The Moon doesn't sound like a town role. Sounds like a PR....
I could be wrong. but the town seems to be Minor Arcanas. and the moon isn't one of those.
the moon is, in fact a major arcanas
The Moon doesn't sound like a town role. Sounds like a PR....
I could be wrong. but the town seems to be Minor Arcanas. and the moon isn't one of those.
if thats the case toad and jacob are still up for debate as well.
the moon is, in fact a major arcanas
ness is townie moon, im watcher moon.exactly... and ness claimed townie?
so im confused.
If you think someone is a pr pls never say it in the thread. Unless ur mafia it makes sense.
he claimed it before I even said it?
The Moon doesn't sound like a town role. Sounds like a PR....
I could be wrong. but the town seems to be Minor Arcanas. and the moon isn't one of those.
ness is townie moon, im watcher moon.
exactly... and ness claimed townie?
so im confused.
you are wrong bc both m3ow and panda's rolses are major arcanas like the moon. i think major arcanas are more power roles but i could be wrong, especially if ness is telling the truth
read jers and then there was none game.Look: There isn't 2 of the same rolename in a theme game. ever. Crys isn't "the moon".
i agree with ink here, because panda, who was a VT had a arcanas thats minor. and the two Prs killed were both majors.
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i meant cory * not panda for the minor arcanas. sorry its almsot 2 am.
i think ness also claimed watcher at some point? i dont kow if he's freaking out bc crys guessed a random tarot card, which isnt difficult, and ness happened to have that role?
no you were right before the correction. panda was a VT. Cory and meow were PR's. Cory and meow both were major arcanas and panda was a minor.
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idk. i think ness just slipped. he claimed both town, and the moon.
could possibly be both. could possibly be scum.