Pokémon Shiny Hunting Experience

Started shiny hunting again, got my search level up to 700 now. I'm surprised I have this much patience :p
I tried every day for hours, for months in Emerald, to find a shiny Dusclops.

I had a counter ticking up how many I ran into.

Over 12,000, and no shiny.

I miss the days where the Red Gyarados was a shiny thrower, and you could breed almost anything, if you had the Ditto from the Gyarados trick in Pokemon RBY.
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Pretty obviously trying to level grind.

Before I started working I used to be a pretty active shiny hunter, racking up dozens upon dozens of them. I was working towards a living shiny dex and had about... a quarter of it done, not including gen 7 Pokemon as I still haven't really played those games. Sadly, due to some corruptions and game losses and trading, I don't have the collection anymore and have restarted it.

Right now in my Omega Ruby game I've SR'd for a shiny Mudkip, dexnav'd for Ralts, Skitty, Swablu, and Roselia. I horde hunted for my Makuhita after maxing out dexnav's counter at 999. In my Y, I SR'd for a Fennekin and in Alpha Sapphire I have a shiny Torchic, but that's about it. I'm trying to get a shiny Ponyta to replace my Skitty. She's pretty bad battling wise and my team has just been carrying her through the entire game, however she just cannot face the Elite Four whatsoever.

Shiny hunting can take forever. I remember once breeding well over 2,000 eggs for a shiny Tynamo and then when I'm not even trying hatching a shiny Bidoof first egg. Or dexnaving, it can take forever, especially if your target moves, but I've also had quick dexnav's (getting all 9 shiny Eevees from a 700 or so dexnav count).

My favorite methods have to be breeding and chaining in X/Y and D/P/Plat. I'm not a fan whatsoever of shiny hunting in Sun/Moon. It's just so boring and I hate the new breeding mechanics because I just feel like I'm gonna break my circle pad... smh. I mean SOS is basically just dexnav but a more lazier version of it. I haven't even gotten the Ultra games to try out the wormhole hunting and what not and I honestly don't know much about it.
My search level is up to 800 and I still haven't found one shiny eevee T__T

Do you have a shiny charm? I find that it actually does really help. I did my starting Ruby team without it and I can certainly say I can tell the difference between the two. This is even including my longer charmed hunts, there is just moments of bad luck.

You'll get it soon! I can tell!

I'm at about 150 dexnav for Ponyta, but I keep kinda losing interest after about 10 - 20 encounters.
Hello friends. Also happy to breed eggs for those playing S/M/US/UM.

I got a lot of help from people here completing my Dex. Happy to do the same for others.
I miss doing competitive breeding... but I don't really plan on getting involved in it in S/M/US/UM so I dunno if anyone would be interested in ORAS X/Y Pokemon??? (I know this is about shinies but ;;; I wanna talk about Pokemanz)
oh boy, i was trying to get the impossible - a shiny female salandit... never happened but by the ime i gave up i had around 5 shiny male salandits xD

though i did shiny hunt some other things like a fomantis and i grew attached to it but then learned it not the best pokemon to use ;((
I've been thinking about some other pokes to shiny hunt for, and I might start looking for (female) Snorunt and a Ralts.

I've also been bustin my a$$ tryin to get that shiny charm lol :p
I remember once hatching a Shiny Female Honedge in like 6 eggs and then giving it away to a random person on the PSS bc I wanted a Male.

Never did I get a single shiny from a egg since that occurred...
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I don't much care for gender with shinies. It's really neat if I get a rare gender, but I generally take what I'm given. :p

I SR'd for a starter in HG/SS and got a shiny female Totodile. Still have her, I'm forever locked in getting shiny Rattata's in that game. All I want is Mareep and Hoppip. ;;;; Found two shiny Rattata's just looking for a Pokemon I want on my team. I even have one of them IN the team now.
Every time i shiny hunt i never ever ever find one. I hunted for a zorua for weeks and in the end i gave up. Good shiny story of mine is finding a shiny abra on route 215 in pearl and managing to catch it though
My longest shiny hunt was 1,700 plus eggs with no shiny minior. Walked around doing random encounters and found the Shiny Minior. It took about 45 minutes doing random encounters.

My fastest shiny wasn't a hunt. At the time I just started US/UM and was trying to leave the 1st trial. A shiny Yungoos popped out of the hole.

My favorite random hunt was the shiny Female Salandit. At the time I didn't feel like SOS and just did some random encounters in Pokemon Sun. It was a nice surprise.
You're definitely not alone on that seemingly never-ending journey!

I remember seeing a video on shiny hunting and immediately hopping on my copy of alpha sapphire to try it out for myself. I never got one shiny. All of my efforts seemed to just be a waste like what the abosukate heckling heck right? I've never been good at hunting for Pokemon anyway, and I just tend to try and find all my needs allies on the GTS or in wonder trades. Seems as though the random possibility in the wonder trades work out better for me for some odd reason.

i've been hunting a shiny rockruff since moon and i still haven't got my beautiful blue puppo yet.
i want two, too. for each form. sigh.........
Funny stories here.. Once I was breeding some female Popplio for a Wonder Trade Wednesday thing down on Neoseeker, not even trying for a shiny.
BAM- Shiny Popplio!
I think, "okay, that's cool! I'll probably trade it to someone, since I already have a shiny Primariiii-"
BA-BAM- Another shiny Popplio, nearly back-to-back!
I didn't actually use them in the WTW as they were male and the theme was female starters, I believe, but both of those boyos have found good trainers, so I don't have to worry.

A second story, and one of my biggest problems with SuMo's SOS system.. I spend a good few hours trying to get a shiny Bonsly... I got a shiny, but it was a Happiny. y'know, the thing that has like a 5 percent chance of appearing...