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TBT's Sixth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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I got 1-6 & 10, but the rest are making me cry TT____TT
Especially 8 because I know what it's referring to but I still can't find it gaaaahhhh
I HAVE EVERYTHING TO FIGURE OUT FROM 11 BUT WHAT IS THE CODE whoops i forgot to turn caps off from trying so much
I apologise profusely if I set this off. I was feeling frustrated because I was feeling excluded but **I kept trying** to work it out and I have found a code which will hopefully get me an egg. So sorry again for being a Negative Nelly. And the fact that it was about in jokes actually really helped me work out the whole idea of it; so the comment was actually helpful. I love mysteries and riddles so I really wanted to join in. It payed off to read the clues again and to look at the various parts of the forum with which I was unfamiliar.

You've got nothing to apologize for, I get being overwhelmed by site events if you're new to them. I was including your post to say you've still got a shot at getting at least one of the cheaper eggs, don't let everyone going on about "it's just too hard my life is ruined" get you down.
yikes this sounds extremely tedious

It can be that, yep. The clues and puzzles are definitely solve-able (although a couple will only be done by a tiny number of members). Just a matter of trying to solve the clues/puzzles that you find easiest (or have some ideas for at least) and going from there. No need to try and solve EVERY single one or anything, only the most masochistic people are trying to do that lol.

Thiis event is a great way to explore more the site and possibly find things of interest to you that you wouldn't normally have come across. Solving riddles to collect eggs is a nice bonus, but it doesn't have to be everything. :)
Well, I got the egg I wanted. Now its time to sleep, so night. (I guess i'll aim for the eggs that cost 10 eggs)
You've got nothing to apologize for, I get being overwhelmed by site events if you're new to them. I was including your post to say you've still got a shot at getting at least one of the cheaper eggs, don't let everyone going on about "it's just too hard my life is ruined" get you down.
No worries. It’s kind of a fun way to spend Easter Sunday for me, I will keep trying to get my head around the ones I can work out without lots of non AC game knowledge. And the ones made for any one I surely have a shot at!

I found a fourth egg!

- - - Post Merge - - -

And egg #1!!!!!!!!!!
I get being overwhelmed by site events if you're new to them.

I may not be new to this forum, but I am very, VERY stressed by this egg hunt too. It's not like I want other people to never find the eggs. It's not like I want the eggs to be right in front of us, either. I'm saying that this should be a bit easier for those who are not absolute experts on everything on TBT. This forum is huge, you know. :(
I kind of know what is #8 and #11 clues but don't know what to do with them *think outside the box*...*think outside the box*...
I kind of know what is #8 and #11 clues but don't know what to do with them *think outside the box*...*think outside the box*...

I knooooowww ;~; I want to step away from this until the next clues are posted, but those two feel so close and yet so far... It keeps pulling me back ahhhhh
Took me forever to figure out what Egg #1 was. I'm so dumb, haha.
I kind of know what is #8 and #11 clues but don't know what to do with them *think outside the box*...*think outside the box*...

Oof, same. I have ideas for the two of them but?? where do I even begin to look for the eggs?? zzzz honestly tho
Could anyone tell me what an actual egg looks like when you find it? I just want an idea of what I'm looking for because I don't even know if I'm looking in the right places
When you thought you know the answer for Egg 11 immediately but then it proves you wrong.
I'm definitely overlooking something here and it makes me insane...

Edi.: And of course as soon as I complain about Egg 11... I found it.
But that was really sneaky, good joob staff.
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