Mafia TBT Newbie Mafia: Steven Universe Mafia [END - Town + Shiida Win!]

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so far i think my 'biggest' suspicions rn are Esphas and Miharu, mostly because of how closely they're reading into everything and they seem to be one of the most active, i'm also kinda suspicious of shiida but only cause of her mysteriousness (is that a word idk) but i have a feeling of what her role is, unless she's just trying to make us/me think that hmmmmmm

yeah, that would be dangerous for scum like you, wouldn't it?

hmm i think i agree, i'm not as suspicious as before, i'm also less suspicious of miharu too as she said something along the lines of 'idk if we have a veteran or not' which shows she's being tactical for the town, and she's doing a tooonnn of reading into everyone which i think shows she's reall trying to figure out the roles of who's who - this could show she's apat of mafia but idk i don't think so, she's not being shady at all and is pretty open - BUT IT COULD BE AN ACT HMM (nah i dont think so lmao)

suddenly this is a good thing? ?!?!?!? contradictions ?!?!?!?

i'm not totally happy with my vote, but even if i did vote for someone else i don't think it'll make much of a difference looking at everyone elses votes;;

casually shifting the blame from her to other players, should a lynch go wrong (which she knows it will, since she's scum). nice.

hey rosetti. mind linking me to any cases or times youve confronted mogyay? i just want to review them.


well, ACTUALLY, i'm Sapphire the Detective

i've inspected (in this order) Shiida, who is confirmed third party, Lucanosa who was confirmed town and JUST FOUND OUT NOW OOO, Cass123 AS SCUMMM OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH ****

right i'm typing up the whole case rn

i literally can't believe it

are you ok there? you seem to have cracked. you sound pretty confident, which contradicts the way youve been acting the entire game. you even said it yourself you lack confident! a last ditch effort to save yourself because you knew that when you flip scum we'll know who the other scummate is?
you lack confidence* that ****ing ruins my entire ****ing post **** no editing

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i got ninjaed brb crying

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sorry, but i really dont find these answers satisfactory. i think youre still highly suspicious, but i trust rosetti less, so i might change my vote to her when seroja comes back and reacts to her claim.

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well, ACTUALLY, i'm Sapphire the Detective

i've inspected (in this order) Shiida, who is confirmed third party, Lucanosa who was confirmed town and JUST FOUND OUT NOW OOO, Cass123 AS SCUMMM OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH ****

right i'm typing up the whole case rn

i literally can't believe it

lol what the ****

thats it? you give this fake response and dont even question rosetti, once again avoiding confronting your scummate?

anyway i'm thinking a lot about all this and i think some people are suspicious as hell and not the ones you want me to think mafia

hey look, rosetti even took advice from her scummate. mogyay says people unexpected are probably mafia, and look! rosetti accuses cass123 and seroja.
they know im not scum, they know cads not scum, they know serojas not scum, and they know qwertys not scum. they know that cass isnt scum either. they know everything. so that leaves them with the players that they believe town will be most uncertain about. you know why i wasnt targeted even though it wouldve been easy to? because mafia knows im the survivor. if they waste a lynch on me, they know its over. so what do they do? they accuse cass123 and seroja, who've basically been looked over the entire game. just like mogyay said.

if rosetti did manage to get cass123 lynched, they could then kill any other townie.
this would leave us with 5 players total.
2 scum, 2 town, and 1 survivor. guess what that means? that means i would be the one to decide the winner!! and it seems like rosetti knew just that - she wanted to get on my good side by saying she investigated me as third party. so if her plan did go through, i would be nice enough to let mafia win. which probably is what wouldve happened, if i didnt decide to look through posts cuz i got kinda bored.

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of course im still waiting for serojas response before anything is set in stone in my mind.

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also if i happen to be right pls dont spite kill me cuz damn i wasnt able to confront lucanosa the entire game over fear of that.
Ok this pretty much confirms seroja and cass as scum, honestly tho - i never thought seroja would be scum since she's helped a lot out on town - especailly when she noticed that on everyones reads i was either scumlean or null and i guess she took that as a 'starting point' and really digged on me, she even changed her mind (#688) all of a sudden, like, you go over everything and i answer EVERYTHING, so that 'convinced' you that i was null, but then suddenly you just 'change your mind' - i assume cause most people still had me as 'null' so you took it to your advantage, hoping they'll lynch me - you posted this and the rest of your reads AT NIGHT, WHERE YOU'RE VULNERABLE AS TOWN (but i'm guessing she's not, which is why she posted it with confidence), she was also pretty active during the night out of everyone - but if she knew she isn't going to be killed, being mafia and most people having her as a townlean she's totally safe, especially with a JOAT and 1-shot vig havin been taken out, she can't be killed by town (unless there's 2 JOAT but i don't think so lmao)
in all of her reads she's always put herself as town read, which was unnecessary and kinda forced, in all of her reads cass has been either town lean or town read since the start, in the read where she put cass as a townread the reasoning was cause she's a 'cutie patootie', like.. really??? there were other reasons but it was too early on to confirm her as a townlean (#499) and they had been agreeing with eachother the entire time, also - where was she when:
does the detective not have any leads? i think after qwerty gets lynched they should post if they found scum.
(#658), which was after night 2, so seroja would know by this point as she claimed she inspected qwerty that she would be innocent but didn't make an attempt to save her
I feel like Rosetti picked far too easy people to say she investigated. Shiida I can understand, but since most people said she is Survivor, rlly?

