TBT's Tenth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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Procrastinated on stuff I should be doing to bring everyone a free to use badge to commemorate the horrors.



If anyone ends up using this you don't need to credit me. Slap it wherever you please.

edit: I made an edit with slightly darker text in case anyone with vision issues is having a hard time with the text!


Yeah and I can't stay up past 1 am when I work the next day and I*m sure more people feel the same, I think US people got a bit too much time, too.
agreed. only reason i was able to redeem it is because my sleeping schedule is atrocious, and i'm usually up until around 4am. was kind of surprised they decided to drop the clue so late because of that; imo it should've been dropped around 3pm edt (or w/e the timezone is) since that would've only been around 8pm for most of europe.
I have to agree. I found it very stressful and couldn’t have coped without my friends help. All love and thanks to @Aquilla @xara and @JemAC ❤️❤️❤️
Yeah in my case was the hint posted at like 1-2 am my time and it was found a bit after that and when I woke up it had ended so.. yeah.
Inb4 "you can stay up", we can't cater everyone, it's just a pixel game etc. yeah maybe if it'd been a solo clue i wouldn't have cared as much but.. just a thought.
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agreed. only reason i was able to redeem it is because my sleeping schedule is atrocious, and i'm usually up until around 4am. was kind of surprised they decided to drop the clue so late because of that; imo it should've been dropped around 3pm edt (or w/e the timezone is) since that would've only been around 8pm for most of europe.
Yeah or just like 2-3 hours earlier, I mean US users had plenty of time (or just other good timezones had too so yeah this was a bit of a problem for more than they think.
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Procrastinated on stuff I should be doing to bring everyone a free to use badge to commemorate the horrors.



If anyone ends up using this you don't need to credit me. Slap it wherever you please.
I'm obsessed with this, thank you! It is now in my about tab 🤩
I'm not taking on Gandalf!!
Actually, that's Saruman!

Also Jeremy I haven’t taken it back I’m sending you off to sea bye bye
Thanks, I'll be sure to navigate by the horizon during the correct time of day.

So, Jeremy
How much fun did you have watching everyone look for #6?
I think I can speak on behalf of the entire staff by saying that it was extremely frustrating over multiple days seeing how close some of you got to the answer, only to suddenly be distracted by theories about New Horizons, YouTube videos, or whatever other random ideas some of you became fixated on. But then it all paid off in the end, and you can tell by following the thread, it was definitely a team effort! By the way, you can thank @Mistreil for writing the hint that helped you all in the end.

Timezones when you aren’t in U.S. do feel unfair. I am in the U.K and did get the last egg as I have sleep issues. 1.30 am and I was in Mauritius 🏖 💭 sadly 6.30 am alarm 😂
We do actually try to schedule everything to work in a way that's fair for most time zones. And actually, Europe probably had more convenient times than the Pacific time zone. Unfortunately, the hint for egg 6 happened pretty close to the end of the event, but that's only because it wasn't solved without help.
Procrastinated on stuff I should be doing to bring everyone a free to use badge to commemorate the horrors.



If anyone ends up using this you don't need to credit me. Slap it wherever you please.

edit: I made an edit with slightly darker text in case anyone with vision issues is having a hard time with the text!


oh heck yeah I'm using this just you watch me (peep that signature)
We do actually try to schedule everything to work in a way that's fair for most time zones. And actually, Europe probably had more convenient times than the Pacific time zone. Unfortunately, the hint for egg 6 happened pretty close to the end of the event, but that's only because it wasn't solved without help.
Yeah, though the end time could also have changed and maybe spilled over today? Or at least let people have time to claim 6 since it was a community one.

And yeah I agree we had good for clue release but this one..just a bit 🧂 -y
Which begs a question I just sparked right now. Did you make all the community eggs be found in non-threads on purpose?

Because that's how I found the phone egg quickly.
I managed to find all the eggs with the help of others, and managed to help some others as well. Really enjoyed the collaboration aspect of this event compared to past egg hunts.

Thanks again staff for hosting!
Also yeah I don't complain that I didn't get the actual egg currency moreso that it was spoiled before I could get it which stinks a bit. I mean 25 if probably more than enough for me aha.
The final 3 egg totals have been added to the table. In the end, we actually only had one egg with fewer than 100 for the bonus.

Also, we now have a post-event survey if you'd like to share feedback about the changes we made! https://forms.gle/8gWymNnxgzHYUAo56

Bonus eggs have still not been distributed, but they will by today. (And we will still have more restocks, don't worry.)
Procrastinated on stuff I should be doing to bring everyone a free to use badge to commemorate the horrors.



If anyone ends up using this you don't need to credit me. Slap it wherever you please.

edit: I made an edit with slightly darker text in case anyone with vision issues is having a hard time with the text!


making masterpieces shouldn’t be considered procrastinating :0
bfksksnddj i missed the restock 🥲 hopefully i can catch another one today so i can have my birthday date on my spring bloom egg🤣
i'm glad u said that cause i got mine yesterday(my birthday) and didnt even think about that. happy birthday!
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