Soup, Soup, Soup

May 28, 2021
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Not Soap. Soup. The second soup thread this year apparently. Do you like Soup? What's your favorite kind?

I like Egg Drop. Often found in Chinese Cafe's.

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Homemade turkey soup after Thanksgiving. It gives better flavour then just chicken soup
I love soup so much🙈 My favorite soup is white chicken chili but I also really love: loaded potato, chicken and dumplings, cheeseburger and taco soups. I like egg drop as well but the last time I had it, they put tofu in it and I'm not a fan of tofu. I'm hungry for soup now.😋
I like most soup, but it usually goes with a hard day of work in stupid cold weather. Warming up with soup is so soothing.
I'm a fan of Wonton soup, ramen noodles, clam chowder, lots of different ones
had a case of deja vu, i feel like i've made a soup thread a few months ago too x)

anyway i love soup! filipinos have so many dishes we call "ulam" that incorporate soup (adobo, sinigang, tinola, menudo, nilaga, lechon paksiw, pares... the list goes on) so i have soup almost daily. i personally love putting soup on my rice, it helps me down the rice better and it's sooo yummy.

pics not mine, but this is what my family had the past few days: adobo, sinigang, menudo. we also have our daily vegetables with soup (yesterday it was kalabasa/squash and malunggay).


and lemme introduce to you guys one of my favorite local noodles, la paz batchoy!! it's so good and flavorful 😭 i also got to try pancit molo once but it's not really "noodles" in a sense, it's more of soup with dumplings in it. still super good!! we also have our version of chicken noodle soup that we call chicken mami.

i also don't know if some would rice porridge as soup, but i'm including it anyway!! we don't necessarily call these soup, but they're liquid-y enough i guess. arrozcaldo & champorado are favorite filipino breakfasts!! i remember whenever i'd ride the bus going back to the province, the bus would stop by a small eatery at 4 in the morning and i'd wake up and go down and have a steaming hot bowl of arroz caldo. good times.
champorado on the other hand is a chocolate rice porridge/pudding and we often pair it with fried fish (tuyo), but i personally dont hehehe. i put lots of milk and brown sugar on mine!


sorry i said a whole lot, i grew up with sooo many dishes with soup and i need people to know that it's more than just an appetizer!! it can be mixed with rice, with noodles, with meat, with vegetables! i love soup so much that i always prefer my rice to be swimming in soup 😭 and i forgot to mention but we have what we call "carinderias" which are very small eateries with homemade food, and many carinderias serve soup for free because they make their dishes with a loooooot of soup. even some local fast food chains here serve free soup because we like them so much.

also i forgot to answer the question! my favorite soup dish is sinigang, i become an absolute monster whenever i see it 😭 i get so excited when they serve sinigang soup for free!
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Yes. It was your soup thread first c: back in March (this year is flying).

I was going to tag and credit you. I do not know you personally and some people don't like that kind of attention, so I decided not.
Potato and chicken veggie soups are some of my favorites over the winter season! I also really enjoy miso and udon.
Top Ramen and Cup Noodle were some of the first things I learned to make growing up. I'm slowly getting tired of those, though. Next time I'll pick up Lipton chicken noodle soup.

In general, I don't like soup that's too busy with excess ingredients. Plain old noodle soup with some diced salami is all I need. With some garlic cloves and a splash of hot sauce for fun.

Canned soup is pretty gross. Had it once and never again. Soup.....should not feel like slime, lol

Also I recommend Wow! Soup