TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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Man, i'm getting extremely tired of these "egg" puns. I didn't add an egg pun into extremely because I'm so tired of people constantly abusing egg puns!
Man, i'm getting extremely tired of these "egg" puns. I didn't add an egg pun into extremely because I'm so tired of people constantly abusing egg puns!

We're all eggtremely sorry for eggxhausting you. Our yolk eggbuse may be over the top, but shell, we've created an eggtire hierarchy off of them. See the hierarchy in my seggnature for reggference!
that countdown...is that means we can't solve the first 8 riddles anymore?

We can solve the riddles until the end of the event! I thikn it's just for the next batch. (sorry for the lack of puns! I know there's potential in here~)
Ugh. I don't even be able to start on the next batch until like 11:30 pm cst! Good luck everyone!!!
Just five preggcious minutes eggtil the reggveal of the new clues! Eggrebody be eggtremely sharp! All shell will break loose in a few seggonds!
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