Okay, Kippla pointed out:
"I think Karla is Mafia. He keeps repeatedly saying that we're fearing him for no reason when he knows, probably better than all of us, that Mafia is a game of trust and logic. Does Karla expect us to trust him right away?"
After saying he would lurk the thread, he pointed out that he thought Hikari was a better option, causing me to think that they were both Mafia. He pointed out something about last game electing TWO SCUM and how much of a ruin that made the town, and that he didn't want a replay of that.
He then pointed out that Kayla did a great job hiding her godfather role and Karla could do the same thing--just as easily. I replied to this with an, " Only reason I believe you now."
After a little shady part in my memory (I can't remember!), he thought that BellBringerGreen might be Mafia, with evidence such as, and I quote, "He's barely posting and when he does, it's usually against someone like me: Active and eager to play, yet innocent." BellBringerGreen was not talked about the rest of the time.
I then pointed out that we were probably being waaaaaayy too quick coming to conclusions, and we departed with, "May the better person die!"