Twilight Sparkle
carboard box????
How much is it for an upgrade? , I need one 
I'm actually so tempted to get Shep...I have an open slot too :s Ahhhh what to do! He's so fuzzy!
How much is it for an upgrade? , I need one![]()
Take Shep
- - - Post Merge - - -
And yes , Fourm is very glicthy
I have super mailbox I thinkn (150 messages). Think i'll just stick to clearing
Yay Shep's getting a home! , Add my FC and I'll go open gates!
Tardis: Least ya got more space then me
Gates open now!!!!
You guys are seriously gonna make me fling a tiny naive hamster into the pit of the unadored??
thats sounds horrible AHAHAHHA
I can pick her up with my cycling town if nobody wants her.You guys are seriously gonna make me fling a tiny naive hamster into the pit of the unadored??