Mafia TBT Mafia III: The Murder Before Christmas [Game Over/Town Win]

On the first day, yes, but that's because whatever other idiot was there (beary or 3dsfan) was taking up all the votes and I posted my suspicions of Hikari towards the end of day. The next day Kayla did help but I mostly furthered my suspicions on my own. From reading the mafia chat, Hikari was in a bit of a panic which led him to role claim as Miller.

The only reason I wasn't killed off early was because I was a bodyguard and was indirectly helping the mafia. Also, do Karla and I not look like good choices to you? I'm just confused about why you chose him over us? I'm just as much a player as he and Karla, as you can probably see, is a lot better than all of us.

Karla and VD are probably going to end up in office if it keeps going like this. Well, one, I didn't know you were running because you weren't posting much and I didn't see your campaign post. I usually have multiple tabs up so I probably missed it while checking them. Karla is just sort of in between for me. I don't know what to think of him, because like he said, I don't really trust anyone to be on a side.

Could you link me to your campaign post? I'll read it and maybe I'll change my vote if you have strong points and I think you'll do better than VD. This is a major-win or major-miss point in the game, so I want to be careful about my vote.

Karla and VD are probably going to end up in office if it keeps going like this. Well, one, I didn't know you were running because you weren't posting much and I didn't see your campaign post. I usually have multiple tabs up so I probably missed it while checking them. Karla is just sort of in between for me. I don't know what to think of him, because like he said, I don't really trust anyone to be on a side.

Could you link me to your campaign post? I'll read it and maybe I'll change my vote if you have strong points and I think you'll do better than VD. This is a major-win or major-miss point in the game, so I want to be careful about my vote.

There you go... :p Those were the posts I made before I got on last night. (aka my original posts)
I may end up switching my vote after reading the posts so far. Now, I know I'm somewhat easily swayed, but the election period is probably the only time you should really change your vote (while at the same time, not abusing it). I read all of the candidate's post, and I'll probably go for Trundle. What Farobi and Trundle mentioned was the turning point. I think Trundle and Karla would make a great pair in the office. VD would have been my choice, but I can't see anything other than the Godfather thing and a good player. Laurina was also another person I was thinking about, and River hasn't said a lot.
Aside from the election, we should probably focus on getting Mafia. People are getting distracted talking about VD and attacking Karla. I'm going to talk about how we should find Mafia.

1. HOW TO STOP GETTING SUSPECTED: From the Scum Chat, you can see that the Mafia will pretty much kill any good players and players who aren't afraid to speak their mind. To avoid getting suspected, stop suspecting others wildly. This pertains to the second group of players who most often get killed, but what about the first group? Well, there's no way to stop you from being a good player if you already are. When you're a good player, you contribute. To avoid getting suspected, there's not really much of a way. All I can say here is to make your points clear and to the point. Mafia will most likely skip over the smaller posts.

2. THE SIGNS OF MAFIA: For people who have participated or read the last two games, you know at least the gist of it. Fishy posts, rephrasing others, changing their vote, baseless accusations, etc. Has a person suspected another, and the person who suspected died? This part is the easy part. The next two parts aren't so easy.

3. HOW TO GET YOUR POINTS ACROSS: You can't just make a baseless accusation. You need evidence. Votes, posts, or behavior. In your accusation, you need to be to the point and be clear. If you beat around the bush, your audience will probably forget what you were trying to convey. Along with this, you need to pressure and question them.

4. HOW TO PRESSURE AND QUESTION THEM: To pressure them, find their posts that don't line up, like a person who role claimed Townie saying, "I got shot by Mafia, but I'm still alive! Party!" Put the posts into your accusation posts, making your suspect worry and under pressure, eventually giving out information. When they do give the information, you might want to question them. Don't worry about asking too much questions, the more the merrier. Ask questions that pertain to who, what, when, how, and why? Where doesn't pertain to this, for fairly obvious reasons. If Town agrees with your accusation, good job! Are they defending themselves? Most likely, yes. People would be dumb to be under suspicion and not defend themselves.

5. ARE THEY DEFENDING THEMSELVES?: Chances are, if they posted something before that doesn't support the point they're making, just quote that. If they hadn't posted something before that's out of line, then gather more evidence and work from there. Eventually, they will give up.

Of course, this may all just be common sense or general knowledge. I just wanted people to not be distracted by the election.
I may end up switching my vote after reading the posts so far. Now, I know I'm somewhat easily swayed, but the election period is probably the only time you should really change your vote (while at the same time, not abusing it). I read all of the candidate's post, and I'll probably go for Trundle. What Farobi and Trundle mentioned was the turning point. I think Trundle and Karla would make a great pair in the office. VD would have been my choice, but I can't see anything other than the Godfather thing and a good player. Laurina was also another person I was thinking about, and River hasn't said a lot.
Aside from the election, we should probably focus on getting Mafia. People are getting distracted talking about VD and attacking Karla. I'm going to talk about how we should find Mafia.

