TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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The biggest issue I have right now is not knowing which ones I've completed. I literally just went through a bunch of different threads and it was pure luck that I found any.
Been on all darn night and only have 3 eggs. And only two of them I had to find, and they were the easiest ones too! URG! I am so dumb, like really really dumb, for real.
The biggest issue I have right now is not knowing which ones I've completed. I literally just went through a bunch of different threads and it was pure luck that I found any.

click your eggs and then transactions, it should tell you which ones you've redeemed

I'd still like to know how they look like =/, I think Im missing them because I don't simply know where to look at
augh lol i keep thinking i have the answer to a clue, but it ends up not being where i look and idk if im just blind and cant find the egg or i actually just have it wrong

its been ages since i began my journey on this egg hunt
i havent slept in weeks
my dogs are eating out of the trash can
my lawn is unkempt
because i cannot find the eGGS
This event's not very fun for me... I can really only come up with one place to look for some of these... and the places I look are the wrong answers, apparently? Others I feel like I'm missing some inside joke or reference. And music hearing a code? Did I miss a song or something?

Ugh... I knew I shouldn't have come on the forums after getting depressed.
GOD I am so confused! I just want a Yoshi egg, and I know they'll be gone by the time I wake up and find one :'(
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