Luca just died, so yeah. Literally the easiest person to invest.

And Cass... is completely out of the blue. Maybe the person who makes no sense whatsoever. What pushed you to invest her? I guess we'll find out in the post?


Shiida - literally from the start i wasn't sure, like i said she could've been playing 'mind games' and i wanted to make sure

luca - i also wasn't sure, they had been inactive a bit and i was struggling to read them

cass - i had suspisions about her and seroja for a while, they seemed too 'chummy' with eachother but i didn't really have any definate evidence until now

yeah, that would be dangerous for scum like you, wouldn't it?

suddenly this is a good thing? ?!?!?!? contradictions ?!?!?!?

casually shifting the blame from her to other players, should a lynch go wrong (which she knows it will, since she's scum). nice.

hey rosetti. mind linking me to any cases or times youve confronted mogyay? i just want to review them.

are you ok there? you seem to have cracked. you sound pretty confident, which contradicts the way youve been acting the entire game. you even said it yourself you lack confident! a last ditch effort to save yourself because you knew that when you flip scum we'll know who the other scummate is?

the stuff you highlighted - maybe go over the responces between me and seroja if you haven't already, i think it starts just before night 2 post/ day 2

i'm very ok LMAO, why wouldn't i be confident when i have confirmed evidence that cass is scum

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i'm pretty tired now so i won't check the thread until morning/when i wake up, tomorrow (if you guys still aren't convinced, which i understand why you wouldn't be cause there's 2 people confirming the same role and ya know, wtf) i'll go into more detail and stuff, i'm trying to write all of this quickly rn and i'm half asleep
Shiida - literally from the start i wasn't sure, like i said she could've been playing 'mind games' and i wanted to make sure

luca - i also wasn't sure, they had been inactive a bit and i was struggling to read them

cass - i had suspisions about her and seroja for a while, they seemed too 'chummy' with eachother but i didn't really have any definate evidence until now

the stuff you highlighted - maybe go over the responces between me and seroja if you haven't already, i think it starts just before night 2 post/ day 2

i'm very ok LMAO, why wouldn't i be confident when i have confirmed evidence that cass is scum

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i'm pretty tired now so i won't check the thread until morning/when i wake up, tomorrow (if you guys still aren't convinced, which i understand why you wouldn't be cause there's 2 people confirming the same role and ya know, wtf) i'll go into more detail and stuff, i'm trying to write all of this quickly rn and i'm half asleep

We already know you're scum so why repeat yourself? You should take your broken record to the dump.
Omfg Rosetti this scum play is off the hook ! Now I know for sure you're scum. Voting for you today. I can relax the whole day, thanks for doing the work for me Rosie lmao. Did you crack because you got tired of playing?

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For record guys, if you want any confirmation, look at my reads and notice how I suddenly went from sus of Cad and Qwerty to suddenly strongly town reading/ trying to save them from lynch. Also I tried to inspect Luca last night but I got role blocked. Can you honestly look at Rosetti's play so far and believe her claim? There is only one detective role with no safe claim whatsoever, you think I would take the risk to role claim when I'm strongly town read by a lot of people?

When tui died I thought maybe wanted to frame me and mog delivered. Because I'm biased towards you mog, I tried not to be too sus of you. Right now though I'm pretty sure you're scum after all.

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*maybe mafia wanted to
lol what the ****

Your scum mate screwed up, she desperate.

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Ohhhh and guys consider this. If Cass and I are scum, wouldn't it be more beneficial for me to confirm Cass as town? Why would I go out of my way to role claim just to save Qwerty if they weren't my scum mate? Does this even make sense? I'm thinking Rosetti panicked and didn't think this through.

Also lol Rosetti I faked my null read on you so that I wouldn't be targeted at night. Thanks for keeping me alive long enough for me to claim and narrow down the list of suspects.
Also Rosie, look at that, I posted my read at exactly 3pm. Mafia wouldn't even be able to change their KP by then. Stay pressed.
I can win with either side. I provided my evidence and what I think is right but in the end I have wiggle room.
No my luv

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I'm actually third party

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Day has been shortened to 24 hours and is ending in 4 hours, make sure to vote ;)
Congratulations Town and Shiida, you won!​

Mogyay (Jasper) and Rosetti (Peridot) saw their inevitable defeat lain about them and decided to not drag it out any longers. Looks like they eventually cracked.

Thank you to everyone who was involved, this game sure was an experience for all of us. I hope you guys had a little bit of fun at least! If you wanna try out mafia again, wait until Korean War Mafia has ended.

Remember, don't let any arguements, should any have happened here, take fledge outside the game. As you know mafia can get heated, but it's just a game - a roleplay to an extent - that shouldn't lead to out of thread drama.

Thanks for playing!!

Feel free to talk about your own roles or experiences about the game in this thread now. If you had a problem with anything, feel free to PM me or Crys!!!
GOOD GOING TOWN! Shoutout to seroja you were honestly a town queen and imo u carried the whole town team! It's a shame u had so many inactives but I appreciate u killing them for us xxx

Also rosie <3 I'm glad we were mafia and I'm glad we went down together ily
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