Pokémon Share Your Shiny Pokémon Stories and Screenshots

So I was doing the massive mass outbreak quest chain, and went to one which was Zubat, and this guy randomly spawned - was NOT expecting that, he's my first Pokémon Legends: Arceus shiny! I plan on evolving him into Crobat. Now I just need a name...
Long-ish post!

After downloading Pokemon Home, I got back into shiny hunting on Pokemon Legends Arceus for Pokemon I wanted to use in BDSP. My main goal is a shiny Togepi and shiny Eevee, but I got a ton of catches the past day!

Yesterday was my lucky day, I managed to catch four shinies in one sitting! Vulpix and Pachirisu from the same massive mass outbreak, Piplup from a mass outbreak, and Wurmple as a random encounter. :] I'm transferring shiny Pachirisu, Piplup, and an old Happiny to my BDSP to use in my team.





I'm also very thrilled that my Wurmple evolved into a Beautifly; I really wanted it to be a shiny Beautifly as opposed to Dustox. I'm in love with its pale pastel color!

Today, I caught my first Shiny Alpha: a Chansey! I couldn't be happier, I really love shiny Blissey (yes I know it's barely distinguishable but idc, it's a shiny pink angel). I'm definitely keeping this baby in my Arceus team, so I can transfer my shiny Happiny to my BDSP team and I can have a shiny Blissey in both games.



Undocumented other shinies the past week (because I got too lazy to picture): Ponyta, Spheal, and Raichu! All from massive mass outbreaks. I plan on evolving Ponyta to Rapidash, but I'm not sure whether I want to do that in Arceus or BDSP.

Still waiting on a shiny togepi and eevee, fingers crossed 🤞
I was just going to play some casual Legends: Arceus for a little bit to retrieve player satchels, and uh... well, say hello to my new shiny green girls, Suika and Wish. 😭💚



I found my Tangrowth during a mass outbreak, but Wish the Teddiursa was random at research level 10! I love them. 🥺
I got 10 shiny Roggenrola and evolved one to last form

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Wow, and I thought my two shiny Roggenrola was a lot! I evolved one of them to a Boldore, but don't know how I'm going to evolve them to a Gigalith since I don't have that many candies, or anybody to trade with :/ I also got 3 shiny Eternatus, but I can only redeem one on my main so I have to figure out how to fiddle with my extra profiles to redeem the 2nd (the 3rd I'm going to try to trade for the EU exclusive Volcanion/Marshadow/Genesect code).
I found and caught a shiny Snom in my main Shield game. First one I encountered in the game too! I named her Shimmerfrost and she is now a Frosmoth. I also got a Shiny Sirfetch’d from Wonder Trade and it’s legit.
I decided to shiny hunt for my favorite Pokémon, Mime Jr., using Masuda method. (No Shiny Charm yet but I’m not too far off from a complete Dex.) I just hatched a shiny less than an hour ago. I wasn’t keeping count of eggs but it was at least several boxes worth. I love the color scheme on this Pokémon, both normally and shiny!



I’m going to set up a new hunt now that this one’s finished, but I’m not sure what for. I should probably obtain the shiny charm first, but I’m an impatient person by nature.

(Yes, I still play X/Y in 2022.)
Encountered this beauty during a mass outbreak of Staraptor in the Cobalt Coastlands while playing this morning, training up my Sushi to lv. 100 (this Staraptor marks my first Shiny encounter after obtaining the Shiny Charm. All other encounters before this one have been without the Shiny Charm)


And she came with the best nature a Staraptor can have 😎😂 Sp. Atk increase Speed decrease..... Arceus be praised!


Here are all the Shinies I've caught thus far. The Ponyta is the freebie you get from one of the requests so I don't really count it, though Shiny Ponyta/Rapidash are some of my favorites. I would have had a Shiny Dustox in the collection too, the actual FIRST shiny I ever encountered in the wild in this game, but sadly I failed it thanks to the fact that it transitioned into daytime, despawning all nocturnal Pokémon. But I was fortunate enough to reclaim it in the form of the Shiny Wurmple just beneath Sushi (I checked by evolving it, and it turns into Cascoon)

Some Shinies naturally spawned in the wild as standalones: Stunky, Wurmple #1, Togepi, Bidoof and Aipom

The rest were from Mass Outbreaks: Basculegion, Wurmple #2, Buizel, Braviary, Bronzor, Cyndaquil (my very first shiny starter in ALL the 20+ years I've played Pokémon, so I was very excited about this little guy) and lastly Staraptor (the only one caught with the Shiny Charm)

