Stories in the Shadows (Evergreen and The Poliwags Cabins)


Celebratory Wild Child
Sep 15, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Asteroid Plush
Shooting Star Plush
Asteroid Plush
Shooting Star Plush
Asteroid Plush
Dino Plush
Dino Plush
Dino Plush
Dino Plush
Dino Plush

Shouldn't you be in your tent by now? Did your cabin leaders approve you being out this late? Anyway, it's dark here in the mountains already but the little party around the campfire is going strong. For a while now, people have been using the light from the fire to shape the shadows on a nearby cliff into the silhouette of a mythical monster that is rumoured to live in these very mountains. What do you think it looks like?

💡How it workss

Shine a light on your hands, random objects, or a combination of both to create the shadow of any real or imaginary animal/monster! Tip for those using their hands: The timer function on your camera may prove useful.

Take pictures of the shadow and the items you used to create it (along with your username), write a few sentences about your creature and post it for credit.

💡How to submitt

Submit your entry by posting it in this thread by 6:59pm EDT on August 29th.


  • Entries without a written description will not be accepted.
  • Things already resembling a creature (such as figurines, statues, or plushies) should not make up the main part of your entry.
  • Flat paper/cardboard cutouts are not allowed at all.
  • All entries must include both a shadow and the setup used to achieve it. This may be done in either one or two pictures.
  • Your TBT username MUST be visible in at least one of your pictures.
  • A reasonable amount of effort should be put into your submission. Those that appear rushed or submitted jokingly will not be accepted
  • Only one shadow may be submitted per individual - no collaborations!
  • Entries are not allowed to be edited once they have been posted.
  • Keep all shadows suitable for a PG-13 audience.

💡How to votee

The cabin favourites are entirely community-decided. To vote, simply leave a reaction on the post of any entry. You can use either the Like or Love reaction, they will be added together. Entries that are approved will be marked by the staff with the accepted reaction, but don't wait for this to appear. Feel free to Like/Love any entries at any time!

While you can react to any entry, favourites will be decided only by votes from members of the same cabin.


20 Mountain Tokens and 20 points for your accepted entry (you may enter once).
In addition, if your cabin submits at least 10 different creatures, 100 points will be awarded to the cabin.

The top 3 cabin favourites will earn an additional 8 Mountain Tokens. The top 1 will also receive a Rainbow Jellyfish Collectible.

💡Submission checklistt

Before submitting your entry to this thread, make sure that:

☑ At least one of your pictures includes your TBT username
☑ You are not only showing your creature, but also your setup (multiple pictures allowed)​
☑ You wrote a short description for your animal/creature​
🛑 Your entry does not contain flat paper cutouts at all.​

Frequently Asked Questions:
Is there any limit to the amount of items/lights used?
You may use as many items as you need!

Can we use coloured lights for our light source?
This is allowed.

Is it allowed to have the backdrop contain elements of the creature?
No. Please create your shadow on a clean, even surface.

Are we allowed to use plushies in non-conventional ways for aspects of our creature's form?
This will be allowed if the plushies are not recognisable in the shadow. On the other hand, if for example someone were to use a teddy bear to make a bear-like outline, it would not be accepted.
Now this is going to be real interesting to see what kinds of creatures others come up with. I'm thankful we can use objects hands are kinda small lol 😅
Here’s my submission:

Say hello to my spiky snail! He may look odd and dangerous, but he has quite the soft side as well! Just be careful how you hold him and you can be friends with him in no time! He looks forward to meeting you all in the mountains over the next week.

love the idea of this!! my 1am self has managed to put together an entry but i'm not entirely sure it fits the definition - should i dm it to a mod or something to see if we're on the same page?
this was unbelievably hard to do lmao


a terrifying dimetrodon has been spotted! this is a dinosaur that originally lived in the Cisuralian period (almost 300 million years ago!), but did you know there is still one living today? notice his large grin and his even larger spikes, he sure looks mean! but don't worry, he only scares people for fun :)

love the idea of this!! my 1am self has managed to put together an entry but i'm not entirely sure it fits the definition - should i dm it to a mod or something to see if we're on the same page?

