TBT's Sixth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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Okay, I'm done. I'm going to bed. Screw this. I just wasted 3 hours of my life on this without making any more progress. This is sadistic. I'm an idiot. Goodnight, cruel world.
Okay, I'm done. I'm going to bed. Screw this. I just wasted 3 hours of my life on this without making any more progress. This is sadistic. I'm an idiot. Goodnight, cruel world.

it's okay we all feel the same way, I'm wasting my 3 day weekend doing this
Finally got number 11 after two hours. I'm satisfied for today, I think I'll actually study for my test now :p
*stares intensely* The only thing I like this year is that delicious breakfast egg, but knowing the forum someone will buy it then delete it like every year :/ Well, Gl everyone!
no eggs so far.
i know what the song is for egg 11 but I guess what I am typing in doesn't work. oh well.
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So... *sigh*. What's the point on keep posting here. We can't say anything that's a hint of the hint (hilarious), so why do we keep posting. I'm sure the mods LOVE to see us suffering, so why should we continue this infernal post!? *cries in animalese*
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Okay I just found one and it made me actually chuckle out loud

....now if only I could figure out how to write this code.
I spent a good few hours on this today and I don't think I'll spend anymore time. There's no way I can get 21, and I don't really want the other eggs. Hard pass on all this stress.
5 is enough for one night, I guess. Hopefully the clues that come out tomorrow won't be too difficult to figure out.
god I knew what egg 6 was referring to and i didn't look in THE MOST OBVIOUS PLACE way to go me ya dumby
I just don’t understand what on Earth it is all about. I’ve tried to work it out, been looking at threads across the board but it’s completely beyond me. The whole concept is beyond me. I don’t even understand what I’m looking fir let alone what the clues mean. It seems like a lot of inside jokes and gaming stuff that I don’t know.
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