Mafia TBT Mafia II: Mafia Strike Back [Game Over/Mafia Win]

He/she was a new player that seemed pretty well into it. I didn't really want to vote for the other new players at the time because they weren't posting as much. BlueLeaf fit all my criteria: Clean slate, active, and new.

Clean slate I explained. Active, is fairly obvious, because the last thing we want is an inactive mayor, and I would have liked a new person to have one of the important roles. I wanted a new person to have one of those roles because it plays into my other requirement. If the new player felt that the old player was coming down too hard on someone due to previous actions in the other game (which I fully believe will happen), they could steer them in a better direction, or at least help them consider other options.

That, and compared to some of the other new people, it looked as if BlueLeaf actually read the first bloody page.

Since SP requested that I fill in as a replacement I decided I'll join, KarlaKGB.

I've had time to read through every post and will post soon with my thoughts on lynching day one.

Welcome to the game!
I'm so frightened I'm going to die first O_O
But at least I could observe xD
I'm so frightened I'm going to die first O_O
But at least I could observe xD

You don't seem to worried about being lynched first. That's a little strange, don'tcha think?

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god dammit I did "to" instead of "too"
Since SP requested that I fill in as a replacement I decided I'll join, KarlaKGB.

I've had time to read through every post and will post soon with my thoughts on lynching day one.

Way to step up, Riley!
congrats to justin and kayla!

anyway, i feel like getting rid of the lurkers would be a good idea. theres a chance we might kill a townie but who cares. they hurt us more by being silent. if they really wanted to help us then they would step up and at least tell us why they voted.

i found dolbys vote kinda weird - they voted for gallows before he even came back ..? i dunno if he bases it off of gallows in the last game or what. or maybe it was a quick vote so he wouldnt be modkilled? but they should get on and explain themselves.

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I'm so frightened I'm going to die first O_O
But at least I could observe xD
you can stop your death y'know if you defend yourself and actually come up with a reason why youre innocent. or dont deserve to be lynched
Hooray, Riley/Ace is joining!
Oath2Order: (I'm a he XD) Well, thanks for voting for me! I'm pretty active this week because of Thanksgiving Break. Next week will be a little less activity, but I'll be on for at least 1 hour and a half.
Not trying to defend oath or anything, but a vote for someone is who they believe will do a good job as mayor, not who they think will win. Of course, I do agree with SP that it's a little risky.
So even though KarlaKGB isn't online to update yet, here's my thoughts on day one lynch:

Dolby has been lurking most of the time. They knew just enough about the game though and people's post to change their vote to Gallows to make them less suspicious. They slipped in unnoticed when voting and didn't really care much to explain their vote. I would like to hear Dolby post a defense as to why they're not mafia, because as far as I'm concerned they look more suspicious now.
So even though KarlaKGB isn't online to update yet, here's my thoughts on day one lynch:

Dolby has been lurking most of the time. They knew just enough about the game though and people's post to change their vote to Gallows to make them less suspicious. They slipped in unnoticed when voting and didn't really care much to explain their vote. I would like to hear Dolby post a defense as to why they're not mafia, because as far as I'm concerned they look more suspicious now.

I definitely noticed that about Dolby. The more quiet they are, the more suspicious they will be. It's getting to the point if Dolby even wants to play. I also agree with what you said about voting. I think I have said this before: We should always post a reason for our voting and consider the people who don't say anything.
Ok guys, i'd like to explain some things since i'm on the suspision list i'll explain, first: i voted for Justin to stop a Gallows bandwagon since in the last game bandwagons seemed to depend on the third vote Second; Justin's lack of posting compared to last game seemed suspicious. third; why change my vote after changing to Gallows because it proboly would be taken as a attempt to save my skin and i had no reason to change.
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Ok guys, i'd like to explain some things since i'm on the suspision list i'll explain, first: i voted for Justin to stop a Gallows bandwagon since in the last game bandwagons seemed to depend on the third vote Second; Justin's lack of posting compared to last game seemed suspicious. third; why change my vote after changing to Gallows because it proboly would be taken as a attempt to save my skin and i had no reason to change.

You edited your post, editing isn't allowed :0
you're right we shouldn't modkill you.

Ok guys, i'd like to explain some things since i'm on the suspision list i'll explain, first: i voted for Justin to stop a Gallows bandwagon since in the last game bandwagons seemed to depend on the third vote Second; Justin's lack of posting compared to last game seemed suspicious. third; why change my vote after changing to Gallows because it proboly would be taken as a attempt to save my skin and i had no reason to change.

But there was no bandwagon for Gallows at the time. In fact there was no bandwagon for Gallows at all. People voted for him later based on the points he made. In fact, Gallows himself thought it was strange that you voted for him when he wasn't back until later. He said so in one of posts earlier in this thread. This still seems pretty suspicious in my opinion.
Hamusuta: Hypocrite much?
Riley: Exactly what I was thinking. If anything, the players who voted for Gallows early is a little bit suspicious. Seriously, he wasn't even back yet!
Riley: Exactly what I was thinking. If anything, the players who voted for Gallows early is a little bit suspicious. Seriously, he wasn't even back yet!

Why would that be suspicious? They could quite simply be taking the last game into account and voting through that.
In fact, that's encouraged.
Everything you can possibly do in this game, someone can think is "suspicious". Vote early, late.. Post a lot, don't.. you can't really win when it comes to that.