Who will end up being lynched?
You're part of some people's suspects because you barely posted anything after the game started.
Who will end up being lynched?
Well, when we put speculations, we added our own opinions as to the situation.
I have no freakin idea what's going on O.O
I know nothing about this game.
Is it on a separate post?!?
I am in it though :3
I did ;-;
Really, I did...
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Are you serious?!
Nobody wants me in this game ;-;
I'm really sorry...
You are suspicious, Mr. MyLifeIsCake >3>
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Any person who's name is Gandalf deserve to be mayor, lol
If the lurkers and silent voters don't play, is it possible they'll be modkilled for not posting here? If it was that, we wouldn't have people who sit and stare at us.=QUOTE]
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It's hard to trust anyone In this game...
I guess that's the point xD
I'm so frightened I'm going to die first O_O
But at least I could observe xD
I have no list...
This frightens me.
The reason why I don't post very often is because I have a family, and homework to do x|
I try to post as often as possible.
You people are scaring me...
Making wild accusations with no solid evidence xD
Here is an opinion-
BellBringerGreen seems suspicious.
I did not accuse him.
Just said he was suspicious ;D
He's being so active that he might just want to keep attention off himself...
What if he's a townie...
XD this is like trouble and terrorist town, when you kill somebody and they're an innocent, and your like OH CRAP
I just know I'm going to die tonight, as I was the second choice after Dolby...
Well, I'm not a mafia...
And if I was a mafia, I wouldn't have been shocked at all by Dolbys role. And it surprised me!
I'm very frightened, because I don't want any townies lost...
And myself.
I'm just gonna shut up ._.
I'd like to know that as well...
When I said that for voting, I wasn't really familiar with the game, and I thought I would just do what everyone else is doing. I have learned my lesson.
I'm very socially awkward in real life, and I slip up easily...
Just to put it out there, IM A GIRL.
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And I am relatively sure I did not PM iLoveYou role claiming as a bodyguard. Unless I was alsleep at the time o.o
This is all getting very exciting :3
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So does anyone have an idea of who to lynch?
I'm at my classmate's house play prod practice
So you guys still focus on Beary? Hes a newbie for me just saying maybe that is why he looks suspicious and I'm not saying that he is a mafia or newbie but just in case guys if you are really sure that he is a mafia or something you may keep on eye on him.
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Also, sorry for my inactivity today, as I has to go get shots ._.
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I'm not really sure, because of the incident and my shots (._.), I am still catching up.
BellBringer and Tom make me suspicious. I'm not accusing them, just have a feeling...>_>
Good luck to everyone in the lynching, because I have to go to bed soon and may not see the final verdict.
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Seriously though, bear in my username doesn't mean I'm a guy
Neither does the fact that I love Minecraft.
Sorry Tom XD
Just saying my suspicions. I'm getting a bit more confident with you, But BellBringer, I'm not so sure :/
BellBringerGreen is being very active, which may be trying not to act suspicious, or just being active.
And he has been very front about accusing people, so he might be trying to keep eyes off himself.
Again, these are just suspicions.
I'm really not very skilled with this game, so I'm probably wrong ._.
That is a very nice observation.
I agree that Horus is a suspect, but that doesn't 100% make him a mafia.
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I'm questioning, Superpenguin.
Spot on!
I'm still getting a feeling for the game, so I may make a few mistakes...
Horus has posted a might 5 TIMES!!!!
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Mighty *![]()
Some players are lurking way to much...
It's really something to think about it.
And thank you, I'll probably post less from now on.
>.> Horus
You naughty naughty
Editin things
I'm reading through the first mafia, and it was much more relaxed and humorous, and seemed more enjoyable![]()
I'm new at this. I needz actionz!
And anyways, I have nothing to do. :/
I vote to lynch ITookYourWaffles.
Yeah... I'm still thinking who to votes don't forget gallows and andy they are really good...
(vote wisely... Maybe one of them are Mafia).
