Mafia TBT Mafia: Game of Thrones - A Crown for a King - GAME OVER

Anyone want to reread Blu Rose and tell me what they think? I got curious and I'm not a fan of it, but I'm also about 5 seconds away from falling asleep so I don't rightly trust my judgement.
so who is it

It WAS Blu Rose.

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Once again, it is not necessarily about finding scum this early on as that can be tricky - It's about making the best decision we can as a group, and then have it written down in clear view whom was supporting whom. Later on in the game this could potentially be useful to know. It is NEVER a waste of time to see whom is aligning themselves with whom, and your post is thereby incredibly scummy to me. I might be willing to chalk it up to inexperience but I have my eye on you now.

Also, I urge whomever gets crowned as king to NOT follow the people's wishes in case there is huge bandwagoning going on for very little reason. If every participant is very quick and willing to get rid of someone, then it's unlikely they are Mafia. This is a big game, with 23 players - It's likely we're looking at something like 4-5 Mafia and some potentially evil third party roles as well. Carefully watch what the people you have scum-read are voting and pushing for, and go the opposite direction.

jesus christ guys i go to sleep and **** goes down
guys we all love each other why can't we be friends
is most of what exists this far just total ****? it's basically nothing afaik
i mean kit condones panda now bit that's really all i gathered from the start of the game


please get better at shakespearian language, i mean
you're doing fine i guess but seriously the errors you do have are simply ugh
just use standard english please, doesn't matter whether britain or american
a?n espa?ol ser? mejor

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sataric's challenge on karla kinda rubs me the wrong way; it seems like he was just challenging him for the purposes of trying to find a legitimate reason early on to lynch karla, i guess? idk it's hard to put into words

granted, one can take this as a challenge to sataric attempting to put him down
i'll say right now that i would have no reason to put sataric down, or at least afaik as mafia
This last paragraph to me seems kinda evasive how he points out Sataric and then backs away from it.
First two paragraphs are ****posts which are unhelpful and add nothing to the game.
Well I just read through like 30 pages of complete garbage, and the only thing I learned is that llama was a Townie and that you guys post waaaaaaaaaaaay too freaking much.

First of all I'd like to point out that Trojan, Daniel, and N e s s are all just completely full of crap. I don't have the patience to go and quote them on their stupidity but there was something along the lines of Daniel calling Oath a terrible player when even if Oath is bad, Daniel is definitely 100x worse than him. Trojan was basically just telling Kit to contribute while he has done nothing AT ALL this game except for whine. N e s s has just been avoiding posting anything of substance and being in general annoying as frick.

As most of you guys have observed, Tina and Frogpog have done nothing this game and Tina specifically is posting yet not actually saying anything. This isn't an alignment tell or anything like that though because Tina is known to wait out day 1 because it's pretty much useless to add logs to a fire that already has 3000 logs and the fire is at the bottom screaming for help. Poplog is probably just waiting it out and following Tina's lead.

Karla is being really passive so far but It's not extremely odd, his later games were like that in general, but if he doesn't step up then we should make sure that we watch him.

Someone that I don't remember accused me of having a gang of followers which I don't really understand and m3ow is still trying to make me appear as scum, although their accusations don't hold any water.

I'm definitely leaning toward Kit being Town with their recent posts. Pretty much all the dinguses got on Kit's case once the veteran's did which is most likely a sign of them being noobs so it's hard to really get anything out of that.

Kit accused Trundle of being scum a few times for no reason, and also claimed that he had contributed nothing, which is also wrong.

All of the noobs tend to just bandwagon on any vet's opinion on anything and then make them appear stupid.

I'm leaning toward a vet sided scum team, and would also like to point out that the whole "pocketing" thing was used to get llama lynched when there was pretty much no reason to believe that it was the case. llama was clearly not competent enough to due that unless by accident and it would be a long shot either way, yet multiple vet's seemed to think that a llama lynch was a good idea.

Also I don't understand why N e s s or whoever the frick it was claimed. That was stupid as heck.
Time to start pointing fingers.

Tom, Jon Snow is one of the most popular characters in Game of Thrones and you admitted yourself that you googled his name. Surely you would have been able to figure out that he was indeed in the game. You doubted he'd be a townie which is fair enough, but with no counter claims I still question why you were so eager to pull that kill switch. Furthermore, you got additional role-claims from town to come forward. (Ness/Sam being townie is probably more or less confirmed now, in my opinion - Jon and Sam are best friends and so if one's a Townie the other should be as well, and Ness claimed first.) That being said, Tom is now the player I suspect the most.

