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So I got “scammed” and here’s a tip on how to avoid it in the future


~ Fish Tacos ~
Aug 10, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Red Cosmos
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
Blue Candy
Red Rose
White Rose
Green Candy
Green Candy
Green Candy
White Cosmos
This story starts a few hours ago, casual mid-afternoon. I got a discord message from someone asking to catalog a K.K. Slider song I listed on Nookazon. I normally have a wishlist on there, but I finished it this morning and hadn’t made a new one yet, so instead of trading, I was asking for between 10-15k per song. This girl asked to catalog all 53 of my songs on hand. I asked for 550k (thats 10,377 bells per song, which I think is a decent deal if I do say so myself).

This is where the story gets interesting. She said her friend wanted to come over and catalog too, and I said sure. She even said that her friend would drop off the 550k too. At this moment, I was ecstatic. 1.1M for just dumping my songs on the ground? Sign me up! After dumping the bells and cataloging the airchecks, one of them ran away. I soon found her in my PHAT diy pile. She was perusing them, which put me on edge. I contemplated dc’ing (which I probably should have done) but I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. She claimed that she wanted to “pick them up and put them in a pile to buy” and I told her she can make a list on discord and tell me the ones she was interested in. I explicitly told her not to pick them up. Shortly after that, my switch died.

She wanted a few of the higher end diys, but not my actually rare ones (she asked for zen style stone and garden rock but not my cool windflower wreath). We worked out a deal for 3M for 9 diys total (which I thought was generous considering her selection). She said that her abd only had 2M so we changed it to 2M for 5 (which was also a pretty decent for that list of DIYs). She also claimed that her friend lost the songs in her catalog, so she wanted to come back to recatalog. I laid out the diys we agreed on and let them back into my island.

You might see where this is going. She dropped off only about 1.3M of the agreed 2M and I called her out. She picked up the diys and then her friend came over. This was the big mistake. The game forced a save but I didn’t put the pieces together. She then went over to my diy pile and started picking them up. I dc’ed right then and there, but the damage was already done. I called her out rather aggressively on discord and she basically admitted to the whole plot.

Her motive? My rate of cataloging 10k/song was too high. What???

She claimed that touch trading doesn’t cost me anything and insinuated that I was exploiting people (or something along those lines). She also tried to act like a Robin Hood and said that she normally was a good trader but it was fun to steal from me.

But wait a second here. I earned a total of 2.4M bells and I only lost 5 diys (she claimed she stole others but I doubt it). So if “I lose nothing by touch trading” I actually made an extra 400k, so idk who the biggest loser is because the Nookazon mod I talked to said that she’s most likely getting banned.

Interesting notes: the diys she stole were Cutting Board, Stone Lion-Dog, Knitted Grass Backpack, Zen-Style Stone, and Garden Stone. She claimed she stole others of my valuable diys, but some diys she did NOT steal are Gold Armor, 2x Infused Water Dispenser, Golden Dishes, and like 5 other crown/wreath diys among others. The whole conversation on discord was 19 screenshots long and they admitted to the whole plot and their “motive” behind it. If anyone wants to read the chat, you can dm me

Two girls tried to scam me by forcing a save when visiting because they didn’t like my rate, ended up paying more than what I valued the diys they stole at, and got banned from Nookazon.


This probably was my fault, but I guess what I want to say is thanks to everyone here that doesn’t steal from people. I appreciate all of you =)

Edit: I’m glad I didn’t buy turnips this week lmao
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“said that she normally was a good trader but it was fun to steal from me” girl BYE

that’s messed up bro, i’m sorry. i can understand not wanting to pay 10k to catalog a song and while it doesnt cost you anything if you already had the songs on hand, the act of paying you is more for your time rather than the songs themselves. besides, if she didn’t like the price, she simply could’ve said “no thank you” and moved along - it doesn’t justify her trying to steal from you and rip you off
“said that she normally was a good trader but it was fun to steal from me” girl BYE

that’s messed up bro, i’m sorry. i can understand not wanting to pay 10k to catalog a song and while it doesnt cost you anything if you already had the songs on hand, the act of paying you is more for your time rather than the songs themselves. besides, if she didn’t like the price, she simply could’ve said “no thank you” and moved along - it doesn’t justify her trying to steal from you and rip you off

My thoughts exactly. I told her that she could have counteroffers or just rejected it but then “she wouldn’t have a motive” and I was kinda just sitting there. Who does this lmao
The robin hood scheme made me LOL
And they were so proud, dude this game