If you are unsure about your entry then this is indeed a good idea! Feel free to send it over.
A dark shape looms out of the wilderness, its silhouette flickering in the light of the guttering campfire. It's big and intimidating, with long, shaggy hair, waving antennae, and sharp, pointy claws. But is it... rocking on? It seems this frightening creature may have just been drawn to the camp by the catchy singing of campfire songs. Behold, the rowdy but friendly Headbanger Beast!

The unicorn is said to be an incredibly rare, magical creature that will only show itself to those it deems worthy. It lives deep in places of untouched nature—perhaps the mountains are secluded enough that one might show itself to us? Well, this is a rather... odd unicorn who seems to have a special affinity for office supplies. I hope you all packed your stationery, for if you have, you might just catch a once-in-a-lifetime glimpse of this majestic beast...

Stories in the Shadows.jpg

Stories in the Shadows Setup.jpg

This is my hand in a sock, holding a pair of scissors between my first and middle fingers, with a tiny pencil sharpener for the "ears".
A rattling groan from the shadows speaks of a creature one should be quick to avoid: a wendigo. Born of isolation and desperation, and such never to befriend, if you wander the woods alone hope you will never cross paths.


I made this with 2 pieces of carved obsidian, 2 crow feathers, 1 raven feather, and a styrofoam ‘stone’ backdrop from a vivarium, lots of fun to set up although also rather challenging!
(Please ignore all the cords in the background, lol)
It's an alligator with a bumpy back and a tail! I tried to give it a rounder snoot (crocs seem to have pointier ones). Did you know that alligators open their mouths to help regulate their body temperature? I didn't know!
I think broke my hand trying to do this.

sat around the campfire, you hear a sudden rustle of leaves behind you. whirling around, you can't see any figures but you can see the silhouette of a creature cast against your cabin wall. a tail, a shaggy body, is that... a robot head? suddenly you hear a bark and the tail starts wagging - a harmless robo dog has wandered onto your site thanks to the smell of those burgers you made for dinner! looks like you've got a new cabin mate. don't worry, they're perfectly friendly!
(when i made this i was aiming for a different creature but you know what this works better lmao)

Legend has it, there once lived a friendly squirrel named Mr. Fluff who had chosen a perfect location in these woodlands filled with dozens and dozens of tall acorn trees providing him with all the food he could dream off. However, a couple years ago when Jeremy went looking for a location to host his Camp Bell Tree, this spot caught his eye. Trees were cut and used to create cabins and firewood, and the campers kept stealing all the acorns to be used in crafting events and activites. Sadly, this left Mr. Fluff unable to push through the next winter...
Since that tragic day, every full moon, the ghost of Mr. Fluff the squirrel awakens once again to make his way towards the cabins in a mission to reclaim what was once his... 🐿

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it's meant to be a bunny LMAO

i took my prints off the wall so it looks a lil gross : ( but i used 2 lipliners, my coaster sheep holder (Harold) and my koala plush (Kevin)

short description:

This bunny may look normal at first, but it's ears are strangely thin and tall in comparison to it's short round fluffy body. This may be to optimise hearing? Or to blend in better with it's woodland environment?
Out of the darkness we hear a rustling noise. The tent begins to shake. We rush to turn the lights on to see a shadow of the most terrible beast! It’s a HORNED SASQUATCH!!! We rush out of the tent and into the woods. The creature gives chase…

The horned Sasquatch is your normal furry big foot, with two noticeable differences, his giant horns! They are known predators and are also said to be bad at math. Watch out!

Oh no, something is approaching us!

I knew it! Butterfly-man, the flowerfield deity, is real! We disturbed the peace of these lands and he came with his pet snake to drive us away! They seem kinda menacing...Oh god, he's looking at us!
I found it funny how a crumpled candy wrapper for the head was just lying and somehow made a pair of eyes. That was unintentional, I swear!