Mafia TBT Mafia: Tarot [DAY 3]

idk. i think ness just slipped. he claimed both town, and the moon.
could possibly be both. could possibly be scum.

ugh i really do need a break from this to let this process. i am completely lost at this point. i just dont get why toads is acting so crazy. meanwhile we got ness here saying he's the moon and a townie. maybe crys has a pr that can discover his role or whatever? and him saying hes the moon and a townie doesnt confirm he's not scum.

if ness is scum then dolby is also definitely scum.
actually, I'm the moon, watcher. You visited panda last night.

No, i'm not doing this **** anymore. I'm too tired to make a case, but no. Crys isn't "The Moon", since i'm the moon. Yup, thats right, Crys just claimed my own rolename. So no, she's trying to do some bulls*** right now.

I'm too tired to do anything right now, so theres that. Don't try to argue about this anymore.
Okay, first of all, why did it take you over an hour to counterclaim Crys? My mind is still set on him being Jester/Fool, but as usual, you're being all emotional and defensive which leads me to believe you're scum. Are you counter claiming for the fact that he's actual Watcher and caught you visiting Panda or is it because he would be an easy lynch as he's been playing around for most of the game. There's still a chance that you're town but to be honest, I don't see that happening. Even if Cry's admits to not being The Moon, I'm pretty sure scum would have a few safe claims to use up.

At this point in time Inkling is incredibly scummy and has almost majority of the votes on him, so I don't really see why he shouldn't claim

Guys, 15 minutes. Please vote Cory or Inkling will die!

First of all, what exactly made you change your decision from Inkling being incredibly scummy to town based on 'resemblance' in her first game. You also forced her to to claim, in which she said Townie, did that claim back up your decision to imply that Inkling wasn't town? How come when you lead and deterred the votes on Cory, plus you never got him to claim either before he was lynched? You also did it within the last few moments of day, and Cory had stated before he'd be gone for the rest of the day so of course he wouldn't have been there to be able to defend himself whilst he was gone.
Why I think ness is scum:

1. Panda mentions that voting inkling was a scum bandwagon. Ness was one of the people she questioned. Panda was night killed.
@Ness you were the host of that Nub Daycare Mafia so im sure you read every post in that game especially because it was Nub Game to make sure everyone was following the rules and because it had little activity so why has it taken you until now to realize that Inkling's gameplay is resembling that of their last (and only) game that they were town in? also the bolded part is irrelevant bs that you are just trying to seem helpful with. I've seen both mafia and town "post like its twitter" you are example A for this.[/B]

etc etc.. we all were there for the panda x ness back and forth. but what stands out to me is this:
You know, I get that you're trying pressuring me and I did read most of all the posts in my nub game, but I don't memorize people's posts. I've only just now today went back and read his meta. That is why i've reconsidered.

I'm trying to be patient here, does this answer your question or not?

Ness knows that he gets too emotional when hes scum. this is him trying to break his meta.
Kudos to you, Ness, you didn't seem really that scummy at all until this:

2. Claimed being a townie, and the moon.
No, i'm not doing this **** anymore. I'm too tired to make a case, but no. Crys isn't "The Moon", since i'm the moon. Yup, thats right, Crys just claimed my own rolename. So no, she's trying to do some bulls*** right now.

I'm too tired to do anything right now, so theres that. Don't try to argue about this anymore.
Nope! I'm not even a PR, a townie. I claimed because I don't want some BS to come upon me and get me lynched to whatever the hell crys even is.

Anyone who is town knows that the moon is NOT a town role.
So, Ness. you have two options. You claimed the moon, stick to it. or you are scum.

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Also, Heyden has a very good point with him being emotional, once again, to Crys with the counter claim.
Gonna colour code a few names because why not?
grey=null, need more posts to determine thoughts and reads from them
green=townreads, people who I think are town, Crys only because I'm almost sure he's fool, and fool is town so
yellow=slight sus, suspicious of them but not enough to rule out anything
orange=high sus, probably scum based on behavior, good push targets for a lynch
red=scum, mafia based on actions throughout game, especially being defensive and emotional

Mother of all Llamas





Would be good if everyone else could do something like this, to get a better idea of what everyone is thinking. Anyway, I'll probably be lurking for the rest of the night...
hm well heres my list. also Im curious as to why you put Jacob in green ? idk for me hes more null/sus since hes barely posted buuut thats just me..

yellow=slight sus
orange=high sus

Mother of all Llamas


dolby, heyden i lean more towards green but still pretty null.
Anyway I think everyone should watch sugarella. They said that they didn't understand their role possible confused maf.

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Either Dolby or Tom is mafia and I don't know which one ��
i see panda lurking and it frustrates me lmao. she would really be helpful right now. ): rip

also @crys: sugarella is another good option, but i think it's best to take out the experienced ones first.
Don't be sad the cop died you lynched me its your fault when you lose.
(This is my death post)
Alexi if I die you're going to look really bad.

Will I?
Look ness, if you are the moon then I believe you. but don't try to play off as a townie, because it's obvious that town are only minor arcana's. I get this puts a HUGE target on your back but there is a doctor who will protect you.

@Panda: Oh yeah there is that. I don't doubt there's safe claims either, but I feel like it's obvious given the number of people and the number of Arcanas.

I don't know much about Tarots (again) outside of context from the Persona games. [Link]. So from what Crys and Inkling revealed so far everything makes a little sense. So it makes sense to assume that the Major Arcanas are an "important" role, while townies/goons would get roles from Minor Arcanas.

Also, by looking at the death list.. panda was a minor arcana.
err, lemme re word that.. *then I might believe you.

also, if you didn't want to be a target/risk being one, you shouldn't have role claimed.
I don't understand in the first place why you promised to make a case on Crys instead of upright counterclaiming him on the spot.

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inkling is pretty much confirmed town (which is also why i was confused why you had them orange) she roleclaimed when everyone was voting for her.
inkling is pretty much confirmed town (which is also why i was confused why you had them orange) she roleclaimed when everyone was voting for her.

Problem is, mafia often have 'safe claims'. Given by the host for scum team to use as a way to be passed through, so there was still a chance she could've been mafia. Based on Cory's post, I'm more inclined that she is confirmed town though.

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woo post 1k