I think these are the most important signs of mafia, but I'm sure they're pretty obvious.
1. Pointing fingers is one sign. They know who the other members are, and they can try and kill whoever they want by that method.
2. Mafia are cowardly. They try not to post because they're afraid that they'll get suspected.
3. Going along with #2, they'll try not to have opinions to avoid suspicion, so they'll go along with a bandwagon.
Yes. They're afraid of a slip-up. There's less mafia then there are townspeople. That's the entire point of "rehashing old ideas".
Oh. I hope someone jumps in, we need all the town people we can get.
everyone should just give reasons to why they're voting, not only could it stop suspicion on you but it can give us reason to suspect by what you're saying, swings and roundabouts. It could go either way but it doesn't help if you don't post. If you join and don't play it is really ****ing selfish in my opinion. I know a few people who didn't get in the game. Lazy people should be ashamed!
New people joining isn't to say they won't become mafioso
I read over most of it. Happy with Jubs and Kayla as Mayor and Sheriff (as long as they don't muck up)
Whole-heartedly agree. I don't see why people do that. I think bluegoat14 seems to be a good example of a new player who wants to devote time despite not being totally on top of things (no offence) Kippla is also a good one, although I would say she's kinda like the ACE/Kuma of last game, without a lot of the crapposting (no offence again omg)
I don't know...Kippla is the top poster on this thread and it wouldn't take long to find several crapposts made by her. Though, I do believe she is a townie(at least for now) and she does not deserved to be lynched Day 1.
I don't know why, but this game seems less suspenseful than the last.
My strategy was to pick on the tiniest slip-ups and blow them up. Gallows avoided suggesting stuff. Mary's stategy was to take to draw attention to Jubs and herself, but we all saw how that ended up. River...idk. Now that you know this stuff:
a. observe posts and keep these strategies in mind
b. use these strategies if Mafia (and take the risk).
I wouldn't consider Kippla for Day One lynch because she is contributing a lot. If she is mafia then she is bound to slip up. If she isn't, a contributor like her will help us. I am more worried about the silent voters who give no good / solid reason for their votes.
So, who would you consider?
Would anyone else like to suggest names? We really need to help the mayor come to a decision.
Here are names of lurkers we have so far:
We've got a list going.
Bluegoat may or may not be added. Ultimately, it's Justin's decision for this lynch, though.
So, who would you consider?
Oh right speaking of you.
Have I done enough to defend my vote?
- - - Post Merge - - -
Or are the suspicions still there for you?