I like that I'm a pretty chill person it takes alot to make me mad, seriously you would have to do something really really bad to make me mad for example hurting my friends cause I will go full on mama bear on your ass,but like I was saying I'm chill as hell most of the time and I try to do my best at staying calm in situations cause they're no use in panicking really, unless I'm being murdered then I will do my best to fight because like hell I'm going down without a fight.
I'd say my humor would be a plus about me, but I dunno people say I'm funny
but I don't believe it tbh but eh if people say I am I guess I am..somhow
I'm also extremely caring about those I love and will do my best to make them
smile and laugh whenever they are feeling down, I will always let them vent to
me whenever they need to and I will be there to listen to them and try my best to
help cause I don't like to see my friends sad.
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