Team Popsicle <3
Awww!! ; __ ; Hahaha!! Anything we ate in class during high school was confiscated XD There was one time where a friend of mine told me the teacher ate a student's snack right in front of their face because the teacher had warned the student so many times not to eat snacks/food in his class ahahaha!yes, they are. if you eat them in the music department, they will be confiscated.
makes for fun at the concerts HAH
AWWW!!! ; __ ; Go away evil headache! D:<Nup, it started while I was in my second class of the day, so it couldn't. :< And thankies! So, how goes your day, Mimi? ovo
It's been going great!! I might take a nap soon though ahaha woke up too early and now sleepy XD But aside from that I'm doing greaatttt <3 Currently playing some Flight Rising games to earn some treasure!