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Mafia TBT Mafia: Renaissance - Game Thread [ENDGAME - Town Wins]

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Feel like I'm beating a dead horse when it comes to wanting more from people like Heyden glow Panda oath etc. Each one of them contributed little to wagons yesterday while suddenly coming around at EoD and voting off wagon. That's not a scumtell if they genuinely were trying to push another option but the pushes they had at EoD seem to be dialed back to simmer.

And idk with AmazonEvan anymore but I don't feel he's aligned with Locket yet that case he made... I feel like it's not being discussed much?
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Speak of the devil. Evan I wanna understand why your approach to the Locket ISO felt a bit predetermined and stretched out, are you going to push that today?
As an additional point, if Tae were town here, why would they vote a claimed PR if they have a second scumread outside of me.

The way Tae is playing doesn't seem town oriented. I'm not even sure how to describe it any better. "I don't know why someone would play like this if they were town."
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I played a forum mafia game ~ a week ago where I fake claimed cop as vill and died the next night.
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Week? I meant month. Quarantine time is off sorry.

to be fair tae already had outed sus on you, and i don't think anyone has really cared that you claimed PR because you're giving yourself this wildcard reputation.

it's kinda valid that tae susses you / because / you are a wildcard, playstyle-wise

honestly u have also said kinda inconsistent stuff. like at one point in this thread you said i was voting to lynch panda, when i wasn't; you also adamantly claimed that you never said the words "i'm cop" when you did (as a meme). so i get it. i actually fully get why you both sr each other. lol.

also do NOT act like you've never scumread someone harder the second that they started pushing on you, from tae's POV i feel like that bolstered their opinion on u
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@glow my possible change on panda is out of sheer curiosity something that came up during N1 that i didn't put two and two together until she started posting. if she is scum its def not a me and her team thing. bc im not scum lol.
i'm still out here wondering why oath questioned someone scumreading his scumread? lol it genuinely feels like he forgot he sr'd hayden. i have no idea why someone would ask that, but i'm all ears for an explanation
and no, "he asked because he wanted to know" isn't an explanation. WHAT information does that give you, besides a read on Antonio which is fruitless since his mason claim is basically too outlandish to be fake (esp since he was willing to "copy-paste" his QT lol)
Feel like I'm beating a dead horse when it comes to wanting more from people like Heyden glow Panda oath etc. Each one of them contributed little to wagons yesterday while suddenly coming around at EoD and voting off wagon. That's not a scumtell if they genuinely were trying to push another option but the pushes they had at EoD seem to be dialed back to simmer.

I didn't have any "pushes"... I'm not into telling people how to vote, I voted for who I wanted to and id still be ok with voting for that person and I didn't jump on the Trundle bandwagon cause it felt wrong, Trundle always feels a bit scummy to me but I think thats just cause him and I don't vibe well together, I initially thought on him coming in the thread talking about wincon wouldn't be smart mafia move so I stuck with that and went with my other gut feeling.
to be fair tae already had outed sus on you, and i don't think anyone has really cared that you claimed PR because you're giving yourself this wildcard reputation.

it's kinda valid that tae susses you / because / you are a wildcard, playstyle-wise

honestly u have also said kinda inconsistent stuff. like at one point in this thread you said i was voting to lynch panda, when i wasn't; you also adamantly claimed that you never said the words "i'm cop" when you did (as a meme). so i get it. i actually fully get why you both sr each other. lol.

also do NOT act like you've never scumread someone harder the second that they started pushing on you, from tae's POV i feel like that bolstered their opinion on u

You said you were down for Panda or Oath and I'm still waiting on you to even talk about Panda since you didn't assist the only CFD that had a chance after saying that, instead sticking to a CFD that didn't. I just searched through your ISO and have seen very little about it.
Hold up, I was about to go do a deep dive on what happened with Daniel and Emolga for them to both die but I am skimming and seeing mention of a maj?

Hold the **** up guys why are we majjing anyone at this point, this feels way too sudden and like a mafia plot to me to shut down discussion.

Having said that, let me catch up on the 10 pages I've missed out on to sort things out, then determine if it's worth my taking that time or if this phase is about to end anyway shortly
this phrase just started and we got 50 hrs
I didn't have any "pushes"... I'm not into telling people how to vote, I voted for who I wanted to and id still be ok with voting for that person and I didn't jump on the Trundle bandwagon cause it felt wrong, Trundle always feels a bit scummy to me but I think thats just cause him and I don't vibe well together, I initially thought on him coming in the thread talking about wincon wouldn't be smart mafia move so I stuck with that and went with my other gut feeling.

