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Mafia TBT Mafia: Renaissance - Game Thread [ENDGAME - Town Wins]

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Also yeah with some time spent away from the thread I return feeling like f11 deserves some reconsideration and maybe tae but I still think Amazon is town despite that weird vote movement, it's not enough for me to turn against someone with really analytical reads that feel like town Evan.

There's going to be a spotlight on the Jacob wagon, that's to be expected, but the scumteam will just be spread out if I'm to continue believing it was two town wagons. I'm hoping that will be known by day 2 btw.

I've been looking at people who maintained those wagons by throwing doubt and suspicion on Trundle/Jacob while not necessarily hard-leading them because that's all that scum really has to do in a D1 like that.
These are a couple of really good points actually. All scum had to do is let one wagon through, which only further solidifies my theory that Trundle could be town despite my early justified misgivings.

One thing I am not sure about is what people are referring to with a "weird vote movement" and me. I fully acknowledge and accept some suspicion due to my placing a vote on a townie, and I've seen plenty of people start sussing me a bit as a result. But I didn't move any votes and parked my vote on Jacob because yeah I lowkey panicked after realizing I needed to vote before EoD and didn't have enough time to sufficiently analyze everything
My criticism of you not pushing for lynches was regarding your D1 gameplay overall rather than your vote analysis.
I read your vote analysis post but I disagree with your pushes on Panda and Emolga. I feel like Panda always plays weirdly and, although I haven't verified it, I am almost certain voting against wagons is a common theme for her regardless of alignment. I do agree moving forward with oath, but I know if you are mafia you would probably include at least one of your teammates in the list of people moving forward. Emolga I need to ISO but the vibes I've been getting are just newbie town vibes.

I pushed at the Heyden lynch but nobody bit and resolved myself onto deciding between top wagons. I feel like you're expecting me to be the town leader? A lot of people are?

Panda plays hella weirdly and I'm looking at her ISO feeling like her reads feel more considerate of multiple people in a way that could be town navigating the game but the timing of thing and how her EoD was still bothers me.

Oath is like...the excuse is work and that's it. I know how exhausting post work can feel because that's where I am right now but unless you actually read the playerlist you're lurking.
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I think Call Ships to Port was when Locket was a townie from what I remember, not wanting to just read her through meta but she's really not got a ton to read into here and I've been having a concern on the reads she's sheeped for a while now.
where's your analysis on anything tho. i don't recall ever seeing a post from you more than 2 lines


Crack scum team Heyden for my **** reasons Trundle because why not and evan because let's just call the argument fake

Panda sus and could be idk. Don't buy the Locket case.

Dad is just doing that thing where he treats me as scum in every game I play so I don't care about him
Flick is in my town why's the thread gotta be open during night like this smh
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Crack scum team Heyden for my **** reasons Trundle because why not and evan because let's just call the argument fake

Panda sus and could be idk. Don't buy the Locket case.

Dad is just doing that thing where he treats me as scum in every game I play so I don't care about him

You're lurking and lacking reads Oath, you think I should be townreading you at the moment?
i’m not a fan that people are bringing up games and meta from literally years ago, i think that’s the weakest parts of these reads. a lot of people have done this but i’m commenting on the cases for panda and locket rn. i think that panda is probs scum and that locket is playing weak and safely (null on her atm), but i haven’t played with most of you in a long time and don’t think trying to remember meta from that far back is fair
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Flick is in my town why's the thread gotta be open during night like this smh

i didn’t get to landscape yesterday :(
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isn’t fair*
Jacob stop liking **** after you die. It's confusing


Crack scum team Heyden for my **** reasons Trundle because why not and evan because let's just call the argument fake

Panda sus and could be idk. Don't buy the Locket case.

Dad is just doing that thing where he treats me as scum in every game I play so I don't care about him

Wow, an upgrade from two lines to four lines? Moving up in the world, aren't we. (Three technically cuz one is "idk" but I'll let it slide.)


Ok sorry for being a smartass but I don't like this post and not just because it calls me maf over something I don't understand. What argument are you referring to?

And care to elaborate on why you don't buy the Locket case? Care to elaborate on anything besides just stating things? Gut instinct is again fine but if you are sharing based on that I'd at least appreciate knowing.

Even though I don't like this post because I disagree with a couple things in it, I do think Heyden and Panda should be examined closer, and honestly I think oath looks a bit more townie to me because this gives me "IDC what you feel" town oath vibes.
omg hi i'm sorry i've been busy setting up work from home stuff all day, i'll try catch up tonight, also idk if i'm being rly dumb but how do i search within a thread? i'm not seeing any tabs for it
oh wait i said don’t so i did mean is. i think meta reading from old games is unfair
overreliance on meta is bad esp. in the first real game that's happened for a while. People change over time, but I think meta is ultimately fair to bring up here when I note how a lot of people seem to have not really changed how they play cough Panda cough Punchy.
Like yeah meta can't be everything it's just something to resort to when you're having difficulty reading someone with what content they have so far, you have to resort to reading the behavior in place of the reads.

