Something you thought you would never do.

never thought i'd have no friends

never thought i'd make it to 19

never thought i'd spend tons of money on in app purchases for games
Honestly I never thought I'd ever get drunk

I know people will probably roll their eyes but I don't care
Never really been interested in alcohol or drugs so that's why
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- Never thought I would date girls(same gender), but I've had as many girlfriends as boyfriends.
- Never thought I would start smoking, I was VERY anti smoke until I randomly started at 18. Worst decision.
- And more depressing, never thought I would grow old enough to become an adult, but here I am.
I never thought I would fall in love or that anyone would fall in love with me, and now I'm in a very happy relationship with the most wonderful person I could ever hope to meet. I never thought I would go vegetarian, and now I've been vegan for three years. I never thought I would learn to drive, but I've been doing driving lessons for six months now and I'm getting more confident with every lesson. I never thought I would make it to the end of my A Levels, but I'm sitting here now having finished all my exams and with an unconditional offer to study at university!
I never thought I would have to switch majors twice in the last year (my life is a joke...)
Surprised people said it already, but my depression started very early and I stopped seeing a future for me as well. I still don't see a life for me, but I lived this far so I guess I'll just keep on living. Maybe one day I'll even see myself in a better place, who knows.
I never thought I would get to go to Europe due to my ex being so controlling, but since I've broken up with him, I've been to Spain and England. I'm going back to England next week too, so I'm really excited.
End up working at a location intelligence and emergency management company as a geospatial data consultant doing work with GIS (geographic information systems) by the age of 19...

I guess dropping out of university works sometimes since I've been here for about 4 years now ^-^

I originally wanted to study volcanoes, so it's pretty odd I've ended up here...
Attempt to climb a mountain, but I got halfway up one last weekend before allergies and humidity got the better of me. :D
didn't think i was going to get a cat but i did and i love him :')

i never thought id be alive 2day #edgy and w/e But Yeah
when i was 12 i was sure id kill myself b4 i turned 13 and then it has been the same every year. i never thought i would start gymnasium (swedish high school Kinda ..??)
i still dont rly think i'll be around for much longer but my birthday is in april so i guess it is kinda likely that i will turn 17. but idk i really cant see myself living in ... like a few months

i guess that too, im 18 now
I never thought I would enjoy roller coasters, much less even ride them. They always seemed terrifying to me, but during a school trip to Cedar Point, my friends urged me to get on some and helped me climb over that fear! :)
i never thought i'd come out to anyone but here i am

To add to this from a year ago, I never thought I would be in such a serious relationship at a young age. Ironically, I started talking to him on March 5, the same day I posted the original a year ago.