TBT's Ninth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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5, 6, and 8 keep eluding me...
I think I have 5 half solved, but I have no idea where it’s supposed to be!!
At this point, I might as well just bruteforce myself through this and open every thread in every subforum. XD

It sucks that I have the idea, but don't know where to find it. :p
Sorry to be annoying with my posts btw. It seems like every time I post here I find an egg though. Just found number 9.
i swear- i’ve found 7 eggs. i am doing better than i thought i would, yet still horrible lmao. my brain has died so now i’m by myself to find the remaining 5 🤡
I just started! Here we go again... I'm so bad at this its kind embarassing tbh 😭
i swear- i’ve found 7 eggs. i am doing better than i thought i would, yet still horrible lmao. my brain has died so now i’m by myself to find the remaining 5 🤡

7/12 thats over half of the available clues so far so I would say that's doing pretty well (That's what I keep telling myself too~)
Egg 8 seems so generally obvious, yet so overwhelming when I try to tackle it lmao
Is there any chance the spring sakuras are gonna come back during this hunt? I have such good lineup ideas for them and the eggs but they'd have to be surrounded and inbetween- otherwise I want to sell/trade my eggs but idk what to do ahhhh
i love this event so much. it's wild for me to look back at how poorly i did during the last egg hunt (literally couldn't even find more than 3) VS now how im actually using my brain to think. tysm staff this event is always the best
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