TBT's Twelfth Annual Easter Egg Hunt (Answers Posted!)

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Backdrops Released
  • Backdrops & Scenery for Sale

    Hi! Coming in here with a couple additional Easter related updates to the Shop...

    Opalescent Oleander, Easter Equinox, Easter Blush

    Three different Recurring Backdrops are now available in the Shop for purchase! Each costs 200 Bells and they will not discard after the event concludes, and will be re-enabled during future Easter seasons. They are guaranteed to appear at least three times, after which they may be retired or continue to re-appear.

    This year's Easter season is cut a bit short with backdrops being visible until April 8th, given our recent Farewell to New Leaf event, but we will be sure to have them appear for a longer period of time in 2025! remind us next year

    Note that if you already own another recurring scenery, please deactivate it to use a new one.

    Golden Scenery


    Additionally, a brand new Golden Scenery is now available for 20 Bells to decorate your collectible line-ups and celebrate the grand return of so many past Easter Eggs! It can be resold back to the Shop for 10 Bells if you change your mind.
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  • The egg hunt has ended and the answers have been posted! Good work everyone!

    However, don't forget there's a bonus community egg happening in the time portal thread where you can earn 1 Old Egg. You can also still earn 3 Eggs from the Egg Decorating Contest. Both can be found here in The Bulletin Board!
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