1. HOW TO STOP GETTING SUSPECTED: From the Scum Chat, you can see that the Mafia will pretty much kill any good players and players who aren't afraid to speak their mind. To avoid getting suspected, stop suspecting others wildly. This pertains to the second group of players who most often get killed, but what about the first group? Well, there's no way to stop you from being a good player if you already are. When you're a good player, you contribute. To avoid getting suspected, there's not really much of a way. All I can say here is to make your points clear and to the point. Mafia will most likely skip over the smaller posts.

2. THE SIGNS OF MAFIA: For people who have participated or read the last two games, you know at least the gist of it. Fishy posts, rephrasing others, changing their vote, baseless accusations, etc. Has a person suspected another, and the person who suspected died? This part is the easy part. The next two parts aren't so easy.

3. HOW TO GET YOUR POINTS ACROSS: You can't just make a baseless accusation. You need evidence. Votes, posts, or behavior. In your accusation, you need to be to the point and be clear. If you beat around the bush, your audience will probably forget what you were trying to convey. Along with this, you need to pressure and question them.

4. HOW TO PRESSURE AND QUESTION THEM: To pressure them, find their posts that don't line up, like a person who role claimed Townie saying, "I got shot by Mafia, but I'm still alive! Party!" Put the posts into your accusation posts, making your suspect worry and under pressure, eventually giving out information. When they do give the information, you might want to question them. Don't worry about asking too much questions, the more the merrier. Ask questions that pertain to who, what, when, how, and why? Where doesn't pertain to this, for fairly obvious reasons. If Town agrees with your accusation, good job! Are they defending themselves? Most likely, yes. People would be dumb to be under suspicion and not defend themselves.

5. ARE THEY DEFENDING THEMSELVES?: Chances are, if they posted something before that doesn't support the point they're making, just quote that. If they hadn't posted something before that's out of line, then gather more evidence and work from there. Eventually, they will give up.

Of course, this may all just be common sense or general knowledge. I just wanted people to not be distracted by the election.

You should add on how to find the elected Mafia if there are any. For instance, are they posting much to help out? Do they keep their promises? Are they really trying and shoving forward evidence to support any claims they might have that go against the Town's claims?
If people think I'm lurking, sorry! I'm just scared to say anything from what happened last time ):
If you don't want it happening again, look at your old posts and see where you went wrong. Then resolve that and make sure you don't let it happen again. Not posting much is a good way to solve it, but you must be sure you do post or else it will look odd for you to never be posting.
I think I'm gonna vote for VillageDweller. Don't be offended by this Karla, but I think you're trying too hard to be elected. :p
See red

I'm going to talk about how we should find Mafia.

1. HOW TO STOP GETTING SUSPECTED: From the Scum Chat, you can see that the Mafia will pretty much kill any good players and players who aren't afraid to speak their mind. To avoid getting suspected, stop suspecting others wildly. This pertains to the second group of players who most often get killed, but what about the first group? Well, there's no way to stop you from being a good player if you already are. When you're a good player, you contribute. To avoid getting suspected, there's not really much of a way. All I can say here is to make your points clear and to the point. Mafia will most likely skip over the smaller posts.

Not sure what you mean here...suspected by who? Do you mean HOW TO STOP GETTING KILLED BY MAFIA? If so, I disagree with your points about not speaking your mind. Mafia are terrified of strong, confident and outspoken town players. These players know they're not guilty, they have no reason to mince their words. Yes, playing like this will put you at the top of the Mafia hitlist, which is why we need MANY town players doing this. The Mafia can't kill us all, and if medics are pulling their weight, Mafia may even be afraid of wasting a hit on a protected strong player and will shoot some passive townie instead. I will not give hints on how to spot blue players, although I'm certain I've written about this subject in one of the obs chats or other games. All I will say is - do not be afraid to stick your neck out as a blue. Play as if you were a townie. That way you hide in plain sight amongst the rest of the strong townies.

2. THE SIGNS OF MAFIA: For people who have participated or read the last two games, you know at least the gist of it. Fishy posts, rephrasing others, changing their vote, baseless accusations, etc. Has a person suspected another, and the person who suspected died? This part is the easy part. The next two parts aren't so easy.
I would like to add a bit about spotting what I call Mafia Motivation. One of the biggest challenges (especially in TBT Mafia) is sorting dummy from scummy. Mafia motivations are actions or posts that when look at fully, only make sense from the perspective of a Mafia player. These are subtle psychological patterns that can only come from the specific mindset and psychology that Mafiosi inherently have. The best part about this is, scum can never fully hide Mafia motivation without directly playing against their win objective.

3. HOW TO GET YOUR POINTS ACROSS: You can't just make a baseless accusation. You need evidence. Votes, posts, or behavior. In your accusation, you need to be to the point and be clear. If you beat around the bush, your audience will probably forget what you were trying to convey. Along with this, you need to pressure and question them.
This is good. Mafia is not a game of facts. It is a game of convincing people that you are correct.
Ok, just finished all of the stuff I've been doing at home, so I can finally catch up.
Before I forget these, I've got some questions for anyone running for the mayoral roles.
These have probably all been asked, so if you've answered them previously, disregard them as I'll be catching up in a minute anyway.
1- How would you guide the town? Would you give people free reign or instruct blue roles what to do?
2- Do you encourage roleclaiming (via PM or otherwise), and how will you determine the fake roleclaimers from honest town players?
3- (Applies to sheriff role) How will you decide how to use your pardons? Will you use them at all?