The best part is, I don't actively hunt down shinies, they just happen, and that makes it more hype and special imo
I forgot that I hatched an Egg I got as a gift in Pokémon Go from a friend gift receiving option that hatched into a Shiny Murkrow back 8n 2019. I transferred it to Home when connectivity was finally added and it sat in a Box in Home until Shining Pearl was released which is where it is now.
I love shiny Pokemon! The first one I ever found was a shiny Budew randomly encountered in Pearl. I've been hunting shinies ever since. I caught tons of Poke Radar shinies in Pearl. But my most memorable Poke Radar story has to be when I was chaining... something (I want to say it was Krabby, but I don't remember 100%). I saw the shiny sparkle in the grass, but I foolishly walked backwards into a regular patch of grass, encountered a regular Pokemon, and broke my chain. The devastation never ended.

The first shiny that I deliberately hatched for was a Charmander in HeartGold. It took me about a month of hatching, but I was so happy to see it when I finally got it.

I happen to have shiny luck specifically for Gen 2 games. My first playthrough of HeartGold, I happened to find a shiny Stantler in the wild. Then, several years later when I decided to restart my game, I found a shiny Rattata near the start of the game. I just recently started playing Crystal on the virtual console, and just as I was joking to my boyfriend about finding a wild shiny Hoothoot... it happened. And I only had three Pokeballs 😅. Thankfully I managed to catch it, but I've made sure to carry lots of Pokeballs with me ever since.

In Ultra Sun, I was running from place to place with the game muted, not really paying attention, and just running from wild encounters. On one such encounter, I glanced down at the game to see myself successfully run away from a shiny Exeggcute. Once again, the devastation never ended.

Also in Ultra Sun, I really wanted a shiny Salazzle. I managed to SOS chain a female after encountering several males... but then I decided that I wanted it to have a specific egg move. This resulted in about six more shiny males before I finally found another female. Phew!

My most painful shiny hunting experience was grinding Dynamax Adventures in the Crown Tundra for a shiny Pheromosa and Buzzwole. I HATE the Dynamax Adventures, but I absolutely had to have those shinies in sport balls for my shiny bug team. I definitely would not relish doing those again... but it was absolutely worth it!
I have a shiny Politoed on Brilliant Diamond, courtesy of my favorite person. She gave me an egg and it just happened to be shiny. I wasn’t expecting it to be a shiny, but I love the lighter colors of the Politoed. I recently became a Politoed fan and I can’t get enough of their clapping.

Pokémon can walk with you in this game and it was a huge missed opportunity to have Politoed clap when they are outside of the Pokéball. I’m very disappointed.

Here's my favorite shiny story.

I was going through the XY friend safari one night. I fell asleep, and consciously woke up (like, half-awake) at some point. I wasn't aware if I was awake in real life or a dream, it was all really blurry, but what I remembered was that my 3DS was blinking red, and on my screen I was battling a blue Snorunt. I was so confused but I didn't have time to think because my 3DS was about to die, so I caught the Snorunt, saved, and fell asleep again. When I woke up once more, I thought, "Wow that was a weird dream!" and charged my 3DS. I opened the game and lo and behold, the blue Snorunt was actually in my party. Apparently it wasn't a dream, and blue Snorunts are the shiny variant.

Another smaller story was me randomly finding a shiny Skiddo in the wild, I think he was my first random encounter. I also got lucky in SM with a shiny Clefairy (20th SOS call), and in BDSP with a shiny Buneary (21st egg via Matsuda Method).
Hmm, I've had some decent shiny luck overall, lots of random ones and I don't think any are like super crazy stories. But this one was with a friend so it's a fun memory.

My friend had just bought Soul Silver, this was around the time the shiny legendary beasts were being distributed at EB Games. We lived like a 5-10 minute walk away from one so she was resetting the game, grabbing an event shiny and trading them to me to restart to get a few extras. I had told her to always check each starter during reset because you could see if you got a shiny before choosing. Well at some point she was just SRing for a shiny and I'm like 'you're wasting your time it's still the 3/8k chance you'll be going forever'...and got to eat my words because she did stumble on a shiny Chikorita in around 50ish resets. She was aiming for a Cyndaquil though and ended up giving it to me.

Also, a quick RIP to two that are lost forever. A shiny Graveler in Platinum that broke out of the ball and blew up and a shiny Minccino in Black that I did catch but the game was later stolen (especially painful because I love Minccino and its shiny form, it was such a lucky find). u_u
i just found a shiny lv 10 female budew in eterna forest, early game 😯 & caught it

i'm not using her, though... i have other pokemon planned :>