though i am not a shiny hunter.
i had quite the bit of luck encountering them.
the list is pretty long too, i was just lucky, i guess
i am NOT including shiny pokemon everyone get such as the shiny red Gyarados from lake of rage, or event pokemon.
so this is my shiny pokemon list ( no particular order )
NOTE: i lost a lot of these, due to me being dumb and saving a new game before checking if i traded them over to another game.
- Onix ( pokemon gold ) my very first shiny, lost it due to me losing the cartridge.
- Hoothoot ( pokemon crystal, virtual console ) was looking for an Exeggcute, but found this instead.
( it's a noctowl now, and just chilling in the PC in crystal, since i don't own a gen 7 game )
- Wingul ( pokemon ruby ) my first gen 3 shiny, evolved it, and traded it for a Kyogre with my friend.
- Teddyursa ( pokemon emerald ) my first safari zone shiny, evolved it, and lost it due to me saving a new game.
- Sableye ( pokemon emerlad ) was about to encounter Rayquaza, hoping it will be shiny, and i encountered this, mere steps away from it...
( lost it due to me being dumb and saving a new game... -.-' )
- Poocheyena ( pokemon emerald ) randomly encountered it, caught it, and i still have it, it's now in my box of shinies in alpha sapphire.
- Snorlax ( pokemon emerald ) was breeding for a Snorlax, and out popped this one, i was really excited, until my DS turned off, due to low battery... -.-'
- Wooper ( pokemon diamond ) my first gen 4 shiny, lost it due to me saving a new game...
- Quagsire ( pokemon diamond ) ( did not evolve it from the previously mentioned Wooper ) but lost it due to the same reason
- Floatsel ( pokemon diamond ) random encounter, still have it in my alpha sapphire.
- Gastrodon ( pokemon diamond ) literally encountered this one right after the Floatsel ( talk about luck ) and also still have it.
- Cresselia ( pokemon diamond ) it just happens to be shiny
still have it on my alpha sapphire.
- Luminion ( pokemon diamond ) was just randomly fishing, and found this one, since i never saw a Luminion, i thought it was just a regular one, until i saw the sparkles, lost it due to me saving new game.
- Ralts ( pokemon diamond ) my first attempt at breeding a good pokemon, was hoping for a adamant, male Ralts, but got a sassy, female one instead, i still have it in my alpha sapphire, though it's now a gardevoir
- Machop ( pokemon platinum ) right before you meet Cyrus the first time in Mt. Coronet, i encountered this one ^^ ( lost it due to new safe file... )
- Regigigas ( pokemon platinum ) was just trying to catch it, but failed a few times, but not the time it was shiny
( still have it though ^^ )
- Eevee( pokemon heart gold ) this one took me a very, very, VERY, long time to get, and i finally got my shiny, careful nature, 6IV, female Eevee, it's now an Umbreon named Luna, and i love it <3
- Smeagle ( pokemon heart gold ) had some eggs chilling in my PC, and forgot what they were, and after some eggs hatching i got a shiny one, ( yes they were all Smeargle, i don't know why i had Smeargle eggs... ) ( and also still have it )
- Bronzor ( pokemon heart gold ) was looking for a Bronzor, but out came a shiny
( and yes i lost it )
- Xatu ( pokemon heart gold ) was looking for natu, and out popped a shiny
and i do still have it ( well it's a Xatu now
- Slakoth ( pokemon heart gold ) bit of the same as my Eevee, was breeding for a very long time until i got my 5IV ( this time ) female, jolly nature Slakoth.
- Ho-oh ( pokemon heart gold ) just got lucky, still got it.
- Suicune ( pokemon heart gold ) just got lucky, still got it.
- Latios ( pokemon heart gold ) just got lucky, still got it.
- Latias ( pokemon heart gold ) just got lucky, still got it.
- Rayquaza ( pokemon heart gold ) got super lucky, cause i had a good nature, and attack and speed on 31 IV's :O ( still have it )
- Groudon ( pokemon soul silver ) just got lucky, still have it
- Espurr ( pokemon X ) was training my pokemon a bit near that castle in the beginning, and i encountered a random shiny, still have it
- Halucha ( pokemon alpha sapphire ) hatched out of an egg during hatching process for a good one ( it wasn't ) stupidly traded it away for i don't remember what )
- Semisear ( pokemon alpha sapphire ) got traded to me because i was looking for a Semisear, didn't even notice it was shiny until i traded it away because someone asked for it, for a pokemon i was looking for.
- Crawdaunt ( pokemon alpha sapphire ) got traded to me by someone, it had great moves, great IV's ( 5 or 6 even ) and great nature, and it's legit since i can use it in VGC. ( still have it )
- Swablu ( pokemon alpha sapphire ) random shiny in a Swablu horde during EV training some pokemon, still have it
- Whimsicot ( pokemon alpha sapphire ) got traded to me from someone on this very site ^^ ( don't remember who though... :$ )
( still have it
- Aggron ( pokemon alpha sapphire ) got traded to me over GTS, and it's legit like the Crawdaunt ^^ ( still have it )
- Dragalge ( pokemon alpha sapphire ) got traded to me from another person from this website ^^ ( don't remember who though, but i still have it
- Whismur ( pokemon alpha sapphire ) random shiny in a horde during EV training, still got it.
- Zubat ( pokemon alpha sapphire ) random solo encounter in meteor falls, still got it.
- Sableye ( again
) ( pokemon alpha sapphire this time ) random out of an egg, was looking for one with the right IV's and nature, and most importantly ability ( wrong nature, IV's AND ability...
) but i still have it.
- Zekrom ( pokemon alpha sapphire ) from a trade, but it's hacked since it came from gen 5 where it was shiny locked, still got it though.
- Ditto ( pokemon alpha sapphire ) from a trade ut it's hacked, but i still have it.
( pokemon i don't know where i got them first )
- Arceus ( now on my pokemon black ) it is clearly hacked since it's at Lv.1 and shiny, caught in a quick ball.
and that is all my shiny pokemon...
quite the list ain't it
and yes i know some are hacked... but the ones i caught or hatched were 100% legit.