Again, I haven't yet read through the posts since the game started, so if you have already answered these previously, just ignore them as I'll see them anyway.
Ok, just finished all of the stuff I've been doing at home, so I can finally catch up.
Before I forget these, I've got some questions for anyone running for the mayoral roles.
These have probably all been asked, so if you've answered them previously, disregard them as I'll be catching up in a minute anyway.
1- How would you guide the town? Would you give people free reign or instruct blue roles what to do?
2- Do you encourage roleclaiming (via PM or otherwise), and how will you determine the fake roleclaimers from honest town players?
3- (Applies to sheriff role) How will you decide how to use your pardons? Will you use them at all?

Again, I haven't yet read through the posts since the game started, so if you have already answered these previously, just ignore them as I'll see them anyway.

1. Karla has answered all these posts multiple times, but I'll have a go since I've posted a bit less than him.
Obviously, Karla and I together, if voted in, would guide the town in every way possible. Basically, Karla's town plan in his first post is already a huge leap at guiding the town. He instructed that most blue roles not to roleclaim, but told them who they should be going for. If Karla and I are voted, we will probably initiate that plan and repost it just to make sure everyone reads it.
2. Answered in question one
3. I'm going for mayor but if I end up Sheriff I will use my pardon when I'm near 100% sure that someone being lynched is not mafia. Hopefully it won't even need to come to that because posts are far more valuable than any abilities in this game.
Ugh, phone call from work just woke me up and now I gotta get up to go in on my day off :c I thought a lot about it and would have really liked to see Karla as sheriff instead of Mayor. My second choice would be Trundle. I'm going to vote for Trundle and hope for the best. They have a partnership forming, not exactly trusting, but they both know what they're doing.
Okay, I think I'm gonna change my vote to Trundle now. I don't really want Karla for Mayor, but rather sheriff, since he would handle that role better in my opinion, and I think Trundle would serve as a better Mayor. :)
Interesting switch. How come you, personally, think Karla would be better as a Sheriff?

If I recall, Karla said himself that he wanted to be the Sheriff. He wanted a more action-y role, since the Mayoy only has a double lynch.
VillageDweller - If you can see post 562, he says this in a section of his campaign:

I would also personally help out anyone who's willing to contact me, via PM or w/e you want. I will gladly give advice, discuss things with you, personal planning etc and help you out as much as I possibly can.

I do not know how the other town players are going to go about this, but for me this post is similar to "I want information" and actual helping to the least of his concerns. Not only that, but the influx of votes in his favor after his speech makes me feel suspicious on a bunch of players, but if some supporters turn out Town then I probably wouldn't suspect VD as much. I may be dead wrong on this (which is 90% what i expect lol) but I personally think he is the most suspicious of the bunch.

I actually do just want to discuss things with people! I totally understand why you pointed this out though, and if people don't want to do it then they don't have to. It's just an option if anyone has anything to talk about, just reassuring people that they can if they want to, but they don't have to.

Also as to those people saying I dropped the Godfather thing:
I did and that was awful play by me. That was when we cheated and we proved to each other that I was Medic and she was a Detective. So that's why I kind of dropped it, I (god knows why) completely trusted iLoveYou that she was a detective, but obviously that wasn't the case. :[ So you know, fair enough on the people saying how bad that was last game.
Obviously you can just not trust me, but I have been thinking more about this game, especially about not roleclaiming to anyone unless you trust them. I would try my best to keep up my early suspicions of people and pursue them as much as possible. Of course I would love other people's input as to whether they are suspicious themselves or not, which is why I would welcome PM's for discussion. I don't really care if you give me information or not, I'd just love to discuss things more with people. Also Trundle: LOL YOU THINK I COULD EVER BE A MAFIA LEADER omfg I would suck as that lol.

I reckon Karla and Trundle would be a good combination of leaders though. Also, while I appreciate those who vote for me (and I hate to glorify the elected roles as they aren't the end all to the game) it is about choosing the best possible people for those positions. If you just don't think I am, don't vote for me! Simple as that. We want the best for the Town, and so far I would say that would have to be Trundle and KarlaKGB.
Ideally there should be less than two hours left for voting, but since I've screwed up and completely forgotten about that blasted timer you've got some amnesty time I suppose. Just be sure to get your votes in if you haven't already and like Karla suggested a page or two back, it might be a good idea to talk lynchin.
Like Tom and Karla said: Do we have any suspects? The first mayor lynch will have to go off of the posts we have so far and not just a random accusation. Blu Rose does look a little shady, being naive about Kippla's innocence, apologizing, and telling us to shun him. It's pretty early to make accusations tho, so I'll probably read back on posts.
I really think Laurina would be a good mayor/sheriff. Even though in the last game she was killed quite quickly, she had very detailed posts. I am going to vote for Laurina because I think she could benefit the town with her well written posts.