffy though, I just couldn't help it.
You guys are seriously gonna make me fling a tiny naive hamster into the pit of the unadored??