I want to quickly go over some Game of Thrones lore since this could be helpful to all players involved in this game. If Jon Snow and Samwell Tarly are both townies, then it's likely that the White Walkers are not in the game, or at least that they are not the main evil threat.

This means that the Stark family is likely the primary blue roles, and that the Lannister family is the Mafia roles. That means we're probably looking at something like a minimum of 4 named Mafia roles. Cersei Lannister, Jamie Lannister, Tywin Lannister, and Tyrion Lannister are likely all the in the game. Tyrion COULD be a miller, because he's not very close with his family in the later books, but it's not certain at all.

We also likely have an EVIL third party in the form of Petyr Baelish. In truth, very few people in the Game of Thrones world is "good" so the possibility for evil third party people is higher. This is something worth keeping in mind and being afraid of.

Now, I am not at all for a mass role-claim because it takes 90% of the fun out of the game - But every character has a unique name as far as I can tell, and it'd be fairly easy to someone familiar with the Game of Thrones lore to be able to tell which people are good and which are bad if the names come forward. Just think it's worth mentioning.
Why would you bring up Petyr Baelish as a third party? I find that really odd.

Given the scenario you suggest, wouldn't Stannis/Melisandre be a more likely evil third party?

If anything, given how Petyr Baelish works, he'd more likely be a neutral with a very neutral role, or even the miller since so few people trust him.

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Especially since Petyr loved Cat. So if we were to assume a Stark town-team, which I can confirm fits with the character who I have the role of, wouldn't Petyr more likely to be a good-neutral or a neutral-neutral, if not a miller?

I am extremely curious at why you specifically picked Petyr for an evil neutral.
Also curious why you pointed out the whole Jon Snow thing. I'll be honest, rereading over it, Tom is not on my town list, but he's not on my suspicion list because he lynched Jon Snow. Cover roles are a thing and so far most TBT games have them. It really wouldn't surprise me if they gave a big-name character as a cover role. So what's your point with no counter claims?

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I also like Ashtot's post. And re: Vet scumteam, I want to hear more from Endless because they're not pinging my towndar and seem to not really be stating an outstanding opinion that isn't very much one he can get away with as scum.

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Oh gods. I said I shouldn't spend time on this but now I am anyway. RIP Job hunting.

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Panda, Tom, I see you two lurkin'. Come, join me, I'm getting lonely talking to myself.

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There's also other members but they're invis so I can't call em out.

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Also Ayaya scum.

I don't know why I forgot about my initial scumread.
It's easy to state that "the llama case was bad" and "it was a bad lynch" after the fact, but the truth of the matter is no one opposed the wagon while it was happening because it wasn't a illegitimate wagon: The logic that lead to it was sound. The tells were interpreted mildly incorrectly, but that's all there is to it. This is a reasonably good time to remember that there isn't any way to certainly find mafia, the best people can do is successive approximations to a highly educated guess. There isn't some conspiracy of vets that opted to intentionally misread llama, he just red told enough that either vets misread him or vets realised that there was a legitimate case to be made on a non-red player.

That being said, Ashtot has incredibly predictable meta and his indecisive play -> call out immediately after an incorrect lynch is straight up towntot. That's a reasonably strong read and I doubt I'll back down on it.

I'm also really, really jarred by Ender saying he liked ashtot's post. Reasonably chance we're dealing with Ender!mafia.
Also curious why you pointed out the whole Jon Snow thing. I'll be honest, rereading over it, Tom is not on my town list, but he's not on my suspicion list because he lynched Jon Snow. Cover roles are a thing and so far most TBT games have them. It really wouldn't surprise me if they gave a big-name character as a cover role. So what's your point with no counter claims?

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I also like Ashtot's post. And re: Vet scumteam, I want to hear more from Endless because they're not pinging my towndar and seem to not really be stating an outstanding opinion that isn't very much one he can get away with as scum.

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Oh gods. I said I shouldn't spend time on this but now I am anyway. RIP Job hunting.

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Panda, Tom, I see you two lurkin'. Come, join me, I'm getting lonely talking to myself.

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There's also other members but they're invis so I can't call em out.

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Also Ayaya scum.

