Mafia TBT Mafia: Tarot [DAY 3]

i'm not scum, but if you want to assume so that's your call.

why did you vote for me after confirming my claim? care to explain? ive explained myself with many word yet have not heard from others at all as far as any vote against me. except for the sad case involving dolbly
i guess everyone who votes for you after the 9:50pm mark (mt on my forum timestamps sorry) is now deemed scum and participating in foul play. inkling declared it now.
dude whats ur point? like if youre town you shouldnt be petty like that ...

i guess i dont have a point. i just find it amusing you've scum read most of everyone who has posted.

am i being petty? okay, ill lay back.
oh but wait.. if I lay back, that also means im scum too right?
Im just going from what you've said.
why are you face palming? Like with a day left anything could happen, like mafia saying "the town"

At this point in time Inkling is incredibly scummy and has almost majority of the votes on him, so I don't really see why he shouldn't claim
why did you vote for me after confirming my claim? care to explain? ive explained myself with many word yet have not heard from others at all as far as any vote against me. except for the sad case involving dolbly

i honestly voted for you before i read your claim, but idk what time you post merged with it, but i just bandwagoned honestly since like every vote in there except yours is against you.
i guess everyone who votes for you after the 9:50pm mark (mt on my forum timestamps sorry) is now deemed scum and participating in foul play. inkling declared it now.

you literally did not explain at all why you voted for me. i feel if im always on call to explain my actions others are as well.
they claimed vanilla townie, but somehow i feel like that's not correct lol.
HOLY **** I left for hours and thirty pages? please condense your posts guys, a lot of this is just banter and it's hard to read through
At this point in time Inkling is incredibly scummy and has almost majority of the votes on him, so I don't really see why he shouldn't claim

i just claimed vanilla townie. if u guys wanna help ur claim dont kill me...ill die from mafia hands anyways like dont be dumb. like i dont care if i die i just think its so hilarious youre gonna kill a vanilla town. and i literally scumread 3 pppl so stop putting words in my mouth.
do i really have to repeat them?
you literally did not explain at all why you voted for me. i feel if im always on call to explain my actions others are as well.

i literally just said i bandwagoned but if you'd like to know why i've decided to vote for you revert back to dolby's accusations of your change in game play. i think it adds up well enough, and it's enough for me to cast my vote against you.
At this point in time Inkling is incredibly scummy and has almost majority of the votes on him, so I don't really see why he shouldn't claim
because there is a thing called unvoting and other people slipping. there is literally 23 hours left?

I think inkling is noob town trying to break their meta, there are def wolves on this bandwagon.
Actually i wouldn't mind working with scum if it really came down to it so maf don't kill me ty ty pls.
oh i just checkedn not vanilla, just townie, no power etc, but ten of swords, did i mention i love that card?

- - - Post Merge - - -


ahhhh ok ur official role is townie and ur unofficial rolename is ten of swords. that's what i was looking for. if nobody cc's this rolename, we should not lynch inkling today.
because there is a thing called unvoting and other people slipping. there is literally 23 hours left?

I think inkling is noob town trying to break their meta, there are def wolves on this bandwagon.

Yes, there is 23 hours left, I just wanted to hear a claim since Inkling looks like nervous scum after his huge streak of posts that don't really defend him anyway. Here is just a few examples.

dud mafia! town is not alowed to communicated outside the thread mafia is
like the nicest most reasonable one. i felt bad about choosing cory in the first place
*also note backtracking

Also, I never said anywhere that we should completely 100% lynch inkling today. I will say you are correct that a slip can still occur, I mean that Inkling looks scummy.