But what was the point of the Harbour vote when the top two wagons were almost tied?

What do you think about Harbour's recent readslist?
To be honest, going for a 1 person vote instead the majority shouldn't be scummy unless it's like 10 minutes into EOD and u barely posted anything.
But what was the point of the Harbour vote when the top two wagons were almost tied?

What do you think about Harbour's recent readslist?

you mean this .... ?

most of these are nulls because i barely know how to read people this game and have been fairly busy.
daniel - daniel has been extremely investigative this whole game. some consider him as nitpicky but regardless of experience, a scum would want to back away from *too much* conversation and talking in fear of getting cornered, counter-argued or slipping. i think skar (rip) mentioned that taking a leader-type role in the thread is something that an authoritative scum would want to do, but i beg to differ. he hasn't been controlling people in the sense where he's telling people what to do and who to vote for. i personally think that his contributions have helped town, as they have formulated discussion that provides insight about the other side of what players are saying (see the quote below). my only suspicion here is that he cfd'd (kind of dislike using this term, back when i played werewolf we called it blitz) from the trundle to jacob wagon. but as i mentioned earlier, it could just be an act of second guessing or panic.

i agree with this point very much and would find that a scum would either flat out disagree with this and say nothing, or agree with it in hopes of disguising themselves. he's done more but i'm not going to quote every post because this isn't an iso.
trundle - i'm pretty null on trundle and that is because i don't necessarily believe that his continuous self-awareness is suspicious. as i said before, a mafia would be very concerned about what others think of them and if this were the case for trundle, he would most likely cut the act off and play as normal to get on people's townleans. however, some of his logic (like that weird journal thing) doesn't make sense to me and him revoking a lot of the things that he is saying seems like he's very all over the place with his thoughts and reads. the role pm thing just seems like a complete misunderstanding to me, and that's why i didn't vote for trundle.
emolga39 - though they have a small amount of posts, i like the effort that they are putting in and they seem pretty open to sharing their thoughts. recently they have been acting a bit confused, especially when it came to their reaction to eod and their whole explanation for their vote, but it gives me scared or confused town vibes.
evan - i like his posts and criticism, but reading up on his locket iso, i feel that he's being a bit too critical/picky. he defined her as 'sus' after only examining her rqs post. he also kind of contradicted himself when he said:

but then goes on to say:

he goes on about how she's parroting other people's thoughts and posting weak reads, but she wouldn't post such filler if she had experienced players as scummates.
however, i like his idea about the 'perspective slip' and his previous posts.
oath - oath's posts feel very lacklustre i guess. people have painted him out as an experienced player so i'm not sure whether i'm inclined to believe that this is his normal playstyle.
punchy - both evan and geoni did mention that punchy's playstyle stayed the same so i have to cool down with him and examine his previous posts. i've got to admit that looking at his post style, his random assumptions don't really give the tone of mafia as he seems to be speaking his mind (though some of his ideas are questionable), and he doesn't seem to be afraid of getting sussed for that very reason.
antonio - i've got to admit that i did townlean skar because i liked her posts, but maybe that was newbie bias. i agree with heyden when he says that nothing compelled antonio to claim as mason, especially because he claimed about an hour and a half before night ended? this didn't benefit town at all. it's looking really weird for me, antonio is a null for now.
panda - she confuses me a lot. i don't mean to be aggressive that she voted me, but the fact that she didn't respond when i asked her twice about why she voted me may either indicate that she can't explain it or just overlooked it. she read me as sus because my rq answers felt 'forced' and that's about all the evidence that she had presented in the thread for voting me.
sheabae - not to be mean, but i almost forgot that he existed. his 'let's get the ball rolling' command felt pretty forced despite the fact that he hasn't been active himself for a while. as well as that, they randomly checked in, voted trundle, then ran away. right now i'm not going to go too deep into this read for obvious reasons.

I think they're ****.... pulls quotes to back up who she knows is town.... and then slightly sus's people for no good reason at all.

and then the second half of the reads is yet to be seen... ?

so yeah I feel like they are newbie mafia trying to hang in there....
Feel like I'm beating a dead horse when it comes to wanting more from people like Heyden glow Panda oath etc. Each one of them contributed little to wagons yesterday while suddenly coming around at EoD and voting off wagon. That's not a scumtell if they genuinely were trying to push another option but the pushes they had at EoD seem to be dialed back to simmer.