That being said my townreads on Antonio and Punchy are super meta-based and I think that's enough with them and that I'm right about it.
Does anyone still scum read trundle or is the general consensus that it the top 2 lynch candidates was town
omg hi i'm sorry i've been busy setting up work from home stuff all day, i'll try catch up tonight, also idk if i'm being rly dumb but how do i search within a thread? i'm not seeing any tabs for it
I did my locket ISO thusly


Be sure to pull down the menu on the right as it usually has defaulted to search "everywhere"
I'm not dead set on you being mafia yet @Geoni, but sometimes town can sheep strong players like you (did it myself D1 unintentionally) and I am a lot more comfortable this game if I know there are at least a couple eyes of suspicion on you. You haven't done anything overtly bad in the game yet, and I also don't think you've done anything overtly good either, which is why I'm suspicious of you. I also dislike how you just ignored shawo's posts on the NL math he was doing instead of actually considering it. He raised a lot of really good points so it surprised me. I know the EOD rush was crazy, though.
Does anyone still scum read trundle or is the general consensus that it the top 2 lynch candidates was town
I'm comfortable saying both are town rn but I'll have to reevaluate given everything that's gone on. Like I said with Locket, I almost have to townlean Trundle at this point given her voting.
Does anyone still scum read trundle or is the general consensus that it the top 2 lynch candidates was town
Pretty sure it's just Antonio at this point.
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Mafia knows if they try to push me at this point it will be incredibly obvious. I played like an idiot in the first 24h but I believe I'm giving off town vibes at this point and got back into my groove.
Evan be nice to oath, he's trying.

Also I'm fine letting Panda simmer overnight and I might reISO glow instead with the time I have at work tonight if catching up/responding to stuff doesn't distract me. If someone throws down some lamebrain case on me I will ignore it until I look at the things I want to and get those reads out there. I know how ya'll are gonna be lmao.
i'm still not convinced trundle is town lol, then again i am usually wrong. he's smarter than how he's been playing, something isn't right
Also “I haven’t seen a ton of people play mafia before so I’m not scared of anyone” is a bit of a lame noncommittal answer because that’s actually not accurate – she’s seen a lot of people here before
At the time, I wasn't afraid of anyone because it's been so long since I've played or even watched a mafia game. I almost completely forgot who were really really experienced and those who are new.

Again with the Punchy stanza stuff, which I don’t think will materialize into anything.
The stanza stuff did not become anything.

Secondly, and most importantly, who on earth would townread two individuals who you just speculated to be masons, and had done nothing to deserve townleaning?
I town-leaned them because masons are generally town. I no longer have the same thoughts on Punchy and Sheabae.

Did Shawo soft or claim cop? I’m confused here. Regardless tish mirrors my thoughts on claiming or fishing for roles day 1, so more points. Although do note that this is the last post of Locket’s before EoD. Locket was notably not around at all in the crucial final hour of D1 and makes me a little suspect, like she could’ve been talking with scumchat and monitoring things from there. She was around a half hour after EoD so it’s not like she was completely out of the picture – I hate picking on someone if they have a good excuse/IRL **** that happened during that time, but I can’t discount the possibility.

I was going off of what other people had posted, saying that Shawo claimed cop. At this point, I was kinda lost and trying to figure out what had happened and where.

During EoD, I was making dinner and finishing up school work. I came back to multiple pages of new postsabout 30 or so minutes after EoD.
I read very, VERY quickly over EoD and wasn't able to sort out my thoughts about what happened.

I don't have any really strong opinions on anyone right now, but I will go through everyone's posts and read EoD againand post thoughts after that.
you were on the thread too trundle, u had ample time to voice ur opinion on NL but u didn't (jacob did, rest in peace my young prince), unless u did and i forgot but i'm p sure u just posted saying u were there but then did absolutely nothing to prove/fight for urself
you were on the thread too trundle, u had ample time to voice ur opinion on NL but u didn't (jacob did, rest in peace my young prince), unless u did and i forgot but i'm p sure u just posted saying u were there but then did absolutely nothing to prove/fight for urself
When I wrote that I was catching up one thread I had just gotten home and was in the middle of reading the NL stuff. By the time I was actually in the thread NL was definitely not happening. I finished reading the thread when there were 5 minutes 9-10 minutes left. At that point there is nothing more I could have done to defend myself (it would be beating a dead horse). I'm not sure if you have read the whoel thread, but I thought it was kind of obvious.
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