TBT's Ninth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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I'm pretty sure I know what 12 is referencing but I can't find it? lol
After quite a few strokes of luck genius, I'm only missing 2 atm - funnily, both eggs that contain a number 2! I am sure at least one of them will come to me soon.
im still stuck on #3 like ???? i feel not big brain
Just missing 8 and 12. Feeling like I got really strong ideas of where they are, just no luck. Will try again tomorrow!
Yeah, I think I need to take a break for the night too, I’m just hitting my head against the wall at this point (figuratively, of course!).
Yoo. Me found all of the eggs from the third batch. (The last one took a long while to find. I'll discuss what I actually thought it was referring to when this is all over)
my brain has turned to mush, i legit cannot figure out any of the latest clues and i'm still stuck on some of the previous ones
i still need 1 more to get the egg and i'm going mad rn trying to understand the clues 😅
I ask this question every year and I forgot the answer every year.

How do we tell what egg clues we've found so far again?

EDIT: wait no nvm I'm dummy the number for the clue is in that jumble
Maybe it's just because I don't spend much time on the forums outside the general New Horizons board, but I don't understand most these clues at all, lol. I got 1, I think 3, and maybe 7? I've got ideas for a few others, but doing some half-hearted searching in those places haven't turned up anything.

Okay figured out 10 and 11 too.
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