🎃 Share your pumpkin patch photos 🎃


Here's my pumpkin patch! Originally I had the pumpkin hat designs in it -- it's going to be so nice to have actual pumpkins growing soon!
I knew everyone was creative but I still am amazed every time I see everyone’s screenshots o_O. I’d post mine but it’s kinda embarrassing with all the flowers that I moved from where my posters are (would’ve not know where to put them anyways ><). Maybe once the update is out and i move the flowers out of the fence.

I need to figure out how to make the area look better since it is kinda boring. Waiting to get Ankha before I make serious adjustments though.
I need to build mine 😩
I’ve been waiting for pumpkins for so long and now that they are here, I don’t know where to place them.
My island is very urban right now. Farming just quite doesn’t match. Gotta see where I can throw in some pumpkin patches without making it all look weird.
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Despite knowing that there were data mines about farming; I still never incorporated where I wanted it early on. So, this what I got:

I just wanted all my paths to flow smoothly and it works.
That skull bag, where did you get it? I need it! 🖤
Just a humble little space close to the museum. I originally planned to put Brewster's shop here but I'm happy with this too. Probably will replace the Jack O Lantern light with real pumpkins once I get them!

My island is very minimally terraformed (except paths), hence the natural cliffs in the background.

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I love that you customized your light to have a jack o' lantern on it! That's a nice touch.
Woah, everyone is already having so much work done! I'm not really planning on making a very fancy pumpkin patch, but here's my plan: I have a spot where I'm planning to grow pumpkins, which is basically the same spot I grew my hybrid flowers. It's a big empty piece of land right now, though it's sometimes used as an item dump:


I will probably end up digging up the flowers you can see behind me, and then I have space all up to the trees you can see looming in the background on the first picture. Those flowers/trees are only there to farm nook miles goals, and can be chopped down to make place for an awful lot of pumpkins. I'm holding off on putting down dirt, I want to see if I can just plant them on the grass first.

I'm hoping to grow lots and lots of pumpkins and farm a lot of materials that way, so that I can help out others with it if needed.
You just need the cushion and then suddenly you have:
Dangit. I love the idea of sacks of flour, fertilizer, etc, but I have no more QR room. I’mma need Nintendo to do a separate refresher update for the changes we want. 😭

Added a lil patch to Katt's home last night after seeing the update trailer.

Edit: Added a plot for second town next to the orchard (quite bigger) so I think I'll be good on garden space for pumpkins and whatever comes this November! :3 😍



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i decided to make my pumpkin patch in boomer's area. i already gave him a farm plot type decoration, considering he loves food so much, so i thought it was fitting there. i'm going to be sad that we can't plant on the custom paths, but that's fine - they're just placeholders right now so i don't have random rocks spawning in there anyways.

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I'll be converting this hyacinth garden into a pumpkin (& other future vegetables?) farm!
Ooh, I'm definitely adding some yellow hyacinth to mine to look like corn :love: Love it!
...Also, HOW did I forget about the straw fence 😅 It looks perfect! I've just been using hay beds and throwing them all around my festival area, lol
I haven't made one yet as I think I'm just going to do a big, boring dirt patch for the time being until I figure out where I want to put it and what I want to do with it! But I wanted to comment anyway to let everyone know your pumpkin patches look great, I would love to see this thread revived when pumpkins are released so I can admire all these patches when they have pumpkins in them!
I've had mine ready for months. I finally get to do some real farming instead of turnips.

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I never thought of using wind turbines. Wow! That placement looks great - i mean of everything.

I really would love some windmills so I can make a Don Quixote reference in my countryside area. Oh man; these screenshots are making me feel a bit more inspired to do something more than removing flowers in my area.