List of people who are good or expert at this game: Jubs (dunno this person), Gandalf, AndyB, Gallows and Justin.
So who else? (Listing them because what if we vote a mafia player still thinking who to vote before day 1 ends)
Shuhhh just knew now Dx
I think I'm gonna vote for Kayla because she is honest or Blueleaf
((Still thinking who to vote)....
No school so yeah and I'm done with hand turkey thing
Ain't nobody got time for that
I guess we are very lucky that Mary got lynched I never seen her posting/voting.
Still we are very lucky... Dolby the Townie got lynched even how many times she said that shes a townie people still don't believe her.
I'm at my classmate's house play prod practice
So you guys still focus on Beary? Hes a newbie for me just saying maybe that is why he looks suspicious and I'm not saying that he is a mafia or newbie but just in case guys if you are really sure that he is a mafia or something you may keep on eye on him.
I'm not sure about this well for me somethings not right about 3DSFan because he is inactive (I have to re-read the post again and again)
And about this quote
I'm not sure if he wants to be Mafia or not, well what if he is a mafia? We don't have a solid proof that 3DSFan is a mafia. Now my question is did he (3DSFan) post something in day 1? I haven't seen him posting in night 1 and day 2. I'm sure he will be modkill tomorrow because he didn't post so yeah.
[Curious question]
Well what do you guys think of Dolby? Yeah I know she got lynched well do you guys think that he/she is a newbie?
I compiled their posts into spoilers so people having a hard time choosing who to vote for can look here.
Everyone seems to going with waffles, though I'm going with VD, I don't think they are Mafia b/c no one has really stood up for them. Yes, Laurina did end up dead after accusing waffles. But like Fireninja said, the mafia likes to cause trouble on day 2. It is unlikley that the Mafia would just stand there and let their members be lynched. Waffles also hasn't said anything about this and I would at least hope that the mafia would be smart enough to tell their fellow member to stand up for theirself. I still have to say lynn05 (sorry if I typed that wrong, I'm on mobile) remains suspicious in my book because they haven't posted much, and I know well they were viewing this thread after Gandalf, Laurina, and Kippla were killed. As I said before, its one thing if you're busy, but if you are active, online and viewing the thread, I don't see why you don't even attempt to post unless you're afraid of slip ups.
If Waffles can manage to defend herself and convince me of her innocence, then I'd have no issue with voting for lynn. I've been debating between the two.
With iTookYourWaffles it's really hard for me to enter a vote. Although I am still leaning towards her. The arguments facing her are so strong but I am trying to keep in mind the "What if she was framed" argument, posted by FireNinja1 and myself. Also MyLeIsCake made some good points about iTookYourWaffles:
This is probably just a shot in the dark, but I don't think either of them are Mafia. Nobody has brought up other names, and nobody has really said why neither of them are Mafia. The mafia themselves can see this and can just let everyone else vote for either of those 2, knowing full well that they both aren't Mafia.
Everyone seems to going with waffles, though I'm going with VD, I don't think they are Mafia b/c no one has really stood up for them. Yes, Laurina did end up dead after accusing waffles. But like Fireninja said, the mafia likes to cause trouble on day 2. It is unlikley that the Mafia would just stand there and let their members be lynched. Waffles also hasn't said anything about this and I would at least hope that the mafia would be smart enough to tell their fellow member to stand up for theirself.
I'm not giving up. I've just lost all hope in my innocence.
You know your role; you know your innocence.
I've given up on there being people believing in my innocence.
I've given up on there being people believing in my innocence.
Didn't you say you weren't going to post anymore?
Remember that this is only a game and it shouldn't be taken too seriously, I'm sure that everyone has at least contributed something good.Has anybody read my post?
I gave evidence.
If you need more, fine.
- I didn't understand that a townie and a town were different, that is why Kayla said I was two things. I corrected my mistake.
-I am new at this game.
-I am trying very hard to be a valuable poster.
That is all I can think of right now.
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Oh speaking of useles non contributing posts?
Who will end up being lynched?