cosy christmas time
It's normal that town players want to be considered for Mayor & Sheriff. Even YOU wanted to be mayor and got upset that no one was paying attention to you. You said this in Skype & in this thread several times (go read your posts you made in this thread). You posted in this thread several times trying to show people that you were a good player in Observer Chat and you seem upset that no one recognized your efforts there.
It's good that you have your doubts. Every candidate has literally said they are aligned with the Town, shocker. I'm encouraging detectives to inspect me because I know I am town, so I literally have nothing to hide. It's also common sense that the detectives are going to inspect, and I think we need to push them in the right direction because last game our detective didn't make enough moves to help Town out. This is me helping the detectives out, by giving them advice by bread-crumbing it out for them to see. As you also back track through the thread, you'll see that I was not the first to advise the detectives to inspect us. I just brought it back up to light again because the detectives have a HUGE road block this game (such as Miller & Godfather). The detectives really have to step their game up this round.
I'm not sharing my role with you because last game when I straight up told you I was Vigilante you didn't tell me your role back. Remember? That made me seriously suspicious of you & made me want to use my one shot against you. IF I did tell you my role this game, what tells me that you yourself aren't mafia and going to use it against me? It's not smart to role share with people who won't tell you their roles back (you). EVEN THEN what gives me security that you aren't lying? Also my grammar has nothing to do with the game. If you're going to use that as an excuse to think I'm mafia, then you're already starting off on a bad foot.
Just becoz I aint typin like dis to u doesn't mean a ting. If u wan me 2 I will doe.
FIRST OF ALL idrc about being Mayor but I did want people to notice my posts so you are right about that.
(also the more I think about it I grew less and less caring in the OBS chat so I see why people forget about my efforts, if I had any ;- also this makes me seem like a massive noob :{ i h8 u for posting the truth
mhm I guess. I do think though that detectives should inspect those who really want to be mayor. I would also suggest Justin, AndyB, Gallows and Gandalf bcos they are the people that people really want, so we gotta know if they are scum or not
also yeah I did this exact same thing last time, I looked for really small things to go off of~ (often because people say there's nothing to go off, gotta find something to help out in town )
i do <333
- - - Post Merge - - -
VD: Thanks! If you want to vote for me, go ahead. Although I'll lose, it's nice to know someone will vote for me.
No problem :]
VillageDweller made some good points about Kayla. I'm hoping she has nothing to hid. I mean, with how things were going with people not clearly stating why they want to be Mayor or why we can't blame her for eagerly wanting the role.
For all we know more than one of the Mafia members have spoken and given their reasons, and they could be working together to rank up some votes (starting a hype) guaranteeing a Mafia member to become Mayor or Sheriff
thank you for being the 1st to realise my GREATNESS (just kidding but thank you anyway~)