"I'm forever yours... faithfully" 💙💜
I'm a big fan of black iced tea, I make a gallon every few days (I dump it out if it starts to ferment, fermented tea is bleugh) and my whole family loves it. I have some friends at college who love tea so I let them try it once. The one who is a fanatic really appreciated it since it's basically like "authentic" southern sweet tea, so if you don't like sugar in your tea then it's def not for you lol
but the others don't drink their tea that sweet (or even sweetened at all) so they didn't like it as much.
2. There are quite a few that I don't like, though unsurprisingly since I'm such a picky eater. I think the worst tea I ever tried was one that smelled like I was sticking my nose in a sap-leaking pine tree lmao.
3. Nope. Just sweetened with sugar or honey
4. I use tea bags to brew tea. My friends prefer that way too, since the tea they often buy is an assortment of crushed leaves and other things such as flower petals and seeds.
5. I haven't but I have definitely gotten it as a gift. Like I said I have a friend's who absolutely LOVES tea (she gets hers from Harney & Sons) and she gives it as a gift to all her friends.
I actually happen to be drinking tea right now! It's v good
1. Definitely iced, black, sweet tea. I also like chai and hot cinnamon spice if it's brewed hot with some honey in it but that's actually about it for me.1. What is your favourite tea that you will always go to?
2. What is your least-favourite tea that you will avoid?
3. Do you drink your tea with milk or cream?
4. Do you prefer whole tea leaves or tea bags?
5. Have you ever given tea as a gift?
2. There are quite a few that I don't like, though unsurprisingly since I'm such a picky eater. I think the worst tea I ever tried was one that smelled like I was sticking my nose in a sap-leaking pine tree lmao.
3. Nope. Just sweetened with sugar or honey
4. I use tea bags to brew tea. My friends prefer that way too, since the tea they often buy is an assortment of crushed leaves and other things such as flower petals and seeds.
5. I haven't but I have definitely gotten it as a gift. Like I said I have a friend's who absolutely LOVES tea (she gets hers from Harney & Sons) and she gives it as a gift to all her friends.
I actually happen to be drinking tea right now! It's v good