Mafia TBT Mafia: Game of Thrones - A Crown for a King - GAME OVER

Ok, do you think that the possible that Robb and Sansa stark are Masons? Because they are Brother and sister.

thats possible. sataric said that there are most likely still 3 starks left in the game - robb, sansa and catelyn....possibly rickon. does that mean we're ruling out ned since hes dead? working on the assumption that all blues are starks, that means there are only 5-6 blues, which is reasonable for a game of this size. if this is true, then theres no way two of those blue roles are taken up by masons.
I don't know, everyone seems to be point fingers at ness or Daniel.

Ness has claimed to be Samwise Tarly and I believe him. You don't seem to be paying too much attention to the thread. I understand that this could be because there's a lot of pointless gibberish to look through in between of the important posts, but you really do need to pay more attention. Personally I find you very scummy so far and if I am crowned king today you will be on the list of people I will consider for the lynch, though probably not my preferred target. Daniel and Tom would be up there as well, and I am still not sure about M3ow_.

The only way for it to make sense that Trundle shot Endless and didnt get his shot refunded would be if Endless was a veteran. He claims he was not, and it had to be a medic protect, in which case Trundle would have had it refunded. So the claim doesn't add up.

I find this scummy too. Tina's been very quiet so far this game but there isn't that much to talk about Day 1. However, the nights events was peculiar in many ways, and with Trundle claiming Loras Tyrell and thus making himself look a lot better than before, Tina appears unhappy with that in my eyes and tries with this post to refuel the fire regarding Trundle's scummyness.

Also, I very much doubt Robb Stark and Sansa Stark are Masons. Robb Stark, at this time of the Game of Thrones story, was incredibly important. He was crowned King of the North and led the army that was meant to bring justice to the world of Westeros. Putting him at the same power-level as Sansa, who was pretty much useless at this time of the story, just doesn't make sense to me.
Someone asked me who I'm suspicious of, and it is still mostly Daniel. I can taste his fear. I'm also kind of wondering about the MIA players. With the two blue kills, it could be possible that Dolby is mafia and just lying about his IRL situation, although I don't think he'd lie about something so drastic. He could still be mafia regardless. There is also someone who is completely AFK as far as I know, who is to be replaced.
I already admitted I made a mistake with how the vig shots work.

Yes, I've been quiet. Reason being IRL related. And while I'm not going to into depth, I signed up to this game to give me something to focus on and keep my mind occupied - but I just can't get into it. The idea of going through these posts and analysing everything just makes me want to avoid it altogether. Since Wednesday life has gone incredibly downhill and I'm just hoping I can try and shake this funk and actually get into this game soon enough. But its difficult.
Someone asked me who I'm suspicious of, and it is still mostly Daniel. I can taste his fear. I'm also kind of wondering about the MIA players. With the two blue kills, it could be possible that Dolby is mafia and just lying about his IRL situation, although I don't think he'd lie about something so drastic. He could still be mafia regardless. There is also someone who is completely AFK as far as I know, who is to be replaced.

So anybody else
Someone asked me who I'm suspicious of, and it is still mostly Daniel. I can taste his fear. I'm also kind of wondering about the MIA players. With the two blue kills, it could be possible that Dolby is mafia and just lying about his IRL situation, although I don't think he'd lie about something so drastic. He could still be mafia regardless. There is also someone who is completely AFK as far as I know, who is to be replaced.

What I don't understand is why you would choose to shoot Endless of all people when you had Daniel up as your top scum read. If you thought that Daniel was scum, how come you would choose him over Daniel? And why did you claim so fast, you could have gotten mafia to waste a kill on you.
Someone asked me who I'm suspicious of, and it is still mostly Daniel. I can taste his fear. I'm also kind of wondering about the MIA players. With the two blue kills, it could be possible that Dolby is mafia and just lying about his IRL situation, although I don't think he'd lie about something so drastic. He could still be mafia regardless. There is also someone who is completely AFK as far as I know, who is to be replaced.

I very much doubt that he's lying about his situation but that doesn't say anything at all about his role. Even if he's Mafia and not helping them out a ton, he is still worth KP to them and probably still able to send in his actions. It is an unfortunate event when you sign up for a game and something unexpected happens which reduces your activity.

I already admitted I made a mistake with how the vig shots work.

Yes, I've been quiet. Reason being IRL related. And while I'm not going to into depth, I signed up to this game to give me something to focus on and keep my mind occupied - but I just can't get into it. The idea of going through these posts and analysing everything just makes me want to avoid it altogether. Since Wednesday life has gone incredibly downhill and I'm just hoping I can try and shake this funk and actually get into this game soon enough. But its difficult.

Fair enough - Sorry that you are having a hard time. I hope that you can still understand that, from my point of view, the lack of contribution compared to how you used to play (note, I have not played for over a year..) is giving me red flags. You used to contribute a lot when you were town and I am not getting that "I want to help town win" vibe from you, you know?
What I don't understand is why you would choose to shoot Endless of all people when you had Daniel up as your top scum read. If you thought that Daniel was scum, how come you would choose him over Daniel? And why did you claim so fast, you could have gotten mafia to waste a kill on you.

... Again, to prove Endless and myself more towards town. I already stated why I chose Endless, and I knew that it wasn't just me who thought Daniel was scum so he will be an easier lynch target, but Endless would not be so easy. Please read my post and use what brain you may have so I don't have to answer the same question 3 times.

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So anybody else

I don't know yet. I was going to go through some posts after I do my 3 assignments, prep for my midterms this week, and finish my math web work. You could try asking the lurkers what they think.
Wow. So at least one other mafia is a vet. With the fact that two blue roles are dead I'm more suspicious of Dolby... and Blu Rose. I was only semi suspicious of Blu Rose until he said that "gj we found scum" post and then disappeared. But I feel that Dolby is way more of a threat than him. Normally I'm against inactive lunches in the first couple days and I understand he's having internet problems but, if he really is he's still can't be of help to town. And given his history there's a chance he's staying quiet on purpose. We can wait until Tuesday to see what he does, but I think he's a good lynch candidate unless he comes back on Tuesday and really starts contributing

I know Kit said that she really thinks Endless is mafia but I don't think he is... I don't see him pushing his teammate that much if he was, along with him claiming that he was shot and saved.. It's still a possibility he's lying but I don't think it's very likely, if he had only pushed for Ender or only got shot and saved, I could see that he could be mafia trying to confirm himself as town. But unless there's a counter claim then I feel inclined to believe them both.

I'm still iffy about Tom though... I need to reread through some of his posts, been really busy lately but I should have time today
so u shot endless to show his alignment? what % certainty were u that he was scum when u made the shot
so u shot endless to show his alignment? what % certainty were u that he was scum when u made the shot

I claimed the shot because of the alignment part. Until then he easily could have been lying about being saved. I shot the shot because I thought he was mafia.
yes i dont understand what makes them think theres a vet in the mafia team

I'm assuming because this game is mostly vets and I doubt Ender could kill two Blues by himself if the rest of his team are new

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I get weird vibes from Karla but I always do.

I think there's a possibility if Trundle lying.

Ness still.

Maybe CMD

Do you know other games that Karlas played so I could look up his posts?
I'm assuming because this game is mostly vets and I doubt Ender could kill two Blues by himself if the rest of his team are new

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Do you know other games that Karlas played so I could look up his posts?