And idk with AmazonEvan anymore but I don't feel he's aligned with Locket yet that case he made... I feel like it's not being discussed much?
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Speak of the devil. Evan I wanna understand why your approach to the Locket ISO felt a bit predetermined and stretched out, are you going to push that today?

i agree that it's SO WEIRD that barely anyone has said anything about evan's locket case. locket has really failed to interact with the thread in a meaningful way and highest post frequency was EOD D1. locket also played it pretty safe d1 by siding on the ~Team Lynch D1~ and the only observation that they truly made was about punchy's...............typing format....... i actually can't recall a single line i've liked from them this game. and i'm not sure if evan mentioned it in his post but i'll find the quote that was really unsettling to me.

evan, your ISO post was too comprehensive and i think that could be why everyone kinda ignored it. i did too, even though i actually somewhat agree on your conclusion, because you included WAY too many quotes that were substanceless. spoiler those pls.

also. locket talks like a robot so i can't tonally read them at all.

RE: you asking me for a tier list, i'm assuming that means a full reads list:

yeah i was trying to do that during n1 actually and i really struggled. i had it sitting in another tab that i meant to leave open but i guess i closed it. i don't think i'm going to do a full reads list for now because it ended up being POE hell and i feel like i was forcing myself to come to conclusions i wasn't ready to make. i find it kind of difficult to follow the thread and i realised it's because I. MISS. STACKED QUOTES. that's probably not the right term, but you know those like quotes within quotes.

like sure, they were ugly and obnoxiously huge but it helped me follow the conversation really easily ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
lol glow I'm sorry my post was too long, I forgot how to do spoilers but I will do that in the future :lemon:
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Ok, I’m on page 69 :lemon: and wanted to comment on something. A potential pairing I see here is Glow/Shawo esp. because of this post

shawo townslipped on #654 and nobody but jacob caught it.

he didn't realise how KP is calculated.

shawo is NOT the type to play naive about numbers/dumbtell to try to towntell. as mafia he would probably have calc'd the amount of MLs that he needs to win very early on.

(this is also evidenced by him calc'ing the no lynch numbers)

he's just that type.

besides his posts are really towny and i fully believe he's an actual PR lol

Of course I also feel Shawo is being super townie in asking for vig to claim to try and sort out kills. I don’t see mafia really having much motivation for this since most TBT games have one shot vigs only. Shawo knows this as they mentioned that a one shot vig is now a VT. Course Shawo might not know that and iirc most EpicMafia setups have a vig with infinite shots. I could see Emolga’s death as a maf bluesnipe attempt and I can also see it as a vig trying to off someone who was a bit sussed. Either way, I think operationally we should assume that maf has 2 kp for now, since no one has stepped forward to claim the vig shot.

Ik I have gotten all over people’s cases for softing or outing themselves before but at this juncture it makes a lot of sense if a vig killed someone for them to come out.

Overall I feel that glow and Shawo are super supportive of each other and I’d like to know why.
i agree that it's SO WEIRD that barely anyone has said anything about evan's locket case. locket has really failed to interact with the thread in a meaningful way and highest post frequency was EOD D1. locket also played it pretty safe d1 by siding on the ~Team Lynch D1~ and the only observation that they truly made was about punchy's...............typing format....... i actually can't recall a single line i've liked from them this game. and i'm not sure if evan mentioned it in his post but i'll find the quote that was really unsettling to me.

evan, your ISO post was too comprehensive and i think that could be why everyone kinda ignored it. i did too, even though i actually somewhat agree on your conclusion, because you included WAY too many quotes that were substanceless. spoiler those pls.

also. locket talks like a robot so i can't tonally read them at all.

RE: you asking me for a tier list, i'm assuming that means a full reads list:

yeah i was trying to do that during n1 actually and i really struggled. i had it sitting in another tab that i meant to leave open but i guess i closed it. i don't think i'm going to do a full reads list for now because it ended up being POE hell and i feel like i was forcing myself to come to conclusions i wasn't ready to make. i find it kind of difficult to follow the thread and i realised it's because I. MISS. STACKED QUOTES. that's probably not the right term, but you know those like quotes within quotes.

like sure, they were ugly and obnoxiously huge but it helped me follow the conversation really easily ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It doesn't even have to be full reads just categorization of which tier you see which player in.

Being town in early game with no redflip is PoE hell no matter what, but I just want to know what you think about everyone and not just the few you have commented on.

RE ABI your Evan thoughts - I feel almost null about Locket which is why the expansiveness and the fact that he gave her no points of 'this could be coming from town' anywhere in the ISO.
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