This whole thing was sooo dumb. I really don’t think I’ll ever understand someone with this mindset. How hard is it just to say “no”
I mean scammers are one thing but being greedy is another. Both parties sound like their guilty of one of those. (Freaking 3m for 9 DIYS?! I'll wait and get them myself thank you very much :rolleyes: )

I’ll admit I was trying to turn a profit, but they asked for crowns and some other pretty rare DIYs. I also was using the conversion of 1 nmt = 200k igb in my head. Paying 5 nmt for something doesn’t sound like too much, but that’s technically equivalent to 1M igb

Edit: in nmt, their whole order was equivalent to 15 nmt, and considering what they wanted I think that was pretty fair
Not going to lie, reading "this was fair price" multiple times was a bit lol...because, yeah,..I gotta agree 3 mil for 9 DIYs (diys that honestly aren't that rare) and 550k to catalog songs already on hand is pretty..wow.

But, others are correct. That doesn't mean they were right to act accordingly and they should have just declined to trade. So, I'm sorry overall for the experience. It's crappy regardless when something like that happens. But, yea, I'd probably dial down the doing them a reasonable price thing.
Not going to lie, reading "this was fair price" multiple times was a bit lol...because, yeah,..I gotta agree 3 mil for 9 DIYs (diys that honestly aren't that rare) and 550k to catalog songs already on hand is pretty..wow.

But, others are correct. That doesn't mean they were right to act accordingly and they should have just declined to trade. So, I'm sorry overall for the experience. It's crappy regardless when something like that happens. But, yea, I'd probably dial down the doing them a reasonable price thing.

I agree, it does seem like a lot (and it is a lot), but when you think about everything in terms of rates, I think the shock value goes away pretty quickly. There was a popular thread that was letting people catalog all the kk slider songs for 7 nmt. In terms of igb, that’s 1.4M, so on that basis I don’t think that 550k (again, which is just over 10k each) is too unreasonable. I explained my diy though process above.
Imagine how empty her life is to spend her days doing stuff like that. “Sorry, Kimmy. Can’t go to the mall. I need to scam someone out of 5 DIYS in Animal Crossing in a delusional heroic fashion”.
I love how they said they needed a motive to scam haha. It's the "heroes" we didn't need and don't deserve

Cackling at the Robin Hood thing too. I mean, was the scammer Robin Hood? To whom??? Themselves!?

Unless this person had a giveaway giving away what they took, they ain't no Robin Hood.

Anyways, I'm really sorry this happened to you! :( It's disheartening to hear of stories where people are dishonest.
Cackling at the Robin Hood thing too. I mean, was the scammer Robin Hood? To whom??? Themselves!?

Unless this person had a giveaway giving away what they took, they ain't no Robin Hood.

Anyways, I'm really sorry this happened to you! :( It's disheartening to hear of stories where people are dishonest.

Ikk! I really don’t know what their thought process was (like I keep saying) but there’s nothing I can do now. Thanks for your concerns
Scamming is bad but scammers trying to justify it as they were the ones in the right is a whole new level of pathetic. 😂 I'll be laughing about that "motive" for dayyys.

I'm glad you were able to get the 2.4m to salvage the transaction.
I agree, it does seem like a lot (and it is a lot), but when you think about everything in terms of rates, I think the shock value goes away pretty quickly. There was a popular thread that was letting people catalog all the kk slider songs for 7 nmt. In terms of igb, that’s 1.4M, so on that basis I don’t think that 550k (again, which is just over 10k each) is too unreasonable. I explained my diy though process above.

3mil between 9 diys is 333k each which was your original price. NMT used to go 300k each and they go as low as 100k now.
A KK song is what..3500 or so from nook shopping daily. Which would account to 186kish.

But, I personally just can't fathom taking more than 150k for a recipe and maybe doing 250k to catalog all the songs if I had them on hand already...and at this point I honestly just would give it for free. I spent more ordering all the elaborate kimono stands which is over a mil total and still couldn't fathom charging for people to catalog it.

At the end of the day you can charge whatever prices you'd like. Just because a few inflated topics arise doesn't really credibly decide that it was a reasonable price...especially when there's just as many topics daily/weekly for zen style stones, garden rocks, wreaths for free (one of them was my topic tbh because I had so many repeats of those). I'm not saying you shouldn't charge what you want but, if I was going to charge to make large turns which you acknowledge trying to turn profits for, I'd just own the high price instead of insisting it was generous.

I do hope the mods on nookazon take action to ban the users though. Best wishes.
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