Team Cheer Creations Thread

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Let's Go everyone! I may have also heard thru the grape vine that no only does this plant have great cheers they also have a stellar defense record.
Okay so I am far from artistic but I tried my best for team purple!! I opted for Étoile because she is cute and purple but I forgot how tricky their little horns are to draw! Please ignore them 😂


Also please ignore the complete lack of shading my art brain is 0 😭 love all the artists here on TBT you are all crazy talented 🥺💕
Here is my daily free verse poem for my wonderful blue team!!

To my surprise
When I looked at the sky
A huge blimp
Had caught my eye
For it held a great prize
It would be wise
Not to seek this prize
For it was far to high
To high in the sky
And if I said I wasn’t tempted
It’d definitely be a lie
To reach for the thing
High in the sky

let’s take the lead as soon as possible blue!
An entry for the Rei loves alliteration logs, aka I am not even sure what this is but here we are.

Paean to Purple

Purple as the pride of perfect paragons
Parading on preening palominos
Precipitously proclaiming our preeminence
Peerless and pugnacious and ready to plunder

Purple as the perilous peregrination
Preparing a panoply of ploys
Powering up our plans of attack
Pikes and pit traps and pistols at dawn

Purple as prowess on the field of play
Perforating pillars of defense
Pursuing peak performance
Perpetrating prime pummeling for plentiful points

Our opponents shall be prostrate
Purple will prevail!

(Go team purple!)
I love my team, red
Violets aren't blue
It's time for me to go to bed
so this would be my good night to you

This is a single verse/stanza poem so it doesn't meet the requirements. You could try to turn it into a Haiku, otherwise you will have to write a bit more!
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