TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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Well, other than the one you buy I have only been able to find #7. I thought it was really easy and obvious, but all the other ones? Everything single thing I think of is a no go.:(
i'm actually really interested to see who'll end up getting the golden egg
The site's lagging really bad for me too. ;_; I keep having to refresh everything.
i have a question- when they say that you have gotten egg1(insert random numbers and letters here), it means that you got clue 1 right? because i thought i got the clue to a certain number when i actually solved a different one lol
Found 2 from each set, hopefully I can figure out some more so I can get a Waluigi / Yoshi egg
Lemme tell y'alls a story:

once upon a time, there was a person who looked for an egg for several hours. that person is me. the end.
...im getting a bit ticked off...
I still haven't managed to get #8, but at least I've worked out three of the new clues! I have to say, a lot of these are reminding me of that godforsaken "SWEETDAY" clue last year. That, or I'm just a noob. Either way.
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