On the first day, yes, but that's because whatever other idiot was there (beary or 3dsfan) was taking up all the votes and I posted my suspicions of Hikari towards the end of day. The next day Kayla did help but I mostly furthered my suspicions on my own. From reading the mafia chat, Hikari was in a bit of a panic which led him to role claim as Miller.
The only reason I wasn't killed off early was because I was a bodyguard and was indirectly helping the mafia. Also, do Karla and I not look like good choices to you? I'm just confused about why you chose him over us? I'm just as much a player as he and Karla, as you can probably see, is a lot better than all of us.
Karla and VD are probably going to end up in office if it keeps going like this. Well, one, I didn't know you were running because you weren't posting much and I didn't see your campaign post. I usually have multiple tabs up so I probably missed it while checking them. Karla is just sort of in between for me. I don't know what to think of him, because like he said, I don't really trust anyone to be on a side.
Could you link me to your campaign post? I'll read it and maybe I'll change my vote if you have strong points and I think you'll do better than VD. This is a major-win or major-miss point in the game, so I want to be careful about my vote.