Sunate's fourms!!!!


Senior Member
May 24, 2005
it's my fourms and so far we have over 35 members and it's a great gaming disscusionplace with many diffrent boards rangeing from free talk to zelda boads and starfox and even fanfic boards and even are own news paper! also we hold contests such as banner contets and we even got arcade games and a chat room. so please just take a look or join please.
I really dont like the fact that your sig says "If you dont look you will make Jesus cry"

<_< <_< <_<
I would seriously change it. Thats also going to make people NOT want to go to your site.

I like the skin of the site, though...

And is there any general idea of the site? Its like, pokemon, yugio, dragonballZ, and pretty much everything else...
sunate said:
srry it's the best gimic that i know whould wok

Are you stoned? That is not a gimmick, it sounds like you attempting to be funny, which you are currently failing miserably at. By the way, you misspelled forum, which is impossibly hard to do unless you are an oblivious moron, as it is spelled correctly all over the place. As for you, your mere existence has rendered the average intelligence quotient of the planet earth next to zero.
I am jewish (

:eek: ) and I personaly see nothing wrong with it. Jesus was a wise man, he was smart and said profound things which were true. From what I know he never said he was God's son, just his followers.

Anyways, to some it might seem wrong but just attacking someone like that is stupid. And that was an attack. Don't tell them it stupid unless you can think of somthing to replace it.

Sunate you might not get as many members with it as you normaly would. If there is a member that is really silly, replace him with Jesus as an inside joke, or get a picture of somthing about to cry thats really cute. Like the limecat


Or you can get a sig to advertise your forum. I know a site that will do it for free, and they are pro pros


I'll join later

Woot long post