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Team Fortress 2

Neato, a TF2 thread :D
Here's my backpack and here's my profile. Have a gander at it if you wish.
I mainly play as Scout, Soldier, Demoman, Engineer, Medic, and Spy. I'll play as Heavy and Sniper from time to time, but not on a regular basis.
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How... how... how did you get so many of ellis' cap? And why would you want them? for that matter how did you get soo many normal hats?

Also that stupid mmo has a subscription fee... ewww
Don't worry, you'll be able to get the items eventually. They just won't be vintage when we get them.
Neato, a TF2 thread :D
Here's my backpack and here's my profile. Have a gander at it if you wish.
I mainly play as Scout, Soldier, Demoman, Engineer, Medic, and Spy. I'll play as Heavy and Sniper from time to time, but not on a regular basis.
i require your hats.
all of them.

please? :3
Believe me, I'm a very picky person when it comes to trades :p
The only one I wouldn't have to think twice about trading is my Professional's Panama. Even so, I prefer doing vintage for vintage trades. I'm just a nit picky kind of person.

I've actually arranged my backpack to have a specific order:
Page 1: Recently obtained items, metal and weapons put aside for crafting
Page 2: Crate dump + that one duel game I got in a drop
Page 3: Top: Hats and misc items Bottom: Items up for trade
Page 4: Vintage Weapon Collection (ordered by weapons slot and class)
Page 5: Post-Vintage Weapon Collection (ordered the same as page 4)

I do this mainly so I can keep my vintage stuff away from accidentally being crafted. That and it makes navigating my backpack much easier.
I really want to play this weekend. My Math and Physics courses have been keeping me busy this whole week :S I have some feeling that this weekend I might get a good drop. Excluding that waste-of-time ticket.
>vintage item for a hat
>you just went full ******.jpg

is that really the going rate of vint items, nowadays? damn.
my backpack is sorted so that all my dupes are stored in page one until it's full, then i scrap them (in order of assumption of worth), crates page 2, then the rest are by class, horizontally, with hats being from right to left, items from left to right.
/autistic hat collector
I knew they had higher worth than regular items, but I didn't realize they were being crafted away that fast to become that valuable.
I've made sure I kept every weapon for each class, regardless of whether I used it or not. My pack-rat tendencies actually worked for the better here.
That's what people keep telling me. They keep offering me hats for it, but they're all asking for the shortstop with it (which, by the way, is untradable for me).
I have a question for people....

I may finish up a map I once started for fun, ctf GhostTown, and I was wondering where would I go to get input on it? Other than of course get someone to host it for us or something, I really can't run a server behind a router being used a lot by 3 other people...

I still need to work on it a bit to tidy things up and just get heights of things just right, but yeah gonna want to test it eventually and see what others think :p

....... >_> yes I might be trying to get my name out to other places if only to have things of note ....
Maybe have the map hosted somewhere for us to download and run around by ourselves?
Not the best for proper playtesting. (could add bots however)

Otherwise, I can't really think of a way. With the old server dead, looks like chances are slim.
@Sporge27: Try going to fpsbanana. They have many maps for a lot of Source games hosted there. If you create a thread asking for feedback, I bet there will be other players willing to try it out and provide feedback.

Or alternatively, you could upload it and share the link with us to try out.
the server/community i play with most often has a custom map night every now and then, if your map is playable, then why not let me post it up over there for a play-through? the nights usually have a full server (or at least 16 or so people), and some of the players are active enough on the forums to give you feedback, if you need that kinda thing.

otherwise, submit it to tf2maps.net, or fpsbanana, all that jazz. just get it out there. file host it somewhere, and i'll post it up on the forums myself, if you'd like.

if i can get my computer to run the server, i'll do it myself, but i can't guarantee any more than myself and a few other tbt-ers to playtest it. my comp can only handle ~12 people, anyway.
When I say playable I mean there are spawn points and flags on both teams that can be captured, but there is at least one building not complete, and I would really like to make it look nicer/adjust measurements on somethings like fences...

I really don't know if I will get around to finishing it, I am busy making my game project... this might be a good summer thing though.
I've tried out Hammer a few times. I found it a bit confusing at first, but as time went on, certain tasks became easier. I'm hoping to be able to advance myself of that in the future.
I'm actually trying to make a map that will suite the name koth_warehouse. I'm basing it off a sketch I made in boring classes XD

I also have an overhead view sketch of a map I made last year that looked so awesome. I called it tcv_spacecomplex and I literally spent about 3 hours on the design and game mode mechanics. The prefix tcv_ comes from the tc_ prefix, but this mode is done all in one round rather than many. So in short, it's a speed territory control map.