Smart Tech's Screen Test


Retired Staff
Dec 28, 2004
<big><big><big><big>Smart Tech's Screen Test</big></big></big></big><big></big><big><big>

Hello users, It's me, Smart Tech. You may wonder, what is this thread, with so many views and is half a year old? Well, it's a TBT Tradition, revived. This is, Smart Tech's Screen Test, one of my first and best ideas I've had for TBT.

You're wondering to yourself, how does this work? Well, let me explain. In a Screen Test Post, I will post a scene from anything - From video games to Real World Photos of News and stuff, and much more in between. The screen tests work in seasons, and I will announce in this thread which season is going on currently. Once a season starts, a Screen Test will be posted every other day from when the season starts, with a season premiere. Just like a TV show does. Once a season ends, it will end with a finale Screen Test, and a new season will begin. A season will have usually 10 Screen Tests, but sometimes due to time, I may not be able to do this.

Now, I bet that you think as "How do I tie into all this?" Well, when you, the member, not only get to see the Scene and get your joke-of-the-day, but you too, can post a comment you think would best fit the picture. For those of you that are Nintendo Power reader veterans, ring a bell?

:p Anyways, have fun when you post your comment, and get some laughs out of it, too.

The main post here, with everything in it, will show the current season that is in progress, as well as the newest Screen Test, plus it will be an archive of previous Screen Tests.

So, now that you've read all the explanation stuff, you're ready to view some Screen Tests. What're you waiting for? Go on, the comedy is waiting for you. :yes:

Status of Screen Test: Ended
Season In Progress: None, 8 most recent
Newest Screen Test(s): #78 October 10, 2006
Next Screen Test Release: TBA

Last Updated: October 16, 2006
<big><big><big>Past Screen Tests</big></big></big><big></big><big><big>

Seeing Star Trek?

Season 1
#1 July 1, 2005
#2 July 4, 2005
#3 July 5, 2005
#4 July 6, 2005
#5 July 7, 2005
#6 July 8, 2005
#7 July 9, 2005
#8 July 10, 2005
#9 July 11, 2005
#10! July 12, 2005

Season 2
#11 July 13, 2005
#12 July 14, 2005
#13 July 15, 2005
#14 July 17, 2005
#15 July 18, 2005
#16 July 20, 2005
#17 July 21, 2005
#18 July 26, 2005
#19 July 27, 2005
#20 August 1, 2005

Season 3
#21 August 3, 2005
#22 August 4, 2005
#23 August 5 ,2005
#24 August 7, 2005
#25 August 8, 2005

Season 4
#26 October 1, 2005
#27 October 2, 2005
#28 October 3, 2005
#29 October 4, 2005
#30 October 5, 2005
#31 October 6, 2005
#32 October 7, 2006
#33 October 8, 2005
#34 October 9, 2005
Video Game Follies

Season 5
#35 - May 20, 2006
#36 - May 22, 2006
#37 - May 24, 2006
#38 - May 26, 2006
#39 - June 4, 2006
#40 - June 6, 2006

Season 6
#41 - July 17, 2006
#42 - July 19, 2006
#43 - July 21, 2006
#44 - July 23, 2006
#45 - July 25, 2006
#46 - July 27, 2006
#47 - July 29, 2006
#48 - July 31, 2006
#49 - August 2, 2006
#50 - August 4, 2006

Lost Screen Tests
#51 - August 7, 2006
#52 - August 9, 2006
#53 - August 11, 2006
#54 - August 13, 2006

Season 7
#55 - August 15, 2006
#56 - August 17, 2006
#57 - August 19, 2006
#58 - August 21, 2006
#59 - August 23, 2006
#60 - August 25, 2006
#61 - August 27, 2006
#62 - August 29, 2006
#63 - August 31, 2006
#64 - September 1, 2006

Season 7.5
#65 - September 14, 2006
#66 - September 16, 2006
#67 - September 18, 2006
#68 - September 20, 2006
#69 - September 22/23, 2006

Season 8-Bit
#70 September 24, 2006
#71 September 26, 2006
#72 September 28, 2006
#73 September 30, 2006
#74 October 2, 2006
#75 October 4-5, 2006
#76 October 6, 2006
#77 October 8, 2006
#78 October 10, 2006
#79 October 12-14, 2006

PKMNMasterSamus said:
is there going to be a season five?
Um, not sure. I'll have to work on it. I do have a school project to do, so I may not be able to start this up this month. I kinda forgot about this, actually.

Smart, do you update the current season during the season? Or after it? Because you've done two new ones and they aren't on the list on the first post.
PKMNMasterSamus said:
Smart, do you update the current season during the season? Or after it? Because you've done two new ones and they aren't on the list on the first post.
I'm getting right on that. What I plan to do is once I move the new link, I'll just cut and paste it to the archives. Simple as that. :yes: