The black-nosed Reindeer
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Thought I'd update my map post. Mostly only smaller changes ane re-routing through town. (Quote jumps to last update.)
Pretty much just waiting on new buildings being added now. (Or what I really want is more villager plots!) Intend on having the cafe in the large-ish grass square in front of my house (3C), and gardening shop in the circle between Judy's rectangle and the skull lake (5E). Also have a bit of space at bottom of 4B which I hope can get a building too. - probably having to carve out some of the river.
And some pics of some of the changes. DA is on the map pic, which I am updating soon with a fresh coat of snow. (Warning: Some adult humour)
Top of the farm, and Spike's spike pit.
Overgrown beach, where the turtles gather.
My front garden and what's left of "The Heights", where all my purple villagers were at one point. Now it's just Kidd, though could do with sorting the furniture out a bit.
The lakes by the town hall, which gets very popular in the tourneys! And the Skull lake, which greets my visitors.
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