I don't know why I forgot about my initial scumread.

sorry ya im here, finally home from work, and yes have had couple drinks. i dunno what to say at the moment, just trying to read and figure out whats going on... its a same that Llamas had the nam Jon Snow as a townie cause its a major character in the series but at the same time its just a name so people shouldn't be blaming it just on the name.

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its a shame *
Well I just read through like 30 pages of complete garbage, and the only thing I learned is that llama was a Townie and that you guys post waaaaaaaaaaaay too freaking much.

First of all I'd like to point out that Trojan, Daniel, and N e s s are all just completely full of crap. I don't have the patience to go and quote them on their stupidity but there was something along the lines of Daniel calling Oath a terrible player when even if Oath is bad, Daniel is definitely 100x worse than him. Trojan was basically just telling Kit to contribute while he has done nothing AT ALL this game except for whine. N e s s has just been avoiding posting anything of substance and being in general annoying as frick.

As most of you guys have observed, Tina and Frogpog have done nothing this game and Tina specifically is posting yet not actually saying anything. This isn't an alignment tell or anything like that though because Tina is known to wait out day 1 because it's pretty much useless to add logs to a fire that already has 3000 logs and the fire is at the bottom screaming for help. Poplog is probably just waiting it out and following Tina's lead.

Karla is being really passive so far but It's not extremely odd, his later games were like that in general, but if he doesn't step up then we should make sure that we watch him.

Someone that I don't remember accused me of having a gang of followers which I don't really understand and m3ow is still trying to make me appear as scum, although their accusations don't hold any water.

I'm definitely leaning toward Kit being Town with their recent posts. Pretty much all the dinguses got on Kit's case once the veteran's did which is most likely a sign of them being noobs so it's hard to really get anything out of that.

Kit accused Trundle of being scum a few times for no reason, and also claimed that he had contributed nothing, which is also wrong.

All of the noobs tend to just bandwagon on any vet's opinion on anything and then make them appear stupid.

I'm leaning toward a vet sided scum team, and would also like to point out that the whole "pocketing" thing was used to get llama lynched when there was pretty much no reason to believe that it was the case. llama was clearly not competent enough to due that unless by accident and it would be a long shot either way, yet multiple vet's seemed to think that a llama lynch was a good idea.

Also I don't understand why N e s s or whoever the frick it was claimed. That was stupid as heck.

Dude, if you are going to kinda single me out. Get my name right. It was day one and everyone was pointing fingers. As interesting as it was to watch. I had no idea what the heck was going on. Today/night is the time to start checking out people.
Dude, if you are going to kinda single me out. Get my name right. It was day one and everyone was pointing fingers. As interesting as it was to watch. I had no idea what the heck was going on. Today/night is the time to start checking out people.

you guys didn't dink that much to obviously still be coherent and up to date with the game.

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drink *
re: llama pocketing players, i hardly think it's advanced an advanced mafia tactic to defend a weak town player who is being pressured

sataric's post is good, im getting a solid town vibe from that. theres no reason for him to give his predictions about starks being blue and lannisters being red if he was scum. the only thing that wud change my mind about that is if he turned out to be wrong (after we get a blue/red flip)
I'm also really, really jarred by Ender saying he liked ashtot's post. Reasonably chance we're dealing with Ender!mafia.

So me saying that was a town!post from ashtot makes me scum even though you get EXACTLY the same read???

Please tell me how this works scum!Endless.

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re: llama pocketing players, i hardly think it's advanced an advanced mafia tactic to defend a weak town player who is being pressured

sataric's post is good, im getting a solid town vibe from that. theres no reason for him to give his predictions about starks being blue and lannisters being red if he was scum. the only thing that wud change my mind about that is if he turned out to be wrong (after we get a blue/red flip)

Tbh I felt like Sataric might be 3rd party from his post.

And yeah, the pocketing isn't advanced. In fact advanced players often stick away from it.
Drunk mafia-ing is an art. But I'm not sure why that's the topic right now. Head is hammering right now so I'll pop in later and try to focus. I'm struggling so hard to actually get interested in the game (mood/medical reasons, so please don't take offence Minties!).
So me saying that was a town!post from ashtot makes me scum even though you get EXACTLY the same read???

Please tell me how this works scum!Endless.

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Tbh I felt like Sataric might be 3rd party from his post.

And yeah, the pocketing isn't advanced. In fact advanced players often stick away from it.
based on the fact that he suggested a very specific role name for third party? i dont think an actual third party wud do that tho