I love shiny Pokemon! The first one I ever found was a shiny Budew randomly encountered in Pearl. I've been hunting shinies ever since. I caught tons of Poke Radar shinies in Pearl. But my most memorable Poke Radar story has to be when I was chaining... something (I want to say it was Krabby, but I don't remember 100%). I saw the shiny sparkle in the grass, but I foolishly walked backwards into a regular patch of grass, encountered a regular Pokemon, and broke my chain. The devastation never ended.
The first shiny that I deliberately hatched for was a Charmander in HeartGold. It took me about a month of hatching, but I was so happy to see it when I finally got it.
I happen to have shiny luck specifically for Gen 2 games. My first playthrough of HeartGold, I happened to find a shiny Stantler in the wild. Then, several years later when I decided to restart my game, I found a shiny Rattata near the start of the game. I just recently started playing Crystal on the virtual console, and just as I was joking to my boyfriend about finding a wild shiny Hoothoot... it happened. And I only had three Pokeballs

. Thankfully I managed to catch it, but I've made sure to carry lots of Pokeballs with me ever since.
In Ultra Sun, I was running from place to place with the game muted, not really paying attention, and just running from wild encounters. On one such encounter, I glanced down at the game to see myself successfully run away from a shiny Exeggcute. Once again, the devastation never ended.
Also in Ultra Sun, I really wanted a shiny Salazzle. I managed to SOS chain a female after encountering several males... but then I decided that I wanted it to have a specific egg move. This resulted in about six more shiny males before I finally found another female. Phew!
My most painful shiny hunting experience was grinding Dynamax Adventures in the Crown Tundra for a shiny Pheromosa and Buzzwole. I HATE the Dynamax Adventures, but I absolutely had to have those shinies in sport balls for my shiny bug team. I definitely would not relish doing those again... but it was absolutely worth it!