Stories in the Shadows (Evergreen and The Poliwags Cabins)

a ferocious beast with a fearsome bite, this mysterious monster is easily identifiable by it's long-stemmed eyes! some say that this monster has alien origins, others say its ancestry dates back to dinosaurs. either way, you sure don't want to come across them alone in the mountains!


set up! and my username is written on the q tip bc i could not find any sticky notes!!
It's always quiet and peaceful at the cabin when night falls. We can bask in the serenity of silence, so long as we don't venture into the active woods. Tonight, as the moon hid behind the thick clouds overhead, we found ourselves amassed in utter darkness. There was an eerie feeling rising among us as we felt as though we were being watched. Rustling in the bordering bushes startle us and dread sweeps over us as the movement grows louder and more erratic. One of our cabin mates manages to produce a flashlight and with trembling hands blasts the light to illuminate the figure, revealing...


a rabbit... frustratedly trying to unstuck his paw from the twigs.

"Sorry," he says. "I was trying not to bother you guys."

You don't understand how hard it was to take these photos and just how many failed attempts I took... 😭

Beware! Beware the long-armed goblin! Though it doesn't actually do anything all too dangerous you might begin finding little snacks going missing when this little guy is around. Or maybe an old toy you weren't playing with. They're actually very friendly and only use their long strange arm to help them reach hard to reach places!


Lurking in the Camp Bell Tree Garden is the famed Potted PickPocket. She lurks in the dirt, posing as a normal plant until campers turn in for the day. She then rises from her shallow grave to devour their precious newly-planted flowers! Botanists Beware!

When I was fishing in the lake up north in the mountains I spotted this creature. He stood only a few inches high and was sitting in what I thought was a small boat with a paddles. Amazingly he seemed to be fishing. He looked like a flying ant and so I named it bugsy the ant. I’m hoping that I see him the next time I